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    okładka Midwinter, Ebook | John Buchan

    Regarded as one of the finest historical novels ever written, Jacobites, spies and thrilling intrigue are brought together by the master of suspense. As Bonnie Prince Charlie marches his army into England, his confidant Alastair Maclean is despatched on a secret mission. He is befriended by two extraordinary men – Dr. Samuel Johnson, an aspiring man of letters, and the shadowy figure known only as „Midwinter.” As he travels to rally the west of England to the Prince’s cause...

    okładka John Macnab, Ebook | John Buchan

    Written in 1925, the novel opens with three gentleman friends – lawyer Sir Edward Leithen, banker John Palliser-Yeates, and Cabinet member Charles Lord Lamancha – discovering that they all suffer a common and debilitating malady, a loss of zest for life, all desperate to relieve the ennui that has engulfed them. The solution can only be something devilish, with a dash of daring. Enlisting the aid of another friend, Scottish landowner Sir Archibald Roylance, the trio contriv...

    okładka Huntingtower, Ebook | John Buchan

    A true adventure story involving the unlikely hero Dickson McCunn, retired successful businessman and former greengrocer who sets out on a walking holiday in the Scottish Borders. There he meets a young English poet, and both soon become embroiled in the plot of an international gang to capture a Russian princess. With the help of the Gorbals Die-hards, an indomitable gang of urchins from Glasgow, they frustrate and finally defeat the gang. And in the process Dickson happen...

    okładka John Burnet of Barns, Ebook | John Buchan

    „John Burnet of Barns” was Buchan’s first fully realised, full-length work of fiction. The author’s third novel is story of adventure, treachery and revenge, set in the Scottish Borders in the 17th century, telling of a young nobleman who sets out to gain an education abroad, only to find himself betrayed in his absence by his cousin. Not just a romance, but adventures of a Scottish gentleman around the Netherlands and the wildest highlands of Scotland to find himself, rega...

    okładka Castle Gay, Ebook | John Buchan

    „Castle Gay” is the second of Buchan’s three Dickson McCunn books and is set in south west Scotland in the Dumfries and Galloway region in the 1920s. The plot revolves around the self-discovery of a media mogul named Craw, who is firstly the subject of mistaken identity and then the target of Balkan extremists who wish to use his newspapers to influence their political cause. Mr. Craw’s journey is overseen by Jaikie Galt, one of the young scamps in „Huntingtower”, who is no...

    okładka Ania z Wyspy, Ebook | Lucy Maud Montgomery

    „Ania z Wyspy” („Anne of the Island”) to trzecia część z serii o Ani z Zielonego Wzgórza. W tym tomie Ania Shirley zaczyna naukę w Redmond College w Kingsport. Ciężko pracuje, by zdobyć upragniony tytuł magistra. W czasie wolnym od nauki spotyka się z nową przyjaciółką Filipą Gordon, ma też nowego adoratora, niejakiego Roya Gardnera. Nie zaniedbuje też starych znajomości. Kiedy dowiaduje się o chorobie Gilberta, uświadamia sobie, że go kocha…

    okładka A Lost Lady of Old Years, Ebook | John Buchan

    John Buchan was a Scottish author and Unionist politician who served as Governor General of Canada. He wrote a series of books that follow the adventures of Richard Hannay, an expatriate Scot who was first introduced in the classic novel The Thirty-Nine Steps. Set in Scotland in 1745, during the Jacobite Rebellion, this dark story of loyalty and betrayal on the road to Culloden Moor recounts the adventures of Francis Birkenshaw. The Jacobite cause means nothing to him until...

    okładka Dziennik cwaniaczka 2. Rodrick rządzi. , Audiobook | Jeff Kinney

    Pod żadnym pozorem nie pytajcie Grega Heffleya, jak spędził wakacje, bo on zdecydowanie nie chce o tym rozmawiać. Wkraczając w nowy rok szkolny, chce się odciąć od ostatnich miesięcy… a szczególnie od jednego wydarzenia. Na swoje nieszczęście Greg ma brata Rodricka, który zna jego wstydliwie skrywaną tajemnicę. A tajemnice czasami się wydają… zwłaszcza kiedy w całą sprawę zamieszany jest dziennik. Przekonuje do czytania nawet najbardziej opornych. "USA TODAY"...

