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Powieści historyczne ebooki

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    okładka The Woman Who Did, Ebook | Grant Allen

    In 1895, this scandalous book titled „The Woman Who Did” by Grant Allen promulgating certain startling views on marriage and kindred questions, became a bestseller. The book told the story of an independent, young, self-assured middle-class woman who has a child out of wedlock. Herminia Barton, Cambridge-educated daughter of the Dean of Dunwich, is more determined than most to arrange her own life. She accordingly enters into a relationship outside marriage with one of her ...

    okładka The Country Doctor, Ebook | Honoré de Balzac

    „The Country Doctor” („Le Médecin de Campagne”), by Honoré de Balzac, belongs to the series known as „Scenes from Country Life”; a part of his great cycle of fiction, „The Comedy of Human Life”. It is one of Balzac’s noblest pieces of fiction, presenting beautiful traits of human nature with sympathy and power. The scene is laid in a village near Grenoble in France, and the story begins with the year 1829. Doctor Benassis is the title character of this novel. He is a compas...

    okładka A Second Home, Ebook | Honoré de Balzac

    In a dark, narrow street in Paris lives an old widow and her pretty young daughter, sit by the window most days. They share a poor but contented existence, supporting themselves through embroidery work. They see a gentleman in a brown coat pass by in the mornings and return in the evenings. The mother always remarks that he appears either over-worked or in delicate health. The daughter ignores most of her remarks as her mother sees every passer-by as a possible protector fo...

    okładka Honorine, Ebook | Honoré de Balzac

    An extremely collectible, sweet little book named for and written in honor of Balzac’s mother. Comtesse Honorine de Bauvan was married to the Comte at nineteen. She leaves him and is later abandoned by her lover when she becomes pregnant. She lives simply and earns money by making artificial flowers. What she doesn’t know is that her husband is paying exorbitant prices for her work, thus supporting her while letting her think she is independent of him. The story is perhaps ...

    okładka Linnet, Ebook | Grant Allen

    Originally published in 1900, „Linnet, A Romance” is a classic romance novel by noted author Charles Grant Blairfindie Allen. Two young English tourists come to a little mountain village Tyrol where they find the Tyrolese in all their native simplicity; the young men, with the pride and aspirations of the hunter, who dance wildly and make love fiercely, and the maidens of easy virtue who tend their cows in the summer and serve a master in the village through the long winter...

    okładka An African Millionaire, Ebook | Grant Allen

    Colonel Cuthbert Clay is a master of disguise and an ingenious con man who sets his sights on the South African Millionaire, Sir Charles Vandrift, a millionaire owner of diamond mines in Africa. Each chapter brings new cringing on the reader’s part as we realize before Charles does that he is about to be a victim anew. As his South African diamond fortune takes hit after hit from the quick-witted master of disguise, the author leaves even the reader guessing: who can you tr...

    okładka Andivius Hedulio, Ebook | Edward Lucas White

    Edward Lucas White has written a number of historical novels, including Andivius Hedulio. Amazing story of a Roman during the reign of Commodus. This is an exciting adventure! You will feel that you are in ancient Rome.

    okładka Lukundoo and Other Stories, Ebook | Edward Lucas White

    ”Lukundoo and Other Stories” is one of those stories that are scary to read. The story of a man who breaks a taboo, then bears a cruel punishment. Curse is one of the punishments. The story will appeal to those who are interested in colonial anxiety and horror of the body.

    okładka The Unwilling Vestal, Ebook | Edward Lucas White

    The Unwilling Vestalm, written by Edward Lucas White, tells the story of the difficult choice of the main character. Young girl in imperial Rome. She is in love with a young nobleman, but her father insists that she marry another man, Kalvaster, or becomea Vestal virgin. The woman becomes Vestal, one of the six virgin priestesses of the goddess Vesta, whose duty was to protect the sacred flame in the Temple of Vesta. If the flame ever goes out, it will have dire consequence...

    okładka The Fair God, Ebook | Lewis Wallace

    Lewis Wallace writes a very credible account of the fall of the Aztec Empire. The account is penned by the fictional Viceroy Mendoza to the Emperor. The main character talks about his respect for the Aztec nation. This is a story about the conflict between the Spanish and the Aztecs.

