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    okładka Живой товар, Ebook | Сергей Майдуков

    В приморском городке исчезают красивые девушки. Следователь Никонов понимает: орудует не маньяк, враг намного хитрее и коварнее. Но он даже не предполагал, что его дочь тоже станет жертвой! Он скрывает ее исчезновение от начальства, чтобы продолжить дело. Концов в этой мутной истории как будто не найти, преступников кто-то покрывает. Неожиданный звонок Ольги, одной из похищенных, дает ему зацепку. Девушек выкрали, чтобы продать за границу! От власти и закона не стоит ждать по...

    okładka Коронованный череп. Преступление в повозке, Ebook | Фергюсон Хьюм

    Много лет назад в Южной Африке пересеклись пути авантюриста Джона Боуринга и баронета сэра Ганнибала Тревика. Теперь же один — миллионер, а второй едва может содержать родовое гнездо. На сельском празднике гадалка раскрывает Боурингу его ужасное будущее. Но тот лишь смеется — он хозяин своей жизни! Всё будет так, как он решил: очаровательная Дерика, дочь баронета, станет женой его полоумного сына. Ведь Боуринг знает кое-что о темном прошлом аристократа. Но по дороге с праздни...

    okładka Cząstka mojego serca, Ebook | Mary Higgins Clark, Alafair S. Burke

    Zbliża się najszczęśliwsza chwila w ich życiu… i wtedy zaczyna się najgorszy koszmar.Producentka znanego telewizyjnego programu śledczego Laurie Moran i jej narzeczony, prawnik Alex Buckley, za kilka dni mają wziąć ślub. Niestety, sytuacja komplikuje się, gdy siedmioletni bratanek Alexa w środku dnia znika z plaży. Rozpoczynają się poszukiwania - świadkowie pamiętają, że Johnny bawił się w wodzie i zbierał muszle, ale później nikt go już nie widział. Kiedy słońce zachodzi, do...

    okładka Скриня для гетьмана, Ebook | Василь Добрянський

    Клим Жеграй, колишній поліцейський, а нині — сищик, їде до Берліна з надважливою місією. Генерал Бусло, який доручив йому цю справу, дізнався, що на гетьмана Скоропадського планується замах. Жеграй має попередити вбивство керманича, але йому відомі тільки прізвища терористів. Як їх знайти у великому місті? Генерал радить йому почати пошуки з фірми «Аусфур Ґезельшафт», яка скуповує зерно в Україні. Пробравшись уночі до їхньої контори, Жеграй знаходить секретні документи про пр...

    okładka The Woman from Outside, Ebook | Hulbert Footner

    A woman goes on a secret errand into the far Northwest. Before it is accomplished the usual characters come into the story – Indians, mounted police, and the villain. Written by Hulbert Footner who was an Edmonton journalist and travelled the northwest before it was settled. Published in 1921, it is a fascinating eye-witness view of the times and attitudes of northern trappers and traders, including the colonial view of Native Peoples.

    okładka Tracked and Taken, Ebook | Dick Donovan

    James Edward Preston Muddock also known as „Joyce Emmerson Preston Muddock” and „Dick Donovan” (1843-1934) was a prolific British journalist and author of mystery and horror fiction. For a time his detective stories were as popular as those of Arthur Conan Doyle. Most of Muddock’s stories featured his continuing character Dick Donovan, the Glasgow Detective, named for one of the 18th Century Bow Street Runners. Other works include these short stories as well.

    okładka Tracked to Doom, Ebook | Dick Donovan

    There are peaceful people and there are passionate people, and once in a while you encounter someone who is beyond passionate, and probably murderous. Such people often make very clever predators, changing name and lifestyle like chameleons. How many will you meet in this story? How many spies? Will the detective or the „clever people” prevail? Read on and discover the trail.

    okładka Wanted!, Ebook | Dick Donovan

    „Wanted! A Detective’s Strange Adventures”, by James Edward Muddock (Dick Donovan), is a collection of 22 short stories. For a time his detective stories were as popular as those of Arthur Conan Doyle. Between 1889 and 1922 he published nearly 300 detective and mystery stories. Donovan investigates crime in all its forms, recovering priceless jewels, exposing villainous conspiracies and solving dastardly murders!

