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    okładka Aventures de trois Russes et de trois Anglais dans l’Afrique australe, Ebook | Juliusz Verne

    Après avoir reçu des nouvelles du début de la guerre entre la Russie et la Grande-Bretagne, l’expédition s’est scindée en deux parties: russe et anglaise, qui poursuivent leurs recherches séparément. Les Britanniques se retrouvent à l’ombre de Macolo, une tribu célèbre pour ses vols. Cependant, ils ne suivent pas seulement le groupe de scientifiques anglais, mais aussi le russe. Ces voyous d’Afrique du Sud attaquent l’expédition russe et assiègent le mont Scorsef, sur leque...

    okładka Le Collier de la reine, Ebook | Alexandre Dumas

    Le Collier de la Reine est un roman fascinant écrit par Alexandre Dumas. De nombreuses actions se déroulent ici: la reine tombe amoureuse, tricheur cardinal, la comtesse assigne des diamants et Cagliostro prédit l’avenir. Le roman d’aventure contient de vrais événements historiques, ce qui le rend plus intéressant. Un vrai pazzle pour le lecteur.

    okładka Plaga olbrzymów, Ebook | Kevin Hearne

    „Siedem kenningów” - nowy cykl autora bestsellerowej serii „Kroniki Żelaznego Druida” Kevin Hearne z serią o Żelaznym Druidzie trafił na listę bestsellerów „New York Timesa”. W nowym cyklu utalentowany pisarz tworzy własną mitologię, w której nie zabraknie zmiennokształtnych bardów, walczących ogniem olbrzymów i nastolatków rozmawiających z oszałamiającymi stworzeniami. Wojowniczka Tallynd musi stawić czoło inwazji olbrzymów, które zamierzają wyciąć w pień c...

    okładka Wesołe przygody Robin Hooda, Ebook | Pyle Howard

    Powieść amerykańskiego pisarza Howarda Pyle’a Wesołe przygody Robin Hooda jest najbardziej znaną i cenioną adaptacją literacką przygód Robin Hooda. Howard Pyle połączył liczne średniowieczne przekazy o legendarnym bohaterze angielskich podań i ballad, by scalić je w nowoczesnej powieści przygodowej, pisanej w sposób przystępny zarówno dla starszych jak i młodszych czytelników. Powstała pasjonująca opowieść o Robin Hoodzie, szlachcicu walczącym z niesprawiedliwym władcą, ...

    okładka Mała Dorrit, Ebook | Charles Dickens

    Mała Dorrit jest jedną z najpopularniejszych powieści angielskiego pisarza Charlesa Dickensa, autora Opowieści wigilijnej. Opowiada o osobliwych losach Małej Dorrit i jej skomplikowanej, pełnej przygód miłości do szlachetnego Artura Clennama. Mała Dorrit dorasta wraz ze swoim rodzeństwem w londyńskim więzieniu dla dłużników, gdzie osadzony jest jej ojciec William Dorrit. Dziewczyna może swobodnie opuszczać mury więzienia i pracować jako szwaczka. Odwaga i niezłomność zo...

    okładka Zdobycie Sandomierza, Ebook | Walery Przyborowski

    Powieść dla młodzieży opisująca krwawą bitwę w Austriakami oraz zdobycie Sandomierza przez wojska Księstwa Warszawskiego w 1809 roku. Książka trzyma w napięciu od samego początku do samego końca.

    okładka Oblężenie Warszawy, Ebook | Walery Przyborowski

    Powieść historyczna przeznaczona dla każdego czytelnika, dzięki której przeniesiemy się w czasy insurekcji kościuszkowskiej. Poszerzymy swoją wiedzę historyczną w bardzo przystępny i ciekawy sposób.

    okładka Biały Kapitan, Ebook | Ferdynand Antoni Ossendowski

    „Witeź” to norweski kapitan, który wyruszył wraz ze swoją załogą na wyprawę ze Skandynawii do krainy Samojedów i Tunguzów po złoto i cenne skóry. Po drodze przyjmuje na pokład nowego marynarza, który skrywa tajemnice. W czasie podróży okazuje się, że nikomu tak naprawdę nie można ufać.

