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The Count of Monte Cristo Alexandre Dumas ebook

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Opis treści

Set against the turbulent years of the Napoleonic era, Alexandre Dumas’s thrilling adventure story is one of the most widely read romantic novels of all time, along with „The Three Musketeers”. The historical setting is a fundamental element of the book, an adventure story primarily concerned with themes of hope, justice, vengeance, mercy, and forgiveness. It centers on Edmond Dantès who is wrongfully imprisoned, escapes from jail, acquires a fortune, and sets about exacting revenge on those responsible for his imprisonment. Acting as destiny’s agent, Dantès must face not only his enemies, but also the moral dilemmas raised by his ruthless quest for justice. His plans have devastating consequences for both the innocent and the guilty. Can the man who once had so much to live for, complete his mission and find peace, or will fate thwart his plan at the very last? Dumas’ novel presents a powerful conflict between good and evil embodied in an epic saga of rich diversity that is complicated by the hero’s ultimate discomfort with the hubristic implication of his own actions.

„The Count of Monte Cristo”, Alexandre Dumas – jak czytać ebook?

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The Count of Monte Cristo

The Count of Monte Cristo

Alexandre Dumas,

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