Przed czterdziestu laty pozaziemski wirus stworzył obdarzone nadludzkimi możliwościami istoty znane jako asowie i dżokerzy. Od tej pory toczą one walkę o swe prawa i szacunek Akcja szóstego tomu cyklu Dzikie karty rozgrywa się podczas konwencji prezydenckiej Partii Demokratycznej w Atlancie. W centrum konferencyjnym Omni panuje groza. Fanatyczny przywódca religijny pragnie pozbawić dzikie karty wszelkich praw, a ukryty as władający potężną mocą zamierza wpłynąć na wynik...
A novel told in first person by a human abducted mind,describing the world of the ancient alien strange civilization,a world of amazing colossal partial underground costructions that persisted buried for eons. The Shadow Out of Time is the story of Professor of Economics Nathaniel Wingate Peaslee who faints one day in the middle of a lecture and regains consciousness five years later only to find that he–or some entity inhabiting his body–has been pursuing eccentric researc...
Lovecraft has proven that he is a master of descriptive writing that creates a sense of mystery, atmosphere, and dismay. On an expedition to Antarctica, Professor William Dyer and his colleagues discover the remains of ancient half-vegetable, half-animal life-forms. The extremely early date in the geological strata is surprising because of the highly-evolved features found in these previously unknown life-forms. Through a series of dark revelations, violent episodes, and mi...
The Sea-Wolf is Jack London’s journey deep into the heart of darkness and madness that each person carries within themselves. It is the story of a Danish youth named Humphrey „Hump” van Weyden and his struggles against the sea, as well as his own inner demons. Humphrey Van Weyden is a gentleman, and academic, who has lived a soft life among civilized, like-minded people. He is on a steemer to visit a friend. On this trip, a fog settles and the ship gets struck and sinks. Mr...
The Iron Heel is a distopian utopian socialist novel, told in first person by someone that have read the manuscript finded in a oak, hidden 600 years ago that tolds the life and adventures of a socialist activist Avis Everhard and her husband Ernst Everhard executed in 1932. The Iron Heel is a story with stories within’s about a past, a present, and a future...all told from the perspective of a man (Jack London) in by current readers almost 100 year...
Heavily influenced by Doyle’s growing belief in Spiritualism after the death of his son, brother, and two nephews in World War I, the book focuses on Edward Malone’s at first professional, and later personal interest in Spiritualism. This is the third and last novel in the „Professor Challenger” series, and is a marked departure from the previous tales. Professor Challenger and Malone return for the adventure, this time exploring the spiritual world. Malone, along with Chal...
The final, and certainly climactic, adventure of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Professor George Edward Challenger is 1928’s „When the World Screamed”. It is another Professor Challenger story where a new craziness pressures him to make the earth feel the existence of human being on its surface. Professor says the earth is a giant creature and it doesn’t even care or know that we – the human being – exist on its surface. Professor believes that by drilling into the center of the ...
Mystery of the Cloomber unfolds, revealing Heathstone’s war crime against a Buddhist priest. Narrated by John Fothergill West, a Scottish man, who moves from Edinburgh to Wigtownshire to care for the family estate when his father’s half brother dies. Near the estate is The Cloomber Hall, for years uninhabited, but now the residence of John Berthier Heatherstone, a general of the Indian Army. General Heatherstone is nervous to the point of being paranoid. As the story unfold...
„The Poison Belt”, a novella by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, is remarkable in that we, with the central characters, are permitted to witness what seems to be a global apocalypse, while enduring only minimal emotional fall out. Professor Challenger urgently summons his fellow explorers (Professor Summerlee, Lord John Roxton, and reporter E.D. Malone) to a meeting. Oddly, he requires each to bring an oxygen cylinder with him. The mysterious substance suddenly becomes a deadly thre...
The restless, questing intellect of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle spurred him far beyond the ingenious puzzles he constructed for Sherlock Holmes. Arthur Conan Doyle’s „The Lost World” focuses on a story about an expedition in the South American Rainforest, leading its four protagonists on a plateau which seems to surround a world believed to be long-gone. Professor Challenger is the one defending his findings, Professor Summerlee is the skeptic, and there are two unbiased observe...
„The Disintegration Machine” is a story featuring Doyle’s famous character Professor Challenger. It was first published in The Strand Magazine in January 1929. The story centers on the discovery of a machine capable of disintegrating objects and reforming them as they were. This short story is a part of the „Challenger series”, a collection of stories about the wealthy eccentric adventurer Professor Challenger. Unlike Conan Doyle’s laid-back, analytic character, Sherlock Ho...
The people of the small town of Tamfield are not used to exciting things happening. When millionaire Raffles Haw moves to town, rumors spread like wildfire about him. When his home is overtaken by workmen and strange boxes are seen coming and going, it only adds to the intrigue. Robert and Laura are his nearest neighbors and are soon delighted to meet this eccentric new addition to the small English town. The advent of Mr. Haw, however, changes the town, and particularly th...
