
Szukasz: Thomas Erikson

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    okładka Frigiel i Fluffy. Las Varogg. , Ebook | Ange Frigiel, Nicolas Digard

    Las Varogg to trzeci tom bestsellerowej serii Frigiel i Fluffy, której akcja toczy się w uniwersum Minecrafta.Odkryj nowe przygody Minecraftowego® Frigiela i jego wiernego kompana Fluffy’ego!Ernald żyje! Ale co takiego się wydarzyło? Uwięziony w podwodnej kolonii karnej Suratanu Frigiel musi dowiedzieć się, jak uciec. Dzięki pomocy Alice, Abla i własnym magicznym zdolnościom chłopcu udaje się uwolnić Ernalda, dwóch innych mieszkańców Lanniel, goblina o imieniu Stekx, a także ...

    okładka Mróz, Ebook | Thomas Bernhard

    Mróz to książkowy debiut prozatorski Thomasa Bernharda. Wydana w 1963 roku powieść została przyjęta z ogromnym zainteresowaniem przez krytykę literacką w krajach języka niemieckiego, zdobywając niezwykle pozytywne, a nawet entuzjastyczne recenzje. A dwa lata później przyniosła jej autorowi Nagrodę Literacką Miasta Bremy – pierwszą spośród wielu nagród, jakie Bernhard miał otrzymać za swą twórczość.Powieść ma konstrukcję dziennika, zapisywanego przez 27 kolejnych, zimowy...

    okładka Ród zdobywców. , Ebook | Thomas B. Costain

    Historia dynastii Plantagenetów autorstwa Thomasa B. Costaina obejmuje cztery tomy. Pierwszy z nich, Ród zdobywców, rozpoczyna się od podboju Anglii przez Wilhelma Zdobywcę w 1066 roku, a kończy w 1216 roku wraz z rządami Jana bez Ziemi. W tym burzliwym okresie po zmaganiach między monarchami a poddanymi udało się stworzyć podwaliny pod nowy system rządów. Dzieje i uczestnicy tych wydarzeń ożywają przed oczami czytelnika dzięki biegłości Costaina w snuciu opowieści oraz jego ...

    okładka Święta w Londynie, Ebook | Rachael Thomas

    Maximiliano Martinez kilka miesięcy po ślubie uświadamia sobie, że nigdy nie będzie szczęśliwy w małżeństwie. Nie chce oszukiwać Lisy przez całe życie, więc odchodzi od niej. Lisa wnosi o rozwód, dowiaduje się jednak, że jest w ciąży. Dla dobra dziecka postanawiają dać sobie jeszcze jedną szansę. Po wspólnych świętach Lisa zdecyduje, czy potrafi żyć z Maxem, który jej nie kocha…  Druga część miniserii. 

    okładka Fiasko. Amerykańska awantura wojenna w Iraku 2003-2005, Ebook | Thomas E. Ricks

    Niniejsza książka wykracza poza doniesienia prasowe i manipulacje, prezentując nam pierwszy prawdziwy obraz sytuacji w terenie, widziany oczyma obecnych w Iraku ludzi – od dowódców, przez funkcjonariuszy wywiadu i lekarzy wojskowych, po zwykłych żołnierzy. Dzięki naocznym świadectwom zaprzeczającym oficjalnym danym i sprawozdaniom roztacza przed nami wstrząsającą panoramę kłamstw, głupoty, myślenia życzeniowego, braku planowania i totalnej niemocy intelektualnej osób stojącyc...

    okładka The Well-Beloved, Ebook | Thomas Hardy

    "The Well-Beloved" complete the series of Hardy’s great novels, repeating his favorite themes of man’s eternal pursuit of excellence both in love and in art, and the ensuing suffering, Jocelyn Pearston, a famous sculptor, tries to create the image of his ideal woman - his imagined Beloved - in stone, just as he tries to find her in the flesh. Powerful symbolism marks this romantic fantasy, which Hardy firmly substantiated in reality with a characteristic authentic display o...