    okładka The Prince of India, Ebook | Lewis Wallace

    On the pages of the works of Lewis Wallace characters lived, fell in love, fought and died, influencing the structure of public affairs. This novel tells about the events that led to the fall of Constantinople. Legendary wandering Jew under the guise of the Prince of India helps save the city. A wandering Jew served as the basis for several stories, and this is one of the best.

    okładka Ben Hur, Ebook | Lewis Wallace

    A Tale of the Christ – one of the popular novels written by Lewis Wallace. It is considered „the most influential Christian book of the nineteenth century”. The novel reflects the themes of betrayal, condemnation and redemption with a plot of revenge that leads to a story of love and compassion. It was the bestselling novel of all time.

    okładka Red Belts, Ebook | Hugh Pendexter

    The whole story revolves around the Northern Valley, which at the end of the 18th century had a great debt for the state, about 5 million. This noble kingdom, from which the state of Tennessee was to be created, was conquered by the confiscation and rifles of the settlers over the mountains and cost North Carolina neither blood nor money. The republic was too young to develop. This is a historic event for North Carolina. How could she get out of this situation?

    okładka A Virginia Scout, Ebook | Hugh Pendexter

    Hugh Pendexter was an American author who also wrote under the pseudonyms H. P. and Faunce Rochester. The main character is hiding from a man who does not give him peace of mind. He came to one of the many wildlife homes. He had utilised this unique Shelter more than once when breaking his journey at the junction of the Monongahela and the Cheat.

    okładka Cunning Murrell, Ebook | Arthur Morrison

    Spirit of Old Essex draws together Arthur Morrison’s lost treasure of a novel „Cunning Murrell”, a jocular tale of witchcraft, old salts, pugilists, smuggling and country life long lost, together with additional background information on Morrison’s research and inspiration. „Cunning Murrell” is a fictionalized biography of James Murrell, also known as Cunning Murrell, who was an English cunning man, or professional folk magician. In this capacity, he reportedly employed mag...

    okładka Spinster of This Parish, Ebook | W.B. Maxwell

    The romance story of a hearty well-known explorer, who finally, at the age of 62 crosses the Antarctic and the spinster who accompanies him on his journey to the Andes in 1895. Here we have a young Victorian woman’s unconventional romance with a man, who was already married, had various adventures, was disowned by her family, etc. So, what happened in between? Did their romance end when he left for his next expedition? Will his crazy wife ever die so that they can get marri...

    okładka The Devil’s Garden, Ebook | W.B. Maxwell

    1913. „The Devil’s Garden” is a popular classic work by W. B. Maxwell. The main character in this story is William Dale who is Postmaster of Rodhaven. He is introduced as an honest peasant of uncompromising temper, whose rough nature is ever softened by his pretty wife Mavis. Dale’s evening in London is transformed into a catastrophe when he learns a past secret about Mavis that threatens his marriage. Confronted with this secret, Will and Mavis struggle to make their marri...

    okładka Jesse James, the Outlaw, Ebook | W.B. Lawson

    Jesse James (September 5, 1847 – April 3, 1882) was an American outlaw, gang leader, bank robber, train robber, and murderer from the state of Missouri and the most famous member of the James-Younger Gang. Already a celebrity when he was alive, he became a legendary figure of the Wild West after his death. His exploits inspired the imagination of America, including a whole series of dime novels dedicated to his adventures. This tale was originally published in 1901 and writ...

    okładka Mrs. Thompson, Ebook | W.B. Maxwell

    British novelist William B. Maxwell (1866-1938), the son of novelist Mary Elizabeth Braddon, wrote both plays and novels. He is well known for his drama „The Last Man In” (1910) and the satire „The Naked Truth” (1910). Maxwell wrote almost 40 novels which include „Tudor Green” (1935), „The Ragged Messenger” (1904) and „The Devil’s Garden” (1913). He also enlisted as a lieutenant in the Royal Fusiliers at the age of 50, with the outbreak of World War I. Written in 1911, „Mrs...

