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Szukasz: Silver%20Emma

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    okładka The Silver Stream, Ebook | Fred M. White

    A story about two guys who defended the honor of their university in rowing. There were only two men in the narrow craft; and as they were double sculling, with long clean sweep, making a musical click of oars in the rowlocks, there was not much opportunity for conversation They moved with a regular rapid rhythm, until they were almost in the shadow of the bridge. But can they get to their goal? After all, many obstacles will be in their way.

    okładka Pat of Silver Bush, Ebook | Lucy Maud Montgomery

    „Pat of Silver Bus” (1933) portrays a girl named Patricia Gardiner, who hates changes of any kind and loves her home, Silver Bush, more than anything else in the world. The book begins when Pat is 7 years old and ends when she is 18. She is very devoted to her family: her father and mother, her brothers Joe and Sid, and her sisters Winnie and Rachel. If it were up to her, nothing there would ever change. But of course if nothing changed, she’d never get a new baby sister, s...

    okładka A jeśli to my, Ebook | Adam Silvera, Becky Albertalli

    Po raz pierwszy na świecie, pióro w pióro, Adam Silvera i Becky Albertalli! Twórca głośnej, adaptowanej przez HBO, powieści Nasz ostatni dzień w duecie z autorką zekranizowanego Twój Simon! Bestsellerowi autorzy, Becky Albertalli i Adam Silvera, łączą swoje umiejętności, tworząc błyskotliwą opowieść o dwóch kompletnie różniących się od siebie chłopakach, którzy nie są do końca pewni, czy los chce ich złączyć, czy rozdzielić. Arthur jest w Nowym Jorku tylko ...

    okładka Srebrny Promień – Tajemnica wyścigów. The Adventure of Silver Blaze, Ebook | Arthur Conan Doyle

    Książka w dwóch wersjach językowych: polskiej i angielskiej. A dual Polish-English language edition. Jedno z najbardziej popularnych opowiadań o Sherlocku Holmesie skupia się na zniknięciu tytułowego konia wyścigowego (słynnego zwycięzcy) na wieczór przed ważnym wyścigiem oraz na morderstwie jego trenera, Johna Strakera. Opowiadanie wyróżnia się charakterystyczną atmosferą wrzosowisk Dartmoor i późno-wiktoriańskim środowiskiem sportowym. Zawiera także jedną z ...

    okładka The Clue of the Silver Key, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    The story begins with the murder of Horace Tom Tickler, burglar, who is „taken for a ride” in the best Chicago fashion and then delivered to Scotland Yard in a stolen cab – and all of England will be turned topsy-turvy until the clue of the silver key unmasks the ruthless murderer! Some intriguing twists, and the murderer’s identity is quite well hidden. With a wide range of suspects – miserly rich uncle, heiress-actress, impecunious inventor, theatrical „angel”, inveterate...

    okładka Nasz ostatni dzień, Ebook | Adam Silvera

    Bestsellerowy autor Raczej szczęśliwego niż nie i Zostawiłeś mi tylko przeszłość zachwyca nową poruszającą powieścią. Piątego września, krótko po północy, Mateo Torrez i Rufus Emeterio otrzymują wiadomość telefoniczną: dzisiaj bezpowrotnie odejdą z tego świata. Mogą jednak odpowiednio przygotować się na nadchodzącą śmierć. Są dla siebie zupełnie obcymi ludźmi, lecz z różnych powodów każdy szuka nowej bratniej duszy na czas swojego Dnia Ostatecznego. Dzięki aplikacji Osta...

    okładka More Happy Than Not. Raczej szczęśliwy niż nie, Ebook | Adam Silvera

    W swojej rewelacyjnej debiutanckiej powieści stanowiącej połączenie Zakochanego bez pamięci z Innymi zasadami lata, Adam Silvera zachwyca i porusza do łez.Po samobójstwie ojca szesnastoletni Aaron Soto nie może się pozbierać i znaleźć szczęścia. Dzięki pomocy swojej dziewczyny Genevieve i zapracowanej matki powoli wraca do siebie. Jednak smutek i blizna na nadgarstku nie dają mu zapomnieć o przeszłości.Kiedy Genevieve wyjeżdża na kilka tygodni, Aaron spędza ten czas z nowym z...