    okładka Under the Greenwood Tree, Ebook | Thomas Hardy

    This story began around Christmas, when a group of guys from the village of Melstock walked and sang carols. It was then that the cab driver Dick Dewey saw and fell in love at first sight with the new teacher Fancy Day who had just arrived. She is also looked after by a wealthy farmer Shiner, whom Father Day favors, and pastor Maybold, who considers himself the most suitable party for Fancy. But the story did not begin in vain on the fabulous days of Christmas - it will end...

    okładka The Return of the Native, Ebook | Thomas Hardy

    Young beauty Eustace Way, passionate, self-willed, selfish and ambitious, eager to break out of the hateful rural outback into a “different life”, full of splendor, fun and pleasure. Meanwhile, after several years of service as a manager in a Paris jewelry salon, Clime Ibright returns to his Blooms End estate, who also wants to live a different life - to settle in his native land and open a school for the rural poor. Soon, Eustace and Klyme meet - and this meeting is destin...

    okładka Far from the Madding Crowd, Ebook | Thomas Hardy

    In the novel “Far From the Crazed Crowd”, Hardy reveals the great and eternal drama of the relationship between a man and a woman. At one time, the vivid, complicated story of the love triangle of the independent and proud Bathsheba, who inherited the farm in the wilderness of Northern England, the peasant Gabriel Oak and the “alien from urban civilization” sergeant Troy became a real literary scandal. Interestingly, Hardy’s novel is still considered scandalous and violates...

    okładka The Hand of Ethelberta, Ebook | Thomas Hardy

    Hardy’s fifth novel, entitled "Comedy in Chapters." In a typical Hardy manner, the story is based on a love triangle. Ethelberta and her involuntary sister Picoti are in love with the same man, Christopher, who reciprocates Ethelberta’s feelings. However, a happy result for them is out of the question, because it is poor.

    okładka The Mayor of Casterbridge, Ebook | Thomas Hardy

    The novel tells about a man with character and unusual fate. The life story of Michael Henchard, first a homeless worker, a haymaker, then the mayor of Casterbridge and a local rich man and again a farm laborer, involuntarily arouses interest in the intensity of events.

    okładka A Group of Noble Dames, Ebook | Thomas Hardy

    A group of "local historians" of men comes together and tells each other stories about women from the past. All stories are connected with love, marriage to the wrong person and illegitimate children. This says a lot about how women looked at that time. Even those in abundance had very little influence and were often convicted of using it when they had a chance.

    okładka The Woodlanders, Ebook | Thomas Hardy

    The novel takes the reader to the very depths of rural England. The small village of Hintok, the scene of the novel, is so small that it’s even hard to find in the thicket of the forest, but this is where the tragedies of “truly Sophocles greatness” are played out. The reason for these tragedies is the clash of natural human characters preserved in the reserved wilderness of rural England.

    okładka Jude the Obscure, Ebook | Thomas Hardy

    Jude is a layman who is cursed by an even larger figure: a pre-feminist minx. In the case of Jude, being associated with a woman in the then strange double is a fatal flaw. And not just any woman: Sue Briadhead, a Bovarian double, is ambivalent, mean and not romantic. Of course, she alone would betray Judah’s affection, break his heart. She is the sad queen of drama!

    okładka A Laodicean, Ebook | Thomas Hardy

    Paula Power, daughter of a wealthy railroad tycoon, inherited De Stancy Castle, an ancient castle in need of modernization. She instructs a young London architect, George Somerset, to do this work. Somerset falls in love with Paulo. But Paula, the Laodicean title, referring to a person with a warm or indecisive soul, is torn between the admiration of George and the admiration of Captain de Stancy, whose romanticism in the old world contrasts with Somerset’s visionary gaze....

    okładka A Pair of Blue Eyes, Ebook | Thomas Hardy

    The heroine of the novel is a young Elfrid. She can easily charm anyone with the look of her blue eyes. In her life, two appear, a young architect and an experienced writer. Former friends become rivals, and Elfrida is faced with a painful choice.