    okładka Koń na wzgórzu i inne opowiadania, Ebook | Eugeniusz Małaczewski

    Poruszający zbiór opowieści, opisujący przeżycia Eugeniusza Małaczewskiego podczas wojny polsko-bolszewickiej 1920 roku. Publikacja zawiera krótkie utwory prozatorskie autora, które mimo upływu czasu nie straciły na aktualności.

    okładka Way of the Lawless, Ebook | George Owen Baxter

    If you love thrilling adventure stories with twist and turns then this Western adventure will offer you just what you need. It tells the story of a decent young man, Andrew Lanning , who through a couple of unlucky breaks, is forced into the life of a desperado. He made one mistake in the beginning, and now the most feared lawman in the mountain desert, Hal Dozier, is on his trail and will stop at nothing to bring the outlaw Lanning to justice. But is Andrew guilty of all t...

    okładka Thunder Moon, Ebook | George Owen Baxter

    The "Thunder Moon" series by the very prolific author Frederick Faust (published under his favorite pseudonym Max Brand) is a series of pulp fiction Western and adventure novels. In order, the works appear in four volumes as "The Legend of Thunder Moon", "Red Wind and Thunder Moon", "Thunder Moon and the Sky People", and "Farewell, Thunder Moon". Thunder Moon was the adopted son of a great warrior, unaware that he was born the son of a white man. And though he grew bigger a...

    okładka The Boy Who Found Christmas, Ebook | George Owen Baxter

    Renowned Western writer Max Brand does it again in the eminently enjoyable Adventure Classics "The Boy Who Found Christmas ". Packed with enough action and romance to please even the most die-hard fans of the genre, the work also addresses a wide range of important themes with insight and sensitivity. This classic’s appeal extends far beyond the core audience for Westerns - give it to a yet-to-be-won-over friend or loved one, and soon they’ll be clamoring for more. The plot...

    okładka The Whispering Outlaw, Ebook | George Owen Baxter

    Renowned Western writer Max Brand does it again in the eminently enjoyable Western "The Whispering Outlaw". The Whisperer, a mysterious frontier bandit who never shows his face or speaks in his own voice, recruits a ragtag band of outlaws to assist him in a series of daring robberies designed to make them all rich. Who was this whispering outlaw who could so easily slip through the hand of the lawmen Kenworthy and even baffle the seasoned and brutal gunman Lew Borgen, whom ...

    okładka The Red Bandanna, Ebook | George Owen Baxter

    Frederick Schiller Faust (May 29, 1892 - May 12, 1944) was an American author known primarily for his thoughtful and literary Westerns under the pen name Max Brand. This is one of his novels. Clancy Morgan must learn how to shoot a gun when his best friend is unjustly accused of murder; John Manner, on the lam from the law, finds a new identity in the frozen Arctic. The plot is well constructed with well drawn subsidiary characters and provides a number of interesting twist...

    okładka The Black Rider, Ebook | George Owen Baxter

    The Black Rider,” originally published in 1925, is set in Spanish California at the time when the eastern colonies of this country were still ruled by Great Britain. In the novella The Black Rider," a Navajo named Taki is fluent in four languages, a skilled knife-thrower, a consummate horseman, and can outwit any opponent. It is a tale of intrigue and revenge, where a mysterious Navajo becomes more than just a nemesis to a brutal landowner and his simpering son. But a woman...

    okładka Stolen Gold, Ebook | George Owen Baxter

    Renowned Western writer Max Brand does it again in the eminently enjoyable novel "Stolen Gold". Packed with enough action and romance to please even the most die-hard fans of the genre, the novel also addresses a wide range of important themes with insight and sensitivity. No one knew - or wrote about - the West like Max Brand, as shown brilliantly in the this classic short novel. In this novel Reata, one of Brand’s most popular heroes, is enlisted to retrieve a hidden trea...

