okładka The Book of all Power ebook | epub, mobi | Edgar Wallace

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The Book of all Power Edgar Wallace ebook

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Sprzedaje i dostarcza: Woblink

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Opis treści

A really top-notch literary thriller from Edgar Wallace. The story is set in Russia and England around the time of WW1. We follow a 22-year-old man on his first assignment for a Russian-English oil company as he becomes embroiled in intrigue and romance involving a beautiful Grand Duchess, American mobster Cherry Bim, and the influential Israel Kensky and his magical book of „all power”. It is through Hay’s eyes that we see the steady erosion of the existing Russian aristocracy and the rise of the proletariat. The novel really belongs to Hay and his circle of confederates. A high-spirited romp through the Russian Revolution with the aid of more coincidences than you can shake a stick at and a good dose of dramatic licence.

„The Book of all Power”, Edgar Wallace – jak czytać ebook?

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The Book of all Power

The Book of all Power

Edgar Wallace,

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