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    okładka The Complete Silvertip Series, Ebook | Max Brand

    Max Brand is an American writer, considered one of the best authors who worked in the Western genre. In total, he wrote about 500 works, of which 300 were in this genre. Silvertip is a western novel about revenge and quest completion. Silvertip wanted to kill a cold-blooded Bandini, but it was a child in a Bandini cloak...The multibook includes the most read novels of the author, such as: «Silvertip», «The Man from Mustang», «Silvertip’s Strike», «Silvertip’s Roundup», «Sil...

    okładka 15 Collected Westerns of Zane Grey, Ebook | Zane Grey

    Zane Gray was an American author, known on both sides of the ocean for his Westerns – popular novels and adventure stories that represented a solid, idealized image of the Old West. From his pen came out over 60 books of westerns, on which more than 100 films were shot. The multibook includes the most read novels of the author, such as: «Forlorn River», «Nevada», «Arizona Ames», «Majesty’s Rancho», «Knights of the Range», «Under the Tonto Rim», «The Thundering Herd», «West ...

    okładka The Specimen Case, Ebook | Ernest Bramah

    Working name of UK author Ernest Brammah Smith (1868-1942) for all his writing; he is best-known for two series, the Max Carrados books about a blind detective, all of whose Perceptions are enormously enhanced, and a series of tales in which the Chinese Kai Lung tells stories – often to stave off some unpleasant fate, like Scheherazade. At the height of his fame, Bramah’s mystery tales, featuring the blind detective, appeared alongside Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holm...

    okładka Seibert of the Island, Ebook | Gordon Young

    South Seas Adventure Novel, written in 1925 by Gordon Ray Young (1886-1948) a journalist in Chicago and San Francisco, literary editor of the Los Angeles times, and author of over forty novels. During his time in Los Angeles, Young befriended the writer Paul Jordan-Smith and the painter Edward Middleton Manigault. As such, this book was dedicated to the memory of the painter Middleton Manigault who was born in London, Ontario, and started his career there. „Seibert of the I...

    okładka The Spook Hills Mystery, Ebook | B.M. Bower

    No writer of „cowboy” stories can equal B. M. Bower. Ever since „Chip” of immortal memory Bower has been easily first among the writers who stage their dramas in the wide spaces of the cattle country. There is something new about this novel. The old legend about the Spook Hills comes to life when the Sunbeam’s newest hand, a young tenderfoot named Shelton C. Sherman, takes a ride in the hills and discovers tracks made by something that seems neither human nor animal. The su...

    okładka On the Makaloa Mat, Ebook | Jack London

    The storybook „On the Makaloa Mat” tells the story of the lives of natives and whites in the Hawaiian Islands. The story, which gave the name to this brilliant collection, is considered one of the best works about love in world literature. Each story has common features: firstly, they all describe some side of life in the Hawaiian Islands, and secondly, these are all the memories of old people, or people close to them in age, wise by experience. And, of course, the local fl...

    okładka Tom Sawyer Abroad, Ebook | Mark Twain

    The adventures of Tom Sawyer continue. This time, the fidget Tom decides to go abroad to get rich and become independent. Tom’s friends also dream about it, and he quickly gathers around him who want to keep him company. So, the boys go on a long journey...

    okładka Tales of the Fish Patrol, Ebook | Jack London

    This is a collection of short stories by Jack London. The action of the stories takes place in the bay of San Francisco, in the center of the plot is the activity of the local „fish surveillance”. The narration is conducted in the first person, the narrator is the owner of the reindeer sloop, chartered by a fishing company to patrol the bay in order to prevent illegal fishing methods. Another main character is Charlie Le Grant, if not involved in the events, then at least m...

    okładka Omoo, Ebook | Herman Melville

    At the beginning of the book about the wanderings on the ship. The way Melville describes everything is indescribably delightful. With amazingly alluring tongue, he knows all readers life on board the ship, the relationship between the crew. Later, when the main character and his friend appeared in Tahiti, he describes the life of the islanders, how they spend their daily lives, and how modern civilization comes to them, trying to adjust them to themselves, to remove them f...

    okładka Pierre, Ebook | Herman Melville

    In America, in the rich family estate of Saddle Meadows, the Glendinning family leads a luxurious and carefree existence – Mrs. Glendinning rotates in the upper circles of local society; her son, Pierre, an athlete and a talented young writer who gained his first fame, is going to marry the lovely Lucy, whom he seems to have a crush on. But an accidental meeting with the mysterious beauty Isabel threatens to destroy Pierre’s entire happy life, as she opens the veil of gloom...

    okładka Atar-Gull, Ebook | Eugène Sue

    Un Corsaire, Le Parisien en Mer, Voyages et Aventures sur Mer de Narcisse Gelin                                

    okładka Le Juif errant, Ebook | Eugène Sue

    Juif errant – la légende biblique a commencé à se répandre en Europe au 13ème siècle. Il s’agit d’un Juif qui s’est moqué de Jésus sur le chemin de la crucifixion et qui a ensuite été maudit. C’est l’image d’un vagabond, qui dans l’histoire pourrait être un marchand ou un escroc.

    okładka Le Morne-au-diable ou l’Aventurier, Ebook | Eugène Sue

    L’aventurier Lugarto – l’un des personnages démoniaques les plus colorés de Sue. Il a 22 ou 23 ans, c’est un mulâtre qui a hérité d’une énorme fortune et on ignore comment il a obtenu le titre de comte et son blason. Sue souligne la maturation prématurée du héros, l’épuisement de sa vie. En ce sens, il est proche des personnages romantiques.