    okładka The Pilot, Ebook | James Fenimore Cooper

    In The Pilot (1824), James Fenimore Cooper invented a new literary genre: the sea novel. Bold, vigorous, original, it is a tale of high adventure that vividly captures the majesty and power of the seafaring life. Cooper drew on his direct knowledge of ships and sailors to present a truer picture of life on the sea than had ever before achieved in literature. As a boy of seventeen he had experienced the life of a common seaman, learned the craft of sailing, encountered terri...

    okładka Rękopis znaleziony w Saragossie, Ebook | Jan Potocki

    Monumentalna powieść Jana Potockiego o szkatułkowej kompozycji. Składa się na nią wiele wątków i historii – jedne wynikają z drugich i wzajemnie się zazębiają, podzielone są przy tym na dni, które wyznaczają rytm opowiadania. Główny bohater, Alfons von Worden, przeżywa niezwykłe przygody, które układają się w fascynującą, spójną i zaskakującą opowieść.

    okładka Krumir, Ebook | Karol May

    „Krumir” to cykl opowiadań przygodowych, które rozgrywają się w Afryce Północnej na pograniczu algiersko-tunezyjskim. Czytelnicy mogą obserwować współistnienie kultury chrześcijańskiej oraz islamu, a także podziwiać pięknie wykreowane, bajeczne afrykańskie krajobrazy: pustyni, puszczy, rozrzuconych wśród pustkowi ludzkich osad...

    okładka White Fang, Ebook | Jack London

    The main conflict of the story is dog-nature vs. wolf-nature, or nature vs. man. What happens to White fang, and how he goes through the many troubles that he has to. Growing up in the Yukon territory of Canada during the Klondike Gold Rush, he learned the law of the Wild at an early age: kill, or be killed, eat, or be eaten. Separated from his mother and traded from master to master, White Fang never grasped the concept of love, and violence was all that he knew. Having no...

    okładka The Call of the Wild, Ebook | Jack London

    ”The Call of the Wild” is a touching novel about a great friendship between a dog and a human. The novel follows up the life of the dog Buck since he lived in sunny California all the way until the day he was kidnapped and tossed into the chaos of the Klondike Gold Rush and the brutal realities of frontier life. Buck changes hands a number of times before landing in the kindly hands of John Thornton who took care of him with great tenderness while not expecting anything in ...

    okładka The White Company, Ebook | Arthur Conan Doyle

    „The White Company” is the story of Alleyne Edricson’s quest to win the hand of his lady love, the Lady Maud Loring. The place is England and the Continent, the year is 1366 during the reign of the King of the English, Edward III, and his realm is twenty-nine years into The Hundred Years’ War with France. Setting off on his adventures, he finds himself part of the White Company – a group of mercenary archers en route to France. A roistering tale of knight-errantry follows, ...

    okładka Uncle Bernac, Ebook | Arthur Conan Doyle

    This was one of several fictional historical works that Doyle wrote during the last five years of the 19th century, as he tried to find something to replace Sherlock Holmes. First published in 1897, this murder mystery relates the story of a young Frenchman, Louis, who, having grown up in England, returns to France at the false invitation of his Uncle Bernac. Louis quickly finds himself in personal danger as well as involved in a conspiracy against Napoleon. We’re soon the ...

    okładka The Tragedy of the „Korosko”, Ebook | Arthur Conan Doyle

    Ten tourists from England, Ireland, America and France, six men and four women are on a vacation trip down the Nile in 1895. Without warning they are captured by Islamic terrorists, and the possibility of rescue becomes more remote with each passing day. Their choice is a stark one: either convert to Islam and become slaves for the rest of their lives or die. In this story, the reader is swept out of the placid stream of existence and dashed against the horrible jagged fact...

