okładka The Light Beyond ebook | epub, mobi | E. Phillips Oppenheim

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The Light Beyond E. Phillips Oppenheim ebook

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Opis treści

In this remarkable 1927 novel by E. Phillips Oppenheim, a great conference has been called in London to renegotiate the war debt. It is clear that Germany is suffering, and all of Europe is affected. The great Financier Felix Dukane is in London with his beautiful daughter Estelle. It is rumored that he stands ready to loan Germany One Billion Pounds if the conference is able to limit the total debt. The outcome of the conference hinges on military and industrial secrets. The novel presents a fascinating picture of the political mindset of the day to go along with the twists and turns of the story. Interestingly, unlike most of Oppenheim’s novels, many of the main characters act dishonorably at various points in the novel.

„The Light Beyond”, E. Phillips Oppenheim – jak czytać ebook?

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The Light Beyond

The Light Beyond

E. Phillips Oppenheim,

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