W książce znajdziemy 50 zakreślanek dla dzieci. W każdej z nich znajdują się cztery słowa w języku polskim oraz ich odpowiedniki w języku angielskim. Zabawa polega na odszukaniu ich w tabeli i pokolorowaniu lub zakreśleniu. Nie są to wyszukane wyrazy, zatem dzieci w wieku wczesnoszkolnym nie powinny mieć z nimi problemów. A słówka, których nie znamy lub nie jesteśmy ich pewni, znajdziemy w odpowiedziach na końcu książki. To doskonały sposób na utrwalanie języka, ale nie tylko...
Ponadczasowa opowieść o skąpym Scrooge’u i wigilijnych duchach ukazała się po raz pierwszy w grudniu 1843 roku, z ilustracjami Johna Leecha. Tłumaczona wielokrotnie i wydawana jako Opowieść wigilijna lub zgodnie z oryginalnym tytułem jako Kolęda prozą stała się książką czytaną najmłodszym od pokoleń. Boże Narodzenie to czas, gdy idea miłosierdzia jest nam szczególnie bliska. Warto zatem właśnie w tym czasie opowiadać o niej dzieciom poprzez piękną literaturę. Nasze wyda...
This is a storybook. Boycott, the first story, the simplest school story. A very popular boy is expelled from school, and his less popular friend is ostracized by his peers, so he does not know why. He is also too proud to ask or ask. This is a popular topic in Blaine’s school literature because it is one of the most dramatic things that can happen to a schoolboy.
Do you know what happens to bad rabbits who don’t say please? This, along with „The Story of Miss Moppet” was designed as a simple tale, intended for very young children with an important lesson in good manners, of what befalls a rude little rabbit who doesn’t say „please” when he wants something, but instead just takes it from someone else. The fierce bad rabbit learns the consequences of his unkind actions in an unusual way! „The Story of A Fierce Bad Rabbit” is number 20...
If you read the stories of The First Jungle Book, you remember how, attaching the skin of Sher Khan to the Council Rock, Mowgli told the surviving wolves of the Zion pack that he would hunt one from now on, and how his brothers - four wolves - announced that they would hunt with him. But it’s hard to change life in one minute, especially in the jungle. The flock dispersed in disarray; Mowgli went to the cave of his wolves, lay down and slept all day and all night. Then he t...
Who is stealing almost all of the magical treasures of Oz – including the Magic Picture, the Wizard’s black bag, and Glinda’s Book of Records? Dorothy and her friends set out to comb all of Oz, not only for magic stolen from Glinda and the Wizard, but also for the kidnapped princess, Ozma. Along the way, they explore regions never seen in other „Oz” books, meeting strange and interesting people and animals, and falling into peril more than once. Deep in the Winkie Country, ...
Every child knows about Santa Claus, the jolly man who brings gifts to all on Christmas. There are many stories that tell of his life, but the delightful version relayed in „The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus” is by far the most charming and original of all. Orphaned at an infant Claus is found and raised in the magical Forest of Burzee by a wood-nymph Necile, who convinces the great Ak to allow her to raise Claus for her own. As he grows older he meets his fellow human...
Enchanting fantasy novel from creator of beloved „Oz” stories L. Frank Baum whisks young readers away on an exciting underwater adventure! „The Sea Fairies” (1911) was designed as the first volume in a new series for children, to replace the „Oz books”. It was followed by „Sky Island” in 1912. Trot, the hero of the tales is a girl, like Dorothy in the „Oz” stories. An old captain, peg-legged Cap’n Bill taught her to love the sea. The sailor told her that „mermaids is fairie...
„The Master Key: An Electrical Fairy Tale” was one of Baum’s earliest full length fantasy books for children, published in 1901 just one year after „The Wonderful Wizard of Oz”. Rob Joslyn is in most respects an ordinary American teenager; his one distinguishing peculiarity is his passion for the new science and craft of electricity. He has his own laboratory in the attic of the family home, and has rigged the house with his electrical gadgets. One day, amid the bewildering...
The sequel to „The Wonderful Wizard of Oz”, set shortly after the events in the first book. A fantastical tale of endless imagination, „The Marvelous Land of Oz” follows the adventures of a young boy named Tip, who, for as long as he can remember has been under the guardianship of a witch named Mombi in the Land of Oz. When Tip’s prank, in creating a pumpkin-headed man to frighten Mombi backfires, and he is threatened with the terrible fate of being made into a statue as pu...
Meet Dorothy’s new friends, the Shaggy Man, Button Bright and Polychrome, as you travel with them to the Emerald City. Share their adventures with the Musicker and the Scoodlers. See how they escape from the Soup-Kettle and what they found at the Truth Pond. Their adventures include: the secret behind the love magnet, entering the town of Foxville, the queen of the Scoodlers, the Truth Pond, Ozma’s birthday party, why the way to Butterfield got split 7 ways, etc.... Find ou...
In the first of L. Frank Baum’s time-Honoréd „Oz” novels, country girl Dorothy Gale and her little dog Toto are caught in a tornado, they and their Kansas farmhouse are suddenly transported to the fantastical Land of Oz where Munchkins live, monkeys fly and Wicked Witches rule, wild beasts talk, silver shoes have magic powers, and good witches offer protection with a kiss. Desperate to return to her native Kansas, and, aided by the Good Witch of the North, she and Toto – to...