    okładka Silvertip’s Search, Ebook | Max Brand

    Arizona Jim Silver had to find Rap Bender, Judge Bender’s missing son - the same Rap Bender who had joined guns with Silver’s oldest and deadliest enemy. But when the legendary Silvertip finally caught up with Bender, they shared a common enemy - ever since Bender’s partner double-crossed him by trying to kidnap his woman. Now it was up to the two men to catch the man Silver had pledged to kill - for Silver’s honor and his life. "Silver Tip" is a series of Western novels wr...

    okładka The Rancher’s Revenge, Ebook | Max Brand

    The story of young, hardworking rancher John Saxon who suffers abuse from the mean-spirited Bob Witherell. With a great show of self-discipline and character, Saxon gains skill as a gunsman, and takes down Witherell in a duel ... but Witherell is not ordinary bully, he is also the brother of the notorious outlaw, The Solitaire, of national repute and a "list of dead men ... long and crowded with important names. One of many recommended Westerns by this prolific author. Fred...

    okładka Ronicky Doone’s Treasure, Ebook | Max Brand

    Western Hero, Ronicky Doone, Provides His Own Brand of Justice. Ronicky Doone overhears Jack Moon’s gang plotting the murder of ex-member Hugh Dawn. While Ronicky doesn’t know Hugh Dawn or Jack Moon, he is always ready for adventure. With the aid of his trusty, well-trained horse, Lou, he outraces Moon’s gang and races off to warn Hugh and they flee along with Hugh’s daughter, Jerry. Great read with Max Brand’s leading off to unexpected places with characters you come to kn...

    okładka The White Cheyenne, Ebook | Max Brand

    Terry Rivers was the black sheep of an aristocratic Southern family. When he headed West, the Law was in hot pursuit. In Zander City he won respect with his whip, fists and gun. There he met the legendary Lost Wolf, a white man who’d been raised by the savage Cheyennes. Lost Wolf had turned out so crazy that the Cheyennes wouldn’t make him a chief even though he was their best fighter. Between this untamed white Indian and the runaway Southern aristocrat developed the stran...

    okładka The Tenderfoot, Ebook | Max Brand

    Red Anthony had the lazy look of a tenderfoot and the lighting draw of a devil. Raised in a circus, he grew up knife throwing and horse stunt riding. He follows a Frances Jones, who has stolen his heart, out to Dodge City. On his first day searching for her he makes enemies with some criminals. They’re soon ganging up to find him and "shoot him dead". By the time Red rode out of Dodge City, he was one of the fastest gunmen around. And on his trail was a band of the toughest...

    okładka The Rangeland Avenger, Ebook | Max Brand

    If you enjoy a fast moving Western dealing with vengeance and well-deserved payback, you’ll like "The Rangeland Avenger" by Max Brand. When Riley Sinclair heads into the town of Sour Creek to seek vengeance for the death of his brother, he doesn’t expect any trouble given his reputation and his skills with a gun. He is not prepared for Cold Feet, however, a man locally known for his abject lack of courage and his non existent fighting skills. A soft spoken but ruthless gunm...

    okładka Trailin’!, Ebook | Max Brand

    Trailin is a classic Western tale of vengeance meted out by six-guns. It tells the story of Anthony Bard, a motherless young man raised among the aristocracy of the East, who possesses a desperate hunger for the adventure that only the Western life could bring him. One day he sees his father murdered in the yard of their home. This starts young Anthony on a trail of vengeance that leads him to the far west. Here, Anthony, a tenderfoot with a knack for survival must track do...

    okładka Valley Thieves, Ebook | Max Brand

    The outlaws chasing Silvertip were the deadliest in the West. They wanted the famous man - and the six-shooters they carried always got them what they wanted. The story relates Jim Silver’s continuing battle of wills and wits with his arch-enemy Barry Christian, in the process of which Silver’s wolf Frosty and his powerful horse Parade are abducted. Now, with guns drawn, Silvertip and Christian faced each other to settle their old feud once and for all! We also meet the eni...

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