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Szukasz: George%20Weigel

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    okładka You Never Can Tell, Ebook | George Bernard Shaw

    “You Never Can Tell” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.The play is set in a seaside town and tells the story of Mrs. Clandon and her three children, Dolly, Phillip, and Gloria, who have just returned to England after an eighteen-year stay in Madeira. The children have no idea who their father is and, through a comedy of errors, end up inviting him to a...

    okładka Captain Brassbound's Conversion, Ebook | George Bernard Shaw

    “Captain Brassbound's Conversion” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.The play explores the relationship between the law, justice, revenge and forgiveness. Sir Howard Hallam, a judge, and his sister-in-law, Lady Cicely Waynflete, a well-known explorer, are at the home of Rankin, a Presbyterian minister. Sir Howard tells Rankin that his brother's property...

    okładka Press Cuttings, Ebook | George Bernard Shaw

    “Press Cuttings” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.Press Cuttings, is a play by George Bernard Shaw. It is a farcical comedy about the suffragettes' campaign for votes for women in Britain. The play is a departure from Shaw's earlier Ibsenesque dramas on social issues. Shaw's own pro-feminist views are never articulated by characters in the play, but i...

    okładka Giaur, Ebook | George Gordon Byron

    Giaur — Wenecjanin — i Leila — gruzińska niewolnica i żona muzułmanina Hassana — zakochują się w sobie. Hassan odkrywa zdradę żony i postanawia ją, zgodnie z prawem swojej religii, utopić ją.Giaur wyrusza, by uratować ukochaną, ale okazuje się, że jest już za późno. Zrozpaczony młodzieniec postanawia dokonać zemsty na Hassanie i jego towarzyszach.Giaur to powieść poetycka autorstwa George'a Byrona, w Polsce znana dzięki tłumaczeniu Adama Mickiewicza. Poza warstwą fabularną ut...

    okładka Artyleria, jaka była, jaka jest i jaka powinna być, Ebook | Frédéric-Georges Herr

    Chyba każdy, kto choć trochę interesuje się I wojną światową wie o wielkich bitwach artyleryjskich, które trwały całymi tygodniami zmieniając pola walk w usiany kraterami księżycowy krajobraz. Myliłby się jednak ten, kto by myślał, że ktokolwiek przed wojną tak właśnie wyobrażał sobie przebieg walk. „Artyleria, jaka była, jaka jest i jaka powinna być” generała Frédéderica Herra ukazuje tytaniczny wysiłek jaką musiały wykonać sztaby walczących wojsk i przemysł zaangażowanych w...

    okładka Brudne gry [Dzikie karty t.5], Ebook | George R.R. Martin

    Na ulicach Dżokerowa wybucha wojna między mafią i Widmowymi Pięściami. Przemoc wyrwała się spod wszelkiej kontroli i nawet asowie i dżokerzy są zmuszeni toczyć bój z siłami świata przestępczego… Brudne gry, piąty tom cyklu superbohaterskiego Dzikie karty, rozgrywa się w tym samym, stworzonym przez George’a R. R. Martina uniwersum, w czasie wydarzeń opisanych w Wyprawie asów i tuż po nich. Trzy główne wątki książki tworzą splatające się ze sobą opowieści. Pierwsza z ni...

    okładka Giaur, Ebook | George Gordon Byron

    „Giaur” George’a Byrona to poetycka opowieść o wielkiej miłości, przełamującej granice kultur i religii. Młody Wenecjanin Giaur zakochuje się w gruzińskiej niewolnicy Leili, siłą wydanej za mąż za Hassana. Śmierć oskarżonej o zdrady Leili doprowadza Giaura do rozpaczy, budząc w nim nieprzejednane pragnienie zemsty. Niespełniona miłość i tragedia już na zawsze przesądzą o losie Giaura.