Ojo the Unlucky, a Munchkin boy raised in isolation in the Blue Forest by his taciturn Unc Nunkie, finds himself setting out on a quest through the wider world of Oz in this seventh entry in L. Frank Baum’s series about that magical country. The reader accompanies Ojo, the Glass Cat and the Patchwork Girl on a journey to find five magic items in the wonderful Land of Oz to restore to life Ojo’s Uncle Nunkie and the Crooked Magician’s wife, Margolotte, who turn to marble whe...
In this witty and imaginative tale, the Royal Historian of Oz, L. Frank Baum, takes young readers back across The Great Sandy Desert for more exciting adventures in the wondrous Land of Oz. Old friends such as Dorothy, the Wizard, and the Cowardly Lion reappear, along with endearing new characters – the Glass Cat, the Hungry Tiger, Little Trot, Cap’n Bill, the Lonesome Duck, and others. In this story, Ozma’s kingdom is threatened once again by Nome Ruggedo, the dastardly fo...
The Tin Woodman, assisted by Woot the Wanderer, the Scarecrow of Oz, and Polychrome, the Rainbow’s Daughter are on an adventure searching for the pretty Munchkin girl that the Tin Woodman loved before the Old Witch of the East turned his body to tin, causing him to lose his heart. In a series of adventures sure to thrill „Oz” fans both old and new, these beloved friends face such challenges as a selfish giantess and a group of quarrelsome dragons – all to fulfill a promise ...
The ninth book the action of which takes place in the wonderful Land of Oz is indeed a masterpiece. The mix of Oz and non-Oz characters into one story was the result of the request made by Baum’s readers and a great invention that gave birth to a story that captivates any reader, child and adult alike. This was published in July 16, 1915 and has been on record as being Baum’s personal favorite of his series. The story this time around revolves around Scarecrow and his adven...
The twins are living in relatively straightened circumstances, as their father has died, and get up to all kinds of mischief, while being governed by their own set of values. The children, however, have little dread of poverty, for when ever they desire a luxury, such as a bicycle, or a fur stole for their mother’s Christmas present, they devise some means to raise the necessary funds, and they stop at nothing from inducing a rich great-aunt to endow a home for cats to poac...
„The Story Girl” is a beautifully-written classic by L. M. Montgomery. A perfect piece of literature that could be enjoyed by anyone, young or old. It narrates the adventures of a group of young cousins and their friends who live in a rural community on Prince Edward Island, Canada. The book is narrated by Beverley, who together with his brother Felix, has come to live with his Aunt Janet and Uncle Alec King on their farm while their father travels for business. The narrati...
DWUJĘZYCZNY DZIADEK DO ORZECHÓW – NAUKA JĘZYKA PEŁNA ZABAWYWyobraźnia jest jednym z najpiękniejszych darów, jakie otrzymaliśmy. Wiedzieli o tym najznamienitsi artyści – pisarze i ilustratorzy. Posługiwali się nią mistrzowsko i pozostawili dla potomnych bajecznie ilustrowane opowieści. Pamiętając o tym, przygotowaliśmy dla najmłodszych wyjątkowe wydanie „Dziadka do orzechów” z językiem angielskim.Książka posiada dwie wersje językowe oraz dwa niepowtarzalne zbiory ilustra...
Książka jest przeznaczona do najmłodszych dzieci, rozpoczynających naukę języka angielskiego. Warto pamiętać, że małe dzieci, nieumiejące czytać, przyswajają nowe słówka poprzez rozpoznawanie całych wyrazów. Zadaniem rodzica jest pomoc w odczytaniu słów oraz kilkakrotne powtórzenie ich razem z dzieckiem. Dla ułatwienia przy słówku podane są wymowa i znaczenie. Na każdej stronie zamieszczono różnorodne ćwiczenia wprowadzające i utrwalające nowe słownictwo, a na o...
Różnorodne ćwiczenia oraz słowniczek ułatwiające naukę języka angielskiego w nauczaniu początkowym. Opierają się na wykorzystaniu pamięci wzrokowej. Za pomocą tej książki dziecko utrwali pierwsze słówka dotyczące tematów: Days of a week, Rooms in the house, Furniture & house equipment, City, Toys, Months, Activities, Shapes, Prepositions of place, Adjectives, Food, Numbers, Family, Feelings. „Angielski dla dzieci” uczy pisania i wymowy oraz pozwala połączyć ...
Różnorodne ćwiczenia oraz słowniczek ułatwiające naukę języka angielskiego w nauczaniu początkowym. Opierają się na wykorzystaniu pamięci wzrokowej. Zostały opracowane przez doświadczonego anglistę specjalizującego się w nauczaniu najmłodszych. Za pomocą tej książki dziecko pozna pierwsze słówka dotyczące tematów: Demonstrative pronouns, Directions, Shops, shopping, Health, Past Simple. „Angielski dla dzieci” uczy pisania i wymowy oraz pozwala połączyć naukę z z...
„Angielski dla dzieci 3-7 lat” to zaproszenie do wspólnej zabawy edukacyjnej z językiem niemieckim dla dzieci i rodziców. Proponowana forma „czytania globalnego”, czyli rozpoznawania całych słów, sprzyja przyswajaniu nowych słówek. Nasza książka opiera się na wykorzystaniu pamięci wzrokowej – dziecko kojarzy konkretny obrazek ze słowem pisanym, wspomaga naturalną naukę języka od bardzo wczesnych lat (według najnowszych badań, im wcześniej i więcej dziecko przysw...