    okładka The Substitute Millionaire, Ebook | Hulbert Footner

    A multimillionaire Silas Gyde was killed by an anarchist’s bomb and Jack Norman found himself Silas Gyde’s sole heir and the richest man in New York. The inheritance included a warning from his benefactor about an elaborate protection scheme promising to protect the wealthy from anarchists, in which Gyde had declined to enroll. Jack enlists a out-of-work actor to take on his own identity, while he, in the guise of Jack Norman’s secretary, works furiously behind the scenes to ...

    okładka The Huntress, Ebook | Hulbert Footner

    „The Huntress” written by Hulbert Footner who was a Canadian writer of non-fiction and detective fiction. His first published works were travelogues of canoe trips on the Hudson River and in the Northwest Territory along the Peace River, Hay River and Fraser River. He also wrote a series of northwest adventures during the period 1911 through 1920. Published in 1922, here a frontier love story with a tough, but intriguing heroine and a reluctant, at first weak, but eventually ...

    okładka The Man from Manchester, Ebook | Dick Donovan

    The book, written in the 19 c. by British journalist and author of mystery and horror fiction J. E. Preston Muddock. For a time his detective stories were as popular as those of Arthur Conan Doyle. It is about a married gentleman, first accused of murder of his lover and later acquitted due to brilliant investigation by police in spite of alleged heavy evidence against the gentleman. The real murder, ex-husband of the victim, is pretty evident to the reader.

    okładka The Owl Taxi, Ebook | Hulbert Footner

    Suppose you were a young and very rich New Yorker, and you suddenly lost all your money. Suppose you met a taxi-driver and for reasons good to both you agreed to exchange identities. Suppose, having started up Fifth Avenue in the old taxi at one a.m., you were about to admit your first fare when you discovered a dead body already occupying the car. Humor, espionage, romance, and adventure make this novel thrilling.

    okładka The Chronicles of Michael Danevitch of the Russian Secret Service, Ebook | Dick Donovan

    Dick Donovan was a pseudonym used by (Mr) Joyce Emmerson Preston Muddock (1842-1934). Muddock was also a journalist and wrote many other books. His series characters included not only Dick Donovan, the Glasgow Detective, but also Russian Secret Service agent Michael Danevitch, Vincent Trill of the Detective Service, private detective Tyler Tatlock and early forensic criminologist Fabian Field among others. „The Chronicles of Michael Danevitch of the Russian Secret Service” is...

    okładka The Clue of the Dead Hand, Ebook | Dick Donovan

    ”The Clue of the Dead Hand” novela features detective Peter Brodie and has a Scottish setting. It tells of a murder and a simultaneous mysterious disappearance at Corbie Hall, „a strange, weird sort of place...” that has „an eeriness about it... calculated to make one shudder.” As much a rationalized ghost story as a detective story, it also involves male impersonation.

    okładka The Deaves Affair, Ebook | Hulbert Footner

    „The Deaves Affair” by Hulbert Footner. A millionnaire family is attacked by a blackmailer. They will be ruined if he always succeeds. A young struggling artist in New York City Evan is engaged to protect the old man from the crowd and from their blunders. But he had to play the role of a detective to help this family to discover the romantically inclined mystery in this affair. Will he succeed?

    okładka The Folded Paper Mystery, Ebook | Hulbert Footner

    Nick Peters was a repairer of watches who fond of friendly arguments with Fin Corveth, a free-lance journalist. One day Peters is murdered, and Corveth finds himself involved in a baffling mystery in which a little brass ball plays an important part for the little brass ball conceals an emerald locket, which in turn conceals a blank square of folded paper. It becomes clear that greater events are afoot than simple murder...

    okładka The Further Adventures of Romney Pringle, Ebook | Cliffford Ashdown

    Austin Freeman and Dr. John James Pitcairn, a medical office at Halloway Prison, writing under the common pseudonym, Clifford Ashdown. This mystery collection is the first work of Freeman and it is a delightful bundle of adventures features the gentleman criminal Romney Pringle, an engaging crook and literary agent who lives in Furnival’s Inn, cycling everywhere no matter what the scam! This series of six stories feature many colourful, bizarre characters from the Chicago Hei...

    okładka Deluzja, Ebook | Bartek Rojny

    JAKA JEST CENA PRAWDY? Kudowa Zdrój. Witek Weiner budzi się z koszmarnego snu. Wspomnienie bezwładnego ciała Sary w jego ramionach nie daje mu spokoju. Daty kalendarza wskazują, że nie pamięta kilku ostatnich dni. Czy martwe ciało jego przyjaciółki to tylko narkotyczna wizja, czy to stało się naprawdę?Weiner szybko orientuje się, że po sygnowanym jego nazwiskiem turnusie terapeutycznym, poświęconym dewiacjom seksualnym, nie pozostał nawet ślad. Nikt też nie sły...

