okładka The Man from Morocco ebook | epub, mobi | Edgar Wallace

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The Man from Morocco Edgar Wallace ebook

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Sprzedaje i dostarcza: Woblink

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James Lexington Morlake, gentleman of leisure, Lord of the Manor of World and divers other titles which he rarely employed, unlocked the drawer of his elaborate Empire writing-table and gazed abstractedly into its depths. It was lined with steel and there were four distinct bolts. Slowly he put in his hand and took out first a folded square of black silk, then a businesslike automatic pistol, then a roll of fine leather... Suspense novel which takes the reader from London to Sussex and then to Tangier. Edgar Wallace, at the turn of the century and the next two decades, was a writing machine. He wrote scores of novels, plays, short stories, articles, and his most incredible popular work, the screenplay to the famous „"King Kong"”.

„The Man from Morocco”, Edgar Wallace – jak czytać ebook?

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The Man from Morocco

The Man from Morocco

Edgar Wallace,

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