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The Chronic Argonauts Herbert George Wells ebook

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Opis treści

This story was the first work of fiction in which an explorer traverses time through the use of a man-made device – a time machine – rather than through magic, divine intervention, or a natural phenomenon such as sleep. HG Wells’s „The Chronic Argonauts”, written seven years before his much more famous time travel work, „The Time Machine”. The mysterious Dr. Moses Nebogipfel arrives in a small Welsh town in 1887. The apprehensions of the simple rural folk eventually cause them to storm the inventor’s workshop in an effort to avenge perceived witchery. Nobody knows who he is or how he arrived, but his manner and his appearance soon make Dr. Nebogipfel’s name dreaded in the village. Nebogipfel escapes with one other person, the sympathetic Reverend Elijah Ulysses Cook, in what is later revealed to be a time machine. After having been missing for three weeks, Cook returns, aged many years older.

„The Chronic Argonauts”, Herbert George Wells – jak czytać ebook?

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O autorze

Herbert George Wells

H.G. Wells był brytyjskim pisarzem oraz biologiem, jednym z pionierów gatunku science fiction. Napisał ponad sześćdziesiąt książek - popularność zdobył przede wszystkim poprzez...

    • The Chronic Argonauts


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The Chronic Argonauts

The Chronic Argonauts

Herbert George Wells,

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