    okładka Desperate Remedies, Ebook | Thomas Hardy

    Once upon a time there lived in the 19th century a charming young lady from a poor but proud family and a young ambitious gentleman in spirit, but not in origin. And now the boundaries of estates and welfare were ready to be erased under the pressure of the couple’s feelings and understanding of the girl’s parents that it’s not the age of her daughter to attract men and we need to work with what we have. However, the lady turned out to be capricious, fell into a hysteria an...

    okładka The Trumpet-Major, Ebook | Thomas Hardy

    Hardy’s historical novel against the backdrop of the grandest Napoleonic wars tells about the love and sorrows of ordinary people who found themselves in unusual times. When the expected invasion brings several regiments to her small rural community, the young maid Anna Garland is looked after by three people in uniform: faithful trumpet major John Loveday, his sailor brother Bob, and the cowardly Festus Derriman of the cavalry of Yomanria.

    okładka Zimowa panna młoda, Ebook | Rachael Thomas

    Warunki testamentu ojca nakazują Raulowi Valdezowi i Lydii Carter-Wilson pobrać się, żeby uregulować sprawy finansowe rodzinnych firm. Oboje nie chcą tego ślubu. Istnieje tylko jeden sposób, by uniknąć małżeństwa, a jest nim odnalezienie przyrodniego brata Raula. Lydia, pasjonująca się genealogią, podejmuje się tego zadania. Musi zdążyć do Wigilii. Na czas poszukiwań zamieszkuje z Raulem w Madrycie… Druga część miniserii ukaże się w grudniu 

    okładka The Riddle of the Spinning Wheel, Ebook | Thomas W. Hanshew

    Hamilton Cleek is a renaissance man for the ages: an intellectual giant with the brawn of ten men, he serves as a consulting detective, often helping Scotland Yard with particularly challenging cases. With the power to distort and transform his visage and mimic any mannerism he desires, Cleek, with the assistance of his cockney assistant „Dollops”, makes a super natural detective! In „The Riddle of the Spinning Wheel”, a young woman concerned that the turmoil in her family ...

    okładka The Riddle of the Purple Emperor, Ebook | Thomas W. Hanshew

    Hamilton Cleek, once known to Scotland Yard as „The Vanishing Cracksman” is a reformed crook turned detective. He has a gift for both deduction and impersonation, a curious combination of Sherlock Holmes and Peter Sellars, which he uses to solve mysteries. After a long Channel crossing, Cleek drives a lady home only to discover her aunt has been murdered. But the mystery has only just begun. It leads to a mysterious and sinister chain of events, which Cleek and Superintende...

    okładka The Riddle of the Night, Ebook | Thomas W. Hanshew

    Sherlock Holmes fans will find a lot to like in Thomas W. Hanshew’s „The Riddle of the Night”. Thomas W. Hanshew (1857-1914), who also wrote as Charlotte Mary Kingsley, was an American author and actor best known for his stories of Hamilton Cleek, the man of the forty faces, who through his talents for disguise solves crime and mystery in London. He wrote some books in collaboration with his wife, Mary E Hanshew. In it, renowned consulting detective Hamilton Cleek is faced ...

    okładka The Riddle of the Frozen Flame, Ebook | Thomas W. Hanshew

    This is another classic of golden-age detective fiction featuring Detective Hamilton Cleek who was introduced in „Cleek: The Man of the Forty Faces” first published in 1913. This super sleuth and master of disguise will bedazzle you once more as he ingeniously solves a new case. Without the logical mind and condescending manners of Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes, Hamilton Cleek worms into your heart through your eyes and via your brain. In this tale, Cleek investigates the siniste...

    okładka Cleek, Ebook | Thomas W. Hanshew

    Collection of several short mysteries, starring consulting detective Hamilton Cleek and his incredible skills at disguise with the assistance of his cockney assistant „Dollops”. Cleek is poacher-turned-gamekeeper, a master criminal who decides to turn straight and work for Scotland Yard after being stricken by the sight of a lovely, innocent young woman whose jewels he was about to pinch. Told as a fairly continuous narrative, held together by the underlying thread of Cleek...

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