    okładka The Great Shadow, Ebook | Arthur Conan Doyle

    Set in an English-Scottish border village during the waning days of the Napoleonic era, this adventure story introduces us to Jock Calder, whose quiet way of life is shattered when a mysterious stranger steps ashore near his home. The stranger changes forever the lives of Jock, his cousin Edie, and his best friend Jim, sending the young men into the jaws of the final battle to defeat The Great Shadow that threatens to devour the whole of Europe. We see the boy grow into a s...

    okładka The Refugees, Ebook | Arthur Conan Doyle

    A brilliant adventure tale of life in the Court of Louis XIV and of Canada under French rule... and Huguenot persecution The Refugees is set in both 17th Century France and in the wilds of North America. Although Doyle wasn’t a Christian, he writes with a great deal of sympathy as he describes the plight of French Protestants in the late 17th century. The year is 1690 and the De Catinat family is facing disaster. Because they are Huguenots, French Protestants, Louis XIV has...

    okładka The Adventures of Gerard, Ebook | Arthur Conan Doyle

    Love humor writing? Can’t get enough of classic adventure tales? First published in 1902, „The Adventures of Gerard” are the autobiographical reminiscences of an old fictional brigadier soldier who served under Napoleon. He never hesitates to embellish his own bravado, importance, and attractiveness to the ladies, to such an extent that it can’t help but be humorous. Etienne Gerard, a hussar of the French Army, is dashing, flamboyant, and unbelievably full of himself. The b...

    okładka The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard, Ebook | Arthur Conan Doyle

    „The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard” is a volume collecting 8 short stories about a courier and cavalryman in the personal service of Napoleon Bonaparte. The stories in „The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard” are all told in the first person by an aged Gerard looking back on his military endeavours in the early 1800s when there was no man prouder to serve the Emperor Napoleon. Etienne Gerard is a dashing, chivalrous, and stalwart French officer who becomes involved various suspens...

    okładka The Firm of Girdlestone, Ebook | Arthur Conan Doyle

    John and Ezra Girdlestone, father and son, run a British merchant company trading to the African coast with several sailing ships, all dangerously ill-maintained. Their small office is in London, their business is quite personally run, and the firm and its owners are well respected in the City by the 1870s. John Girdlestone is deeply and ostentatiously religious, to the cynical amazement of his son. The senior Girdlestone also is the tightly-controlling guardian of an heire...

    okładka Micah Clarke, Ebook | Arthur Conan Doyle

    Narrated by the character for whom the title is named and set in the late 1600’s, Micah Clarke describes the battle of peasants against the existing king of England in the hopes that they can replace the monarch with his brother who feels he has been unjustly denied the throne. Micah Clarke, a young, innocent peasant joins forces with other peasants, among the Puritans, to fight for this pathetic duke’s cause. It was attempt by Conan Doyle to present the story of the Purita...

    okładka Rodney Stone, Ebook | Arthur Conan Doyle

    As well as penning some of the most popular detective fiction, Conan Doyle also wrote thrilling adventure stories. „Rodney Stone” is a combination of both. Nelson, Beau Brummell, Fox and King George III himself appear in a tale at the heart of which is, as one character says, „a pretty conspiracy – a criminal, an actress and a prize-fighter, all playing their parts”. The book is narrated by Rodney, in 1851 thinking back over the events 1803, when Rodney was 17 and his best ...

    okładka Sir Nigel, Ebook | Arthur Conan Doyle

    A historical romance and tale of adventure, set in England during the fourteenth century. Descendent of a noble family, Nigel Loring is the last of his race, and living alone with his aged grand-mother, upon a small remnant of their great estate. In service to King Edward III, Sir Nigel Loring must prove himself worthy of the hand of his the Lady Mary by performing three deeds in her honor. On his way to the altar, Nigel rescues a woman from dishonor, fights a pirate leader...