okładka The Count of the Saxon Shore ebook | epub, mobi | Alfred J. Church

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The Count of the Saxon Shore Alfred J. Church ebook

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Opis treści

So little is known from history about the last years of the Roman occupation that the writer of fiction has almost a free hand. In this story a novel, but, it is hoped, not an improbable, view is taken in an important event – the withdrawal of the legions. This is commonly assigned to the year 410, when the Emperor Honorius formally withdrew the Imperial protection from Britain. But the usurper Constantine had actually removed the British army two years before; and, as he was busied with the conquest of Gaul and Spain for a considerable time after, it is not likely that they were ever sent back. Mr. Church is a most excellent writer, keeps the novel moving, the excitement on edge and the heroes and heroin coming alive on page after page after page consequently.

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The Count of the Saxon Shore

The Count of the Saxon Shore

Alfred J. Church,

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