okładka Washington Square ebook | epub, mobi | Henry James

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Washington Square Henry James ebook

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Sprzedaje i dostarcza: Woblink

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Opis treści

The main character Katherine is a girl who does not differ in anything special, but is at the same time quite an enviable bride, she has a good dowry. And the bridegroom appears on the horizon, love, everything, but the father is against their relationship, because this Maurice squandered all his fortune, and aunt Catherine, on the contrary, for real happiness. The whole book revolves around the relationship between Catherine and Maurice, Maurice and the girl’s father, Catherine and the aunt. The book interestingly spelled out the characters, but still truly breathes the feeling of the time in question. This is the beauty of this work.

„Washington Square”, Henry James – jak czytać ebook?

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    • Washington Square


      24,90 zł  

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Washington Square

Washington Square

Henry James,

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