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The Moment and Other Essays Virginia Woolf ebook

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Opis treści

From the first essay of volume: The Moment and Other Essays, a multi-layered portrait of a summer evening in the English countryside in the company of friends, we are delighted with Wolfe’s perception and her ability to articulate them clearly. A series of sensory descriptions – the rumble of an airplane, the night darkness of an night, the flight of an owl – give way to a thought no less important, even inconspicuous: „If you are young, the future truly lies like a piece of glass, making it tremble and tremble. If you are old, the past lies on the present, like thick glass, causing it to oscillate, distorting it.

„The Moment and Other Essays”, Virginia Woolf – jak czytać ebook?

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Szczegółowe informacje na temat ebooka The Moment and Other Essays

O autorze

Virginia Woolf

Virginia Woolf to jedna z czołowych modernistycznych angielskich pisarek i feministek, znana z wprowadzania w swoich utworach nowatorskich zabiegów narracyjnych oraz subtelnego zrywania z wymogami realizmu. Woolf była ważną postacią literackiego światka londyńskiego,...

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The Moment and Other Essays

The Moment and Other Essays

Virginia Woolf,

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