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The Man Who Knew Too Much Chesterton G.K. ebook

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Sprzedaje i dostarcza: Woblink

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Opis treści

This is a detective story collection of Gilbert Keith Chesterton. Most of the stories in the collection are about the hermit of society, Horn Fischer, who has the talent to solve crimes. Journalist Harold March was walking around the outskirts of Turnbull and met the bizarre Horn Fisher, whom he immediately made friends with. No sooner did they get to know each other when they became witnesses of the disaster: the car flew off the road and fell into the abyss. Fisher and March approached the crash site and identified Sir Humphrey Turnbull, the local rich man. It turned out that he was shot, so that he fell into the abyss. New acquaintances take up the investigation.

„The Man Who Knew Too Much”, Chesterton G.K. – jak czytać ebook?

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Zanim zdecydujesz się na zakup, możesz również przeczytać u nas darmowy fragment ebooka. A jeśli wolisz słuchać, sprawdź, czy książka jest dostępna w Woblink także jako audiobook (mp3).

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The Man Who Knew Too Much

The Man Who Knew Too Much

Chesterton G.K.,

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