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Szukasz: Rudyard Kipling

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    okładka Księga dżungli, Ebook | Rudyard Kipling

    Niezwykła historia, która przedstawia świat ludzi i zwierząt w indyjskiej dżungli. Jej bohater, mały chłopiec o imieniu Mowgli zostaje porwany z wioski przez tygrysa Shere Khana i wychowany w dżungli przez stado wilków. Dziecko przejmuje zwyczaje zwierząt i uczy się od nich praw dżungli. Znalazło tam również przyjaciół: panterę Bagheery i niedźwiedzia Baloo. Ale wkrótce chłopiec będzie musiał zdecydować czy powrócić do świata ludzi i stoczyć walkę ze śmiertelnym wrogiem – She...

    okładka Księga dżungli, Ebook | Rudyard Kipling

    Zbiór opowiadań autorstwa angielskiego pisarza i noblisty Rudyarda Kiplinga, tworzącego w nurcie wiktorianizmu. Opowiadania wchodzące w skład zbioru dotyczą Indii i ich folkloru oraz indyjskich dżungli. Powieść jest zbudowana z ośmiu rozdziałów, z których pierwsze trzy dotyczą losów Mowgliego — chłopca wychowanego w dżungli przez wilki, który nie potrafił już żyć wśród ludzi, zwyciężył tygrysa Shere-Khana i osiadł między zwierzętami. Kolejne rozdziały stanowią odrę...

    okładka The New Army in Training, Ebook | Rudyard Kipling

    Rudyard Kipling wrote the story of the New Army or Kitchener’s Army about the new battalions created for the Great War. Kipling wrote several stories about the war and describes the routine in which recruits, officers, and other ranks passed before they were sent to battle fronts. Fans of Kipling’s writings will love this brief treatise on citizen soldiers in England.

    okładka Traffics and Discoveries, Ebook | Rudyard Kipling

    There are several patriotic stories of the Boer War period. Among Kipling’s most successful stories were those whose main characters were three rank and file in the Indian army, and in this collection there are three stories that try to repeat this formula with the navy. The most interesting are the stories that examine some of the most significant new technologies of the time – automobiles, radio, and electricity.

    okładka A Diversity of Creatures, Ebook | Rudyard Kipling

    Despite the fact that, as the name implies, they are diverse in nature, most of these stories are affectionate satires with the participation of the social strata into which he belonged and who knew best of all – a class of officers from a public school. The „Honor of the War” was a funny story of „hooliganism” in which Kipling seemed to fully endorse this practice; Regulus removes the lid from the can; while the Marines were a carefully crafted soldier’s practical joke inv...

    okładka From Sea to Sea, Ebook | Rudyard Kipling

    The book of the famous English writer R. Kipling consists of essays on the travel experience of the author from his trip in 1889 from India to England through the countries of Southeast Asia and North America. The book is written in a vibrant and vibrant language. The reader will be interested in descriptions of nature, the author’s observation of the life and culture of various peoples, his meeting with M. Twain.

    okładka Rewards and Fairies, Ebook | Rudyard Kipling

    A year has passed. Dan and Una have matured and again return to the village for the summer. There, Pak is already waiting for them with new stories and acquaintances, to again lead the children into the intricate labyrinth of British history, mythology and folklore.

    okładka Sea Warfare, Ebook | Rudyard Kipling

    Rudyard Kipling, acting as a kind of proto-rooted journalist, spoke about aspects of the Royal Navy in World War I that usually do not receive so much attention. In sections on minesweepers, a merchant marine, submariners, and destroyers, he gave a brief account of the important backstage work they did. Through an interview and a summary of the combat reports, he presented an idea of the „culture” in which they operate.

    okładka Actions and Reactions, Ebook | Rudyard Kipling

    This is a scatter shot collection of short stories and poems that really have nothing to do with each other. Most of them come from Kipling’s early years, so some stories are good. Night Mail is the only science fiction; then there is a fantastic story about a haunted house, almost made up as a detective story, and in the less haunted genre, the couple moves to an old estate and finds that the bonds of earth and blood are stronger than human travels.

    okładka The Story of the Gadsby, Ebook | Rudyard Kipling

    A short book written as a play. It follows the young captain who is getting married, and each scene represents the different stages of the marriage. The book is written almost entirely in dialogue. Be sure to pay attention to the fact that Kipling understands the meaning of the introduction, taking into account where the story ends.

    okładka Soldier Stories, Ebook | Rudyard Kipling

    Three Soldiers is a collection of short stories by Rudyard Kipling. Three soldiers of this title - Leroid, Mulvani and Orteris, who also previously appeared in the collection "Simple Tales from the Hills." Books reveal the side of British Tommy in Afghanistan, rarely seen in the Twilight of the British Empire. The soldiers comment on their improvements, act fools, but right against the backdrop of the wars in the Middle East, when the British began to weaken their imperial ...

    okładka Kim, Ebook | Rudyard Kipling

    Little Kim meets an amazing man, a Tibetan llama, who descended from the mountains to the plains of India in search of a wonderful river. The Lama is kind, modest, but full of knowledge and driven by the idea of the Way and Wheel of life. Kim immediately becomes sympathetic to him and joins the llama on his journey. Kim feels that he would like to understand this man, to know him, "to appropriate him." Kipling very accurately expresses complex feelings, so on each page you ...

    okładka Stalky & Co., Ebook | Rudyard Kipling

    The reader finally got the opportunity to read a quality translation of one of the best works of Rudyard Kipling. This almost autobiographical novel tells about the fun and arduous life of students in an English private school. Arkady Strugatsky was a real fan of Stalki and Company. It was the protagonist of this book - ""the great man of the century"", the bully and the cunning Stalki - who inspired the Strugatsky brothers to create the image of Stalker.