    okładka 5 najpiękniejszych powieści, Ebook | Aleksander Dumas

    Aleksander Dumas ojciec (1802–1870) – francuski pisarz i dramaturg – pozostawił po sobie ponad dwieście utworów. Największą sławę przyniosły mu napisane w latach 40. XIX stulecia powieści historyczne i przygodowe. W swojej prozie zręcznie dozował efekty zaskoczenia, grozy i komizmu. Jego postaci – strojne, barwne, czasami nieco karykaturalne – dawały złudzenie życia. Postaci historyczne przedstawiał w sposób stronniczy: kochał swych bohaterów bądź nienawidził. W multibooku zn...

    okładka 10 najpiękniejszych powieści, Ebook | Henryk Sienkiewicz

    Henryk Sienkiewicz (1846–1916) to pierwszy polski laureat literackiej Nagrody Nobla, wielbiony przez pokolenia rodaków za budzenie poczucia narodowej wspólnoty i patriotycznego ducha. Największą popularność przyniosła pisarzowi jego twórczość powieściowa, zwłaszcza proza historyczna. Umiejętność połączenia wartkiej akcji, żywych i niejednokrotnie humorystycznych postaci z powściągliwym patosem w opowiadaniu o tragicznych wydarzeniach z historii stanowią najważniejsze cechy tw...

    okładka Faraon, Ebook | Bolesław Prus

    Starożytny Egipt, XI wiek przed naszą erą. Państwem zarządza młody faraon Ramzes XIII. Następca tronu zamierza przeprowadzić reformy, które poprawią los poddanych. Tymczasem skarbiec faraona jest pusty, rośnie też zadłużenie państwa pożyczającego ogromne sumy od Fenicjan. Niezbędne do reform środki młody władca zamierza zdobyć podczas wojny z bogatą Asyrią. Planom Ramzesa sprzeciwiają się jednak kapłani, którzy mają znaczący wpływ na politykę państwa i którzy posiadają bogac...

    okładka Unter Palmen und Buchen, Ebook | Friedrich Gerstäcker

    Friedrich Gerstäcker (1816-1872) war ein deutscher Schriftsteller. Er war ein Autor von spannenden Abenteuerromanen und -erzählungen, aber auch Dorfgeschichten, der Landschaften und kulturelle Verhältnisse so gut wiederzugeben verstand, dass noch heute ein überwiegend jugendliches Publikum seine bekannten Romane liest. Auf seinen Streifzügen vor allem in die „Neue Welt”, Nord- und Südamerika, Australien und nach Tahiti enstand eine große Anzahl persönlicher Geschichten, die...

    okładka 10 najpiękniejszych powieści, Ebook | Tadeusz Dołęga-Mostowicz

    Tadeusz Dołęga-Mostowicz (1898–1939) był jednym z najpopularniejszych autorów prozy popularnej okresu dwudziestolecia międzywojennego. Jego powieści cechuje wartka akcja, sensacyjne motywy, postacie o randze archetypów, a także umiejętność obserwacji przedstawionego krytycznie czy nawet satyrycznie życia. Opisuje w swoich utworach elitę urzędniczą, wielką finansjerę, środowisko lekarskie czy dyplomację II Rzeczypospolitej. W wielu powieściach spotykamy postać „mocnego” mężczy...

    okładka Wild Geese Calling, Ebook | Stewart Edward White

    Great story about the Alaskan border. This is a heartbreaking story that shows the relationship of the main characters Sally, John and Blackie. A story about a young man and his bride and their journey to Alaska by sea, as well as about many bright men and women whom they met along the way. This is a wonderful fun adventure reading.

    okładka A Son of His Father, Ebook | Harold Bell Wright

    When in 1925 his first novel „The Son of His Father” was published at the Chicago publishing house, then its circulation took twenty-seven freight cars. The „Son of His Father” was made near the Oracle, and his first show was in Tucson. A great adventure in the desert and mountain world of Arizona and the Mexican border. Adventure lovers will amuse by this novel.

    okładka The Voyages and Adventures of Captain Hatteras, Ebook | Jules Verne

    „"The Forward Brig"” sailed from Liverpool Port with eighteen crew members on board. But neither during the sailing, nor even for a long time after him, none of them knew the purpose of the voyage, nor even the name of the captain. And only having plunged far into the Arctic waters, the sailors learned that the famous navigator John Hatteras, who set the ambitious task of becoming the first person to reach the North Pole, was leading the expedition.

    okładka The Blockade Runners, Ebook | Jules Verne

    The Civil War is tearing apart the North American United States. The Union Fleet blocked the Confederate seacoast, interrupting all sea trade, and European merchants suffer big losses from this. One of Glasgow’s trading houses is building a high-speed ship capable of breaking through the blockade and bringing unheard of profits. But on board the ship, not only those seeking benefits will set sail.

    okładka An Antarctic Mystery, Ebook | Jules Verne

    There are no unusual birds, mysterious figures and other things in the same spirit. But there are Antarctic seas, such as they were known at the end of the 19th century. There are several people who have decided to challenge the cold and the elements and penetrate the unknown. Someone has a kindred feeling, someone – friendship, someone – curiosity, and someone – and a thirst for profit. But they were all aboard the schooner Halbrain, which, under the command of Captain Len...

    okładka Abandoned, Ebook | Jules Verne

    The whaling schooner with an incomplete crew returns to America, after not very successful trades. On board is the owner’s wife with the child, their cousin Benedict, an analogue of Paganel and Jung Dick Send, fifteen turbulent years. Next comes the rescue of blacks from an abandoned flooded ship and a bloody scene of a whale hunt. This episode, although it did not greatly excite me as a child, having been forgotten, now seemed completely disgusting, especially the realizat...

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