    okładka Bad Man’s Gulch, Ebook | George Owen Baxter

    Max Brand, was the pen name of Frederick Schiller Faust. He was a prolific American author best known for his classic western novels. One sheriff and two deputies have already disappeared in the rough-and-tumble mining town of Slosson’s Gulch. The same fate awaits any other man who crosses the cutthroats and thieves who thrive there. Pedro Melendez is a gambler and a drifter, trying his best to put his gunslinging days behind him. But he’ll need all the sharp shooting he ca...

    okładka Niewidzialny człowiek, Ebook | Herbert George Wells

    Powieść science fiction Herberta George’a Wellsa przedstawia perypetie szalonego naukowca, któremu udaje się wynaleźć sposób na uzyskanie niewidzialności. Niestety eksperyment wymyka się spod kontroli, a jego autor pada ofiarą swojego wynalazku – znika, ale nieszczęśliwie nie potrafi odwrócić zjawiska. Jako niewidzialny człowiek sieje postrach wśród innych ludzi.

    okładka The Black Rider, Ebook | George Owen Baxter

    The Black Rider,” originally published in 1925, is set in Spanish California at the time when the eastern colonies of this country were still ruled by Great Britain. In the novella The Black Rider," a Navajo named Taki is fluent in four languages, a skilled knife-thrower, a consummate horseman, and can outwit any opponent. It is a tale of intrigue and revenge, where a mysterious Navajo becomes more than just a nemesis to a brutal landowner and his simpering son. But a woman...

    okładka Stolen Gold, Ebook | George Owen Baxter

    Renowned Western writer Max Brand does it again in the eminently enjoyable novel "Stolen Gold". Packed with enough action and romance to please even the most die-hard fans of the genre, the novel also addresses a wide range of important themes with insight and sensitivity. No one knew - or wrote about - the West like Max Brand, as shown brilliantly in the this classic short novel. In this novel Reata, one of Brand’s most popular heroes, is enlisted to retrieve a hidden trea...

    okładka 8 Best Fantasy Novels, Ebook | Herbert George Wells

    For many generations of readers, Herbert Wells, author of The Invisible Man, The Island of Dr. Moreau, Food of the Gods, and a number of other science fiction novels, has been and remains a great science fiction writer, whose work has had an important influence on the development of the scientific genre fiction in the 20th century as a whole. The possibilities of science and the power of the human mind – that is what Wells was primarily interested in in the works he created...

    okładka Joan and Peter, Ebook | Herbert George Wells

    The book starts in late Victorian England and ends shortly after the first world war. It covers the transition between the end of the Victorian era, and the aimlessness of the next generation very well. The main characters grow up with the best education that can be found in England at the time, which is freely admitted to be not very good. They grow up and deal with love, decadence and the reality of war in a very meaningful way. Beautiful and brilliant this remarkable nov...

    okładka Tono-Bungay, Ebook | Herbert George Wells

    Considered one of Wells most successful attempts at a social novel in the vein of Charles Dickens and William Makepeace Thackeray, Wells’s tale is a panoramic view of an unravelling society. A semi-autobiographical satire of Edwardian advertising and patent-medicines. The story follows the life of a young man, George, and his Uncle Edward. Edward invents an elixir called TONO-BUNGAY and hires his nephew George to help build the company. The medicine becomes a huge commercia...

    okładka The Sea Lady, Ebook | Herbert George Wells

    This charming, little-known fantasy by the author of „The Time Machine” and „The War of the Worlds” is also a sharply satirical look at the mores and moral of Edwardian England. During a family outing at the beach a family sees a young woman struggling further out in the water. It’s only when they „rescue” her that they see that she’s a mermaid. They quickly take her into the beach house, still unaware that the mermaid has planned the whole incident in order to meet a young...

    okładka Jabłko, Ebook | Herbert George Wells

    „Jabłko” to opowiadanie autorstwa Herberta George’a Wellsa, uznanego za jednego z pionierów gatunku science fiction.“Potem się podniósł i z siatki wyjął torbę skórzaną, którą otworzył. Nie mówiąc ani słowa, wyjął z niej przedmiot okrągły, obwinięty srebrnym papierem, który; zaczął starannie rozwijać. Zbliżył ten przedmiot do Hincliffa. Był to owoc, niewielkiej miary, żółto-złoty, nader miły w dotyku. Hincliff na chwilę otworzył usta i oczy. Nie próbował wziąć owocu do ręki, c...