Rachel Vinrace sets out on a voyage from the confines of her home in England, where she is raised by her spinster aunts, to the exotic coast of South America in the early twentieth century. But more than just the physical journey from one shore to another, „The Voyage Out” is a story of the transformation of this essentially unworldly girl to a more self-possessed woman in love with the seemingly enlightened yet searching young writer, Terence Hewet. Her experiences, from a...
Tom 5 opowiadań zebranych Philipa K. Dicka. Świetne koncepcje Dicka zajmują w spektrum wyobraźni unikatową długość fali. Nie dla niego podbój kosmosu; w kolonizacji Układu Słonecznego widzi tylko budowę coraz to nowych i tak samo koszmarnych suburbiów. Nie dla niego wymyślanie nowych ras kosmicznych potworów rodem z Halloween. Dick zawsze był zbyt świadomy ludzkich twarzy za maskami, żeby się bawić w wymyślne maskarady. Jego pomysły brały się z realnego świata. (…) Z nas...
„Wytrwać w tej pracy pomagało mi przeświadczenie, że mój trud może być przydatny dla innych osób, które pragną się poświęcić pisarstwu”. - ze Wstępu. Opowiadania zebrane Franka Herberta to pierwsze w naszym kraju tak obszerne wydanie krótkich form prozatorskich autora Diuny. Zgromadzone w dwóch tomach utwory – aż czterdzieści! – są, można śmiało powiedzieć, bezcenne. To właściwie przekrój zainteresowań pisarza, które znalazły później odzwierciedlenie w jego najwybitniejs...
„Jacob’s Room” is an impressionistic novel in which there is no defined plot; rather, random circumstances in the central character’s life, Jacob Flanders, are portrayed as observations of the people who come in contact with him. Set in early 20th century England, Jacob’s Room is simply the story of a young man who dies in the first world war, Jacob Flanderrs, as told in fleeting recollections by his mother and his close friends. The novel follows Jacob’s life, but he is se...
The book opens with an unnamed narrator’s description of a party held one Christmas Eve in England at which some friends have gathered to share ghost stories. One of the partygoers, Douglas, says that he knows a particularly sinister ghost story about a governess’s time spent taking care of a wealthy Londoner’s niece and nephew at a country estate haunted by two ghosts.The story is that a governess goes to an English country house to take charge of two orphaned children, Mi...
In this Gothic novella, Robert Louis Stevenson combines the horrors of the human soul with a disgust for the Victorian importance of reputation. Stevenson delves into the darkest depths of humanity, and seems to discover what Sigmund Freud would not publish for another 15 years: the repression of the id, or the instinctive side of human nature, by the super-ego, or the part of us that holds on to the cultural ideals and rules we were raised with. Strange Case of Dr Jekyll a...
James Joyce first wrote Portrait as a one-thousand page novel, full of well-developed scenes and long explanations of Stephen’s motives, but he decided to trim it into a short book with a new sort of style. The novel tells the story of the first twenty years of Stephen Dedalus – a young Catholic boy growing up in late 19th century Ireland. As the title suggests, this is the story not just of a young man, but of a boy developing into an artist. His search for knowledge and u...
Porywająca powieść fantasy, w której przygoda łączy się z dociekliwym duchem epoki wiktoriańskiej Cały świat, od Scirlandii do najdalszych krańców Erigi, zna lady Izabelę Trent jako najwybitniejszą na świecie specjalistkę od smoków. Ta niezwykła kobieta wyprowadziła naukę o smokach z mglistych cieni mitów i nieporozumień w krąg światła współczesnej nauki. Zanim jednak lady Trent stała się sławną osobą, jaką dziś znamy, była pogrążoną w książkach młodą kobietą, dzię...
Zbiór opowieści Gabrieli Zapolskiej zatytułowanych nazwami zwierząt, pod którymi autorka ukrywa ludzkie cechy i przywary. Smutne, czasem prześmiewcze spojrzenie na historie różnych osób, z których wyłania się niepokojący obraz ludzkiej kondycji jako takiej. Stworzonych przez Zapolską bohaterów charakteryzują małostkowość, zazdrość, pycha i brak lojalności.
„Pałuba” to awangardowa, wielowymiarowa proza Karola Irzykowskiego. Główny wątek opowiada historię życia Piotra Włoska, balansującego między rzeczywistością a idealistycznymi oczekiwaniami. Wątek powieściowy opleciony jest licznymi warstwami metaliterackimi, obejmującymi rozważania filozoficzne, psychologiczne i socjologiczne. Irzykowski wyprzedził w „Pałubie” myśl Freuda i dzieło Prousta.
Bułhakow sięga do konwencji science fiction, aby w satyryczny sposób zaprezentować obraz Związku Radzieckiego po rewolucji. W parodystycznej powieści katastroficznej pewien uczony odkrywa tajemnicze promienie, które mają zadziwiający wpływ na organizmy żywe. Na kłopoty nie trzeba długo czekać – wkrótce Związek Radziecki zalewa plaga potwornych gadów.