    okładka Silvertip’s Search, Ebook | Max Brand

    Arizona Jim Silver had to find Rap Bender, Judge Bender’s missing son - the same Rap Bender who had joined guns with Silver’s oldest and deadliest enemy. But when the legendary Silvertip finally caught up with Bender, they shared a common enemy - ever since Bender’s partner double-crossed him by trying to kidnap his woman. Now it was up to the two men to catch the man Silver had pledged to kill - for Silver’s honor and his life. "Silver Tip" is a series of Western novels wr...

    okładka Silvertip, Ebook | Max Brand

    Silvertip had meant to kill the cold-hearted Bandini, but it was a kid wearing Bandini’s cape who came out the saloon door and met Silvertip’s bullet. Now, Silvertip has taken an oath to take care of the kid’s business first, then track down Bandini and put the sidewinder six feet under - for good. An urge for roaming and a chance meeting with the bandit Bandini put Silvertip on the trail that leads to Haverhill Valley, where he finds more action than he ever bargained for....

    okładka The Cure of Silver Cañon, Ebook | Max Brand

    Do you love stories about the untamed days of the Old West? In "Señor Coyote", Frank Pollard, a small-time rancher down on his luck and owing the bank $500, looks to his legendary friend, Slip Liddell, to give him the money before the banker, Foster, forecloses on his ranch. Liddell refuses to pay Foster, even for his friend. Pollard threatens to do something about it, and then the bank is robbed and Foster shot. Will Liddell help when his friend is accused of the crime? "T...

    okładka Silvertip’s Trap, Ebook | Max Brand

    At 30, Bill Naylor had spent half his life behind bars. Free again, and while looking for a new job, he saves a man from drowning. For Bill Naylor, there are all the others in the world, when it comes to being an outlaw, and there is Barry Christian. For Bill, Christian is the best, and the two wind up together, so Bill is all too ready to do the toughest thing that Christian has to throw his way. It involves killing Silvertip. It is Naylor’s chance to prove himself, and he...

    okładka Silvertip’s Chase, Ebook | Max Brand

    Bill Gary was blinded by the agony of torn flesh. Red sparks of pain flared through him. He saw Frosty, his mouth dripping with blood, ready to spring again. Bill struck at the leaping form ... and missed. The wolf’s teeth were at his throat! Bill Gary was dead. But this only encouraged the fortune seekers. For securely fastened around the killer wolf’s neck was a collar containing the location of a vein of gold ... and it was still anybody’s prize. This most vicious of tim...

    okładka Silvertip’s Strike, Ebook | Max Brand

    In his last evil plan, the dying Steve Wycombe wills his land, stock, and cash to his three worst enemies, Morris Delgas, Harry Rutherford, and Jim Silver, with the knowledge that sooner or later there would be violence over the inheritance. He actually dictates his will while dying from being shot in the stomach. He makes them, one honest man and two crooked, run his ranch. He knows that it is only a matter of time before they come to blows, but that is exactly what he wan...

    okładka Silvertip’s Roundup, Ebook | Max Brand

    No writer captured the excitement, humanity, or adventure of the American West better than Max Brand. ""Silvertip’s Roundup"" is and Old Western tale of adventure told by Max Brand, one of America’s favorite Western writers. Brand tells the story of the legendary Arizona Jim ""Silvertip"" Silver, who shoots fast, stays cook, and brings to justice killers and thieves who make a habit of taking the law into their own hands. No criminal was safe from Silvertip’s brilliant mind...

    okładka A Shower of Silver, Ebook | Max Brand

    A train passenger is framed for murder, and a young man tries to help a young, newlywed couple but not everything is what is at first seems in this thriller. Whichever side of the law they’re on, the unforgettable characters in this tale will fight for what they believe... and to survive. Frederick Schiller Faust (1892-1944) was an American author best known for his thoughtful Westerns under the pen name Max Brand. Prolific in many genres, he wrote historical novels, detect...

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