    okładka Stella Fregelius, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    This is another of Haggard’s eternal love stories. This novel tells of intersecting fates, the triangle: scholarly Morris Monk, inventor; his first cousin, Mary Porson; and the daughter of the new church rector, Stella Fregelius. The story at one point plays with the idea that love cannot exist between man and woman without lust, which implies a rare power to Morris and Stella’s bond. The moral of this story is: love that lives after death, and that spiritual connection is ...

    okładka The People of the Mist, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    In this story, readers are introduced to Leonard Outram, a penniless British adventurer in his pocket who is seeking wealth in distant lands, having lost his family lands and estates. He is involved in the rescue of a young Portuguese woman from the largest slave camp in Africa. As a result, the main character discovered a lost race. He will not be easy, because he will face their God.

    okładka Red Eve, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    Haggard wrote the story „Red Eve” in six months. In it, we meet Sir Hugh de Cressi, the son of a merchant who is in love with Eve. She, too, is in love with him, but a traitor knight Sir Edmund Acour is caring for her. He realizes that he cannot conquer her feelings and gives her a potion. The result is that she did marry him. But how long will this potion act? Unlike other stories, where events are developing in Africa, here readers will be able to travel around Europe....

    okładka Pearl Maiden, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    Pearl Maiden is an intriguing and exciting story, especially for those who love historical fiction. The story of Miriam, who was born immediately after the first persecution of Christians soon after the Crucifixion and Resurrection. Although her parents do not survive, she becomes a Christian and is an observer of the fall of Jerusalem to Rome. Historical accuracy is clearly and clearly described: from the Jewish faith to the order

    okładka Queen of the Dawn, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    Queen of the Dawn is an ancient Egyptian fantasy. The beginning of the story is very rapidly developing, from the very beginning the pharaon dies. And the daughter of Pharaoh is forced to hide. She meets and falls in love with the usurper’s disguised son. The end is full of adventures and bright battles.

Co znajdziesz w kategorii: Powieść historyczna

Ta kategoria zawiera książki należące do gatunku, który leży na styku historii i literatury. Autorzy takich tekstów łączą materiał historyczny z fikcją, świat przedstawiony umieszczony jest w przeszłości, tłem są ważne wydarzenia historyczne, mogą pojawić się nawet znane postaci historyczne, ale pozostałe elementy są fikcją. Książki znajdujące się w tej kategorii przedstawiają różne epoki i okresy historyczne. Znaleźć tu możemy utwory wchodzące w skład kanonu literatury polskiej i europejskiej, jak „Potop” Henryka Sienkiewicza czy „Trzej muszkieterowie” Aleksandra Dumasa, a także zbeletryzowane biografie takich osób jak genialny malarz postimpresjonistyczny Vincent van Gogh („Pasja życia” Irvinga Stone’a) czy zapomniana przez świat nauki Mileva Marić („Pani Einstein” Marie Benedict). W serwisie Woblink.com znajdują się także opowieści o starożytności, (np. trzytomowy cykl Roberta Harrisa – „Cycero”, „Spisek”, „Dyktator” – o starożytnym Rzymie, którego bohaterem jest wybitny mówca i polityk Marek Tulliusz Cyceron), legendach arturiańskich („Trylogia arturiańska” Bernarda Cornwella) czy II wojnie światowej i obozach zagłady (bestsellerowa powieść „Tatuażysta z Auschwitz” Heather Morris), a także kryminały („W cieniu prawa” Remigiusza Mroza) i romanse historyczne („Nieproszona miłość” Julii Justiss). W kategorii „Powieść historyczna” nie mogło również zabraknąć książek Elżbiety Cherezińskiej, pisarki specjalizującej się w powieściach dotyczących historii Polski w różnych okresach dziejowych. W ofercie znajdują się książki Cherezińskiej o zjeździe gnieźnieńskim („Gra w kości”), rozbiciu dzielnicowym („Korona śniegu i krwi”), II wojnie światowej („Legion”), a nawet o wikingach (saga „Północna droga”).