    okładka Szalejący dżokerzy, Ebook | George R.R. Martin

    Czterdzieści lat po pojawieniu się wirusa dzikiej karty geniusz zła przywołuje moce ciemności! Ulice Nowego Jorku eksplodowały radością, gdy nadszedł Dzień Dzikiej Karty, obchodzony corocznie 15 września, by wspominać umarłych i cieszyć się życiem. To dzień fajerwerków, ulicznych festynów, parad, politycznych wieców i bankietów, dzień picia i walk toczonych w zaułkach. Z każdym mijającym rokiem obchody są coraz bardziej szalone i zakrojone na coraz większą skalę. W roku ...

    okładka The Bulpington of Blup, Ebook | Herbert George Wells

    „The Bulpington of Blup”, a 1932 novel by H. G. Wells, is a character study analyzing the psychological sources of resistance to Wellsian ideology, and was influenced by Wells’s acquaintance with Carl Gustav Jung and his ideas. Theodore Bulpington is a very ordinary man – with a very vivid imagination. Ill at ease with himself, he sees a way to recreate his identity by adding layer upon layer of deception. This he does with such panache that eventually he becomes an imposto...

    okładka The Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth, Ebook | Herbert George Wells

    What happens when science tampers with nature? Mr. Bensington and Mr. Redwood create a new food material, Herakleophorbia, later called Boomfood, they hope will have beneficial uses to mankind. They come up with a substance that causes flora, fauna, and people to become giants. At first, there are giant nettles, mushrooms – but then it ramps up, with giant rats that can take down and eat horses and wasps so large one could hear them half a mile off. In the end it becomes a ...

    okładka The First Men in the Moon, Ebook | Herbert George Wells

    Another H.G. Wells classic sci fi. The novel tells the story of a journey to the moon by the impecunious businessman Mr. Bedford and the brilliant but eccentric scientist Dr. Cavor. Bedford bankrupt businessman who is making a comeback by writing a play, through a series of circumstances, teams up with Professor Cavor a recluse scientist who does not realize his own potential. Together they build a contraption, sphere, that can cut off gravity waves. Once on the moon Bedfor...

    okładka Kipps, Ebook | Herbert George Wells

    Arthur Kipps, an orphaned draper’s assistant of humble means, unexpectedly inherits a large sum of money and that is when all his troubles begin. After being left a fortune by a rich uncle, Kipps finds himself in a position to marry Helen Walshingham. His main problem is that he is uneducated, knowing next to nothing of the world of books or the manners of the society he aspires to join. Helen, together with Kipps’s mentor Chester Coote, set about the task of making him a g...

    okładka Annajanska, the Bolshevik Empress, Ebook | George Bernard Shaw

    “Annajanska, the Bolshevik Empress” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.“Annajanska, the Bolshevik Empress” is a one-act play by George Bernard Shaw, written in 1917.The play is obviously influenced by the Russian Revolution that year. It takes place in an imaginary country which has recently experienced a similar revolution. The two main characters are ...

    okładka Mrs. Warren's Profession, Ebook | George Bernard Shaw

    “Mrs. Warren's Profession” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.The play is about a former prostitute, now a madam (brothel proprietor), who attempts to come to terms with her disapproving daughter. This is one of three plays Shaw published as Plays Unpleasant in 1898. They were termed "unpleasant" because they were intended, not to entertain their audien...

    okładka The Devil's Disciple, Ebook | George Bernard Shaw

    “The Devil's Disciple” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.“The Devil's Disciple” is Shaw's eighth play, and it was his first financial success, which helped to affirm his career as a playwright. Set in Colonial America during the Revolutionary era, the play tells the story of Richard Dudgeon, a local outcast and self-proclaimed "Devil's disciple". In a ...

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