    okładka The Adventures of Romney Pringle, Ebook | Cliffford Ashdown

    From the author of the Thorndyke detective stories. The stories follow the adventures of Romney Pringle, a gentleman con man, thief and master of disguises–who is not above using his keen observation and wits to track down other criminals. These twelve tales conjure up the authentic atmosphere of Victorian London and offer a thrilling alternative to the ascetic honesty of Sherlock Holmes!

    okładka The Adventures of Tyler Tatlock, Private Detective, Ebook | Dick Donovan

    Dick Donovan’s detective was considered a great ‘rival’ to Holmes. For a time his detective stories were as popular as those of Arthur Conan Doyle. „The Adventures of Tyler Tatlock, Private Detective” is a thrilling collection of mystery and adventure tales (21 in all) including „The Queensferry Mystery” in which a series of remarkable house burglaries take place during the winter months in Edinburgh. This series also includes Sherlockian titles such as „The Sign of the Yello...

    okładka Suspicion Aroused, Ebook | Dick Donovan

    This collection dates from 1893 and includes 13 short stories written by British journalist and author of mystery and horror fiction J. E. Preston Muddock. Many of Muddock’s mystery stories feature the character Dick Donovan, a Glasgow Detective, named for one of the 18th Century Bow Street Runners. The character was so popular that later stories were published under this pen name. Muddock also wrote true crime stories, horror, and 37 novels, most as „Dick Donovan.”

    okładka Ramshackle House, Ebook | Hulbert Footner

    Traveling through southern Florida, a New Yorker Don Counsel is being framed by Ernest Riever for a murder he did not commit. Riever is holding the real killer captive on his yacht while detectives are searching for Counsel. Meanwhile a young Pen Broome tries to help Counsel out. Riever’s men find Counsel and trap him in a ballast bulkhead, but Pen rescues him. Will Counsel be able to prove his innocence?

    okładka Riddles Read, Ebook | Dick Donovan

    Written by James Edward Preston Murdock (1843–1934), an author of mysteries, thrillers, and horror stories. For a time, his popularity rivaled that of Arthur Conan Doyle – and he was certainly more prolific than Doyle. This collection of short stories dates from 1896: 1: In the Shadow of Sudden Death, 2: The Doom of the Star-gazer, 3: The Strange Story of Some State Papers, 4: The Problem of Dead Wood Hall, 5: Trapped, 6: The Riddle of Beaver’s Hill, 7: A Railway Mystery, 8: ...

    okładka Out There, Ebook | Dick Donovan

    „The heart of a man is full of hypocrisy; the heart of Nature is utterly without guile”. Harold Preston discovers this when he goes prospecting for gold in the uncharted bush with a rival he considered a friend. This is a fairly decent tale of jealousy, betrayal and vengeance written by a prolific British journalist and author of mystery and horror fiction James Edward Preston Muddock also known as „Dick Donovan” (28 May 1843 – 23 January 1934).

Czym są ebooki?

Ebooki to książki, których treść została zapisana w formie elektronicznej. Są nazywane również e-książkami, publikacjami elektronicznymi czy książkami elektronicznymi. Ebooki można odczytywać na komputerach i laptopach, ale są one przeznaczone głównie do czytania na urządzeniach przenośnych takich jak smartfony, tablety i przede wszystkim czytniki książek elektronicznych. Ebooki posiadające swoje pierwowzory w formie papierowej są jej odwzorowaniem. Posiadają wszystkie elementy obecne w „tradycyjnej” wersji, takie jak okładkę, ilustracje, spis treści, przypisy itp.

Niepodważalną zaletą ebooków jest to, że w odróżnieniu od drukowanej książki można w nich zmieniać rodzaj oraz wielkość czcionki, formatować tekst, a w zależności od posiadanego czytnika istnieje też możliwość wyszukiwania pojedynczych słów w tekście, dodawania zakładek i robienia notatek.

Formaty ebooków

Ebooki są dostępne w wielu formatach. Najpopularniejsze z nich, będące standardem dla publikacji elektronicznych, to EPUB, MOBI i PDF.


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