okładka The Return of Don Quixote ebook | epub, mobi | Chesterton G.K.

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The Return of Don Quixote Chesterton G.K. ebook

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Sprzedaje i dostarcza: Woblink

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Opis treści

Chesterton’s last novel is a reflection of his first novel. Michael Herne, the librarian at Seawood Abbey, is asked to play the part of a medieval king. He not only takes his role seriously by thoroughly researching the Middle Ages, when the play is concluded, he refuses to take off the costume... Set in the early 20th Century, this is the intriguing story of the rise of a new Don Quixote who introduces a medieval government into the world of big business.

„The Return of Don Quixote”, Chesterton G.K. – jak czytać ebook?

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The Return of Don Quixote

The Return of Don Quixote

Chesterton G.K.,

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