    okładka Just So Stories, Ebook | Rudyard Kipling

    “Just So Stories” are usually devoted to how a particular animal changed its initial appearance as a result of the actions of a person or a fairy creature. For example, Keith cannot swallow a person because he once swallowed a Sailor, who secured a wooden lattice inside, which prevents him from swallowing other people. The camel acquired a hump as a punishment from Gene, Lord of All Deserts, for refusing to work. Ethiop painted Leopard spots. Powerful hind legs, a long tail...

    okładka The Light That Failed, Ebook | Rudyard Kipling

    Kipling wrote the first novel, “The Light That Failed” in many ways an autobiographical novel, having already gained fame with his poems and stories. In addition to the novel and selected stories from collections of different years, the book includes the story “Brave Captains” - about the romance and hardships of sea travel, the formation of the character of a young man, about metamorphoses that occur in people under the influence of merciless circumstances...

    okładka Puck of Pook’s Hill, Ebook | Rudyard Kipling

    Brother and sister meet Elf Pak. He introduces them to people and events of bygone years that took place in the vicinity of the estate during the time of old England. This is the south of the island of Britain, on the English Channel. Many important events in British history took place here: the Romans marched here, here the Gauls aka “winged hats” tried to conquer Britain. Through the fates of ordinary people, valiant, noble, decent, who participated in significant events ...

    okładka Under the Deodars, Ebook | Rudyard Kipling

    “Under Deodars” is a collection of stories, against the backdrop of which the bizarre and calm environment of the Shimla mountains. The towering mountains, covered with ice, are dumb evidence of deception, debauchery and dedication of the main characters and opponents. The book begins with a story called Otis Yir’s Education. The rude and enterprising Mrs. Hawksby proposes to create a salon in Simla, but to dissuade Mrs. Mallow from putting her plan into practice.

    okładka The Second Jungle Book, Ebook | Rudyard Kipling

    If you read the stories of The First Jungle Book, you remember how, attaching the skin of Sher Khan to the Council Rock, Mowgli told the surviving wolves of the Zion pack that he would hunt one from now on, and how his brothers - four wolves - announced that they would hunt with him. But it’s hard to change life in one minute, especially in the jungle. The flock dispersed in disarray; Mowgli went to the cave of his wolves, lay down and slept all day and all night. Then he t...

    okładka Plain Tales from the Hills, Ebook | Rudyard Kipling

    A wonderful book written in beautiful language, with love for the native land and its history. Despite the fact that all sorts of wars, illnesses and deprivations often flash in the stories, in general the atmosphere is very pleasant, and the book gives a feeling of warmth and tranquility. English guys Dan and Una, brother and sister, meet Elf Pak. He tells them once brought to England, the god Wiland, who once forged a magic sword. Further stories are told already by the d...

    okładka The Phantom ‘Rickshaw and Other Ghost Stories, Ebook | Rudyard Kipling

    The world of Kipling’s stories is complex and rich, representing essentially an encyclopedia of the plot experience of the best English and American storytellers of the XIX century. They are characterized by psychology, innovation, which consists in introducing new layers of life into the fabric of narration, and a kind of naturalism. The lazy tourists demanding communication with people have already somewhat dulled this feeling of complacency and wide hospitality.

    okładka Soldiers Three, Ebook | Rudyard Kipling

    “Soldiers Three” is a series of fascinating stories by the great English writer and poet Joseph Rudyard Kipling. A collection of short stories written in 1888 provides a glimpse into the life of “tommies,” as the English soldiers called it, in Afghanistan. They fool around, complain and talk about their daily lives - against the backdrop of the war and sunset of colonial England.

    okładka Indian Tales, Ebook | Rudyard Kipling

    Kipling’s greatest strength was the author of short stories. And this thematic collection of stories about the British Raj is one of the best attempts to bring together some of his best works. This includes The Man Who Will Be King, The Phantom Rickshaw, and many other favorites. But, first of all, this is connected with several short stories of Kipling about three military men in the army, Mulvani, Lirida and Other.

    okładka Takie sobie bajeczki, Ebook | Rudyard Kipling

    „Takie sobie bajeczki” to zbiór znanych i zabawnych opowiadań brytyjskiego pisarza Rudyarda Kiplinga, w których autor przedstawia dzieciom (napisał je dla swojej córki) fantazyjne historie pochodzenia zwierząt i ich cech charakterystycznych. Choć wydane po raz pierwszy już w 1902 roku, dziś nadal bawią, ale i zastanawiają, pobudzając wyobraźnię nietypowymi pomysłami. Autor opowiada m. in. o tym, jak wieloryb nabawił się swojego przełyku, jak słoń uzyskał swoją trąbę czy skąd ...

    okładka Druga księga dżungli, Ebook | Rudyard Kipling

    …chłopca wychowywanego w dżungli, lecz także wiele problemów moralnych przeniesionych na relacje zwierząt. Opowiadania pozwalają dostrzec w zwierzętach wrażliwe istoty. Podobnie jak ludzie, budują więzi społeczne, posiadają uczucia i zasady, wedle których żyją.Druga księga dżungli to powieść autorstwa angielskiego pisarza Rudyarda Kiplinga, wydana w 1895 roku. Kipling zasłynął przede wszystkim jako autor pierwszego zbioru opowiadań, zatytułowanego Księgi dżungli, jego twórczo...

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