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The Incredulity of Father Brown Chesterton G.K. ebook

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The Incredulity of Father Brown is the third collection of short mysteries by G.K. Chesterton about that character. In The Incredulity of Father Brown, all the stories involve murders and conflicts between Catholicism and atheism and spiritualism. We find the usual Chesterton „moral landscape” -- in which the author paints a picture of nature somehow mirroring the fact that something is very wrong. In „The Incredulity of Father Brown,” G.K. Chesterton treats us to another set of bizarre crimes that only his „stumpy” Roman Catholic prelate has the wisdom and mindset to solve. As usual, Chesterton loves playing with early twentieth-century class distinctions, „common-sense” assumptions, and the often anti-Catholic biases of his characters.

„The Incredulity of Father Brown”, Chesterton G.K. – jak czytać ebook?

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The Incredulity of Father Brown

The Incredulity of Father Brown

Chesterton G.K.,

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