okładka The Voyage Out ebook | epub, mobi | Virginia Woolf

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The Voyage Out Virginia Woolf ebook

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Opis treści

Rachel Vinrace sets out on a voyage from the confines of her home in England, where she is raised by her spinster aunts, to the exotic coast of South America in the early twentieth century. But more than just the physical journey from one shore to another, „The Voyage Out” is a story of the transformation of this essentially unworldly girl to a more self-possessed woman in love with the seemingly enlightened yet searching young writer, Terence Hewet. Her experiences, from a first kiss to a surprising flowering of real love, may inspire the reader to reflect on gender roles in society, love among intellectuals, and the strivings and sorrows of life. Some of the most lovely and illuminating writing flowed from Virginia Woolf’s hand as she wrote the words to describe the conversations as well as the innermost thoughts of her characters. Complex characters, vivid and beautiful descriptions of the exotic surroundings, and very real human internal struggles all make for a brilliant novel that one should savor slowly and thoroughly.

„The Voyage Out”, Virginia Woolf – jak czytać ebook?

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Szczegółowe informacje na temat ebooka The Voyage Out

O autorze

Virginia Woolf

Virginia Woolf to jedna z czołowych modernistycznych angielskich pisarek i feministek, znana z wprowadzania w swoich utworach nowatorskich zabiegów narracyjnych oraz subtelnego zrywania z wymogami realizmu. Woolf była ważną postacią literackiego światka londyńskiego,...

    • The Voyage Out


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The Voyage Out

The Voyage Out

Virginia Woolf,

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