KtoCzyta.pl Książki fantasy - książki, ebooki i audiobooki

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    okładka A Columbus of Space, Ebook | Garrett P. Serviss

    Garrett Putman Serviss is popular as a science fiction author. His story „A Columbus of Space” about the flight into space. The heroes were in the middle of the cosmos, they were surprised when they saw the Earth. The very Earth where a few days ago they were going in some direction. Yes, they knew where they were. But how did they get there and what will they do next?

    okładka Edison’s Conquest of Mars, Ebook | Garrett P. Serviss

    Every person is interested to know whether there is life on Mars. Garrett Putman Servissis one of the first writers who touched on this topic. This story contains everything unimaginable: the invasion of people on Mars, ingenious inventions, the first space battle, alien abduction. This should be read to each.

    okładka The Stray Lamb, Ebook | Thorne Smith

    In „The Stray Lamb”, author Thorne Smith draws inspiration from his most famous works, the beloved Topper series. It follows mild-mannered investment banker, cuckold, ordinary, faithful, and dipsomaniac T. Lawrence Lamb. He is given a new perspective on life through the eyes of many different animals as he assumes the shape of many including a stallion, goldfish, dog, lion and many others. Mr. Lamb gains wisdom, fresh insight, and a new much needed exuberance for life as he...

    okładka Topper, Ebook | Thorne Smith

    Thorne Smith best-remembered for humorous novels, many turning on some fantastic plot device which thrusts the protagonist into grotesque predicaments, often via unwitting transformation. The 1926 publication of „Topper” brought the author immediate acclaim. Elegant, fun-loving George and Marion Kerby are the toast of the town, until they wreck their flashy car and discover they’ve become, well, ghosts. Making the best of a bad situation, they decide that being dead is the ...

    okładka Squadron of the Damned, Ebook | David Wright O’Brien

    Looking for a satisfying, meticulously exciting adventure with which to while away an afternoon? Look no further than „Squadron of the Damned”, a short story from one of the most early writers in the genre of fantasy and science fiction, David Wright O’Brien. O’Brien’s work was space opera or other routine adventure, but many of his stories betray a strain of humor, not unlike Henry Kuttner’s at that time. Some of the stories were co-written with his close friend William P....

    okładka Blitzkrieg in the Past, Ebook | David Wright O’Brien

    After a „short, dumpy bald-headed guy in civvies” installs an invention – a time transfer device – in a tank that proceeds into the Georgia wilderness on maneuvers, a lightning bolt send the tank and its three operators backward in time. Shortly afterward they notice a single three-toes dinosaur footprint and disturbingly they hear the bloodthirsty scream of a very strange „bird”. „Blitzkrieg in the Past” is a science fiction from American fantasy and science fiction writer...

    okładka Wisdom’s Daughter, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    The beauty of Ayesha was the only reason for the conflict in many countries. Her father was very jealous of his daughter for the pretenders for her heart. Ayesha helps the goddess Isis, and as a reward Isis leads her to the hidden kingdom of Kôr in Africa to usher in the new Golden Age. The kingdom of Kôr hides many secrets, including the Flame of Eternal Life, where in the end Ayesha’s obsession, obsession and desire lead to her fall.

    okładka She, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    She and Allan is a unique story written by Henry Rider Haggard. After all, he unites characters from three different series. Allan is looking for Ayesha in the hope of finding answers about his dead loved ones. He becomes involved in the rescue attempt of a young Portuguese-Scotch woman, and also fights with Ayesha’s enemies. This is truly one of the most exciting stories of a successful author.

    okładka She and Allan, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    Ayesha is an example of a strong and stately woman. It is a 2000-year-old woman who still looks amazing for her age, rules the tribes in Africa. Despite the unwelcome arrival of the British on her land. She extends a helping hand to them. Suddenly, she falls in love with one of the researchers of this group. But can such love be?

    okładka The Wistaria Scarf, Ebook | J.U. Giesy, Junius B Smith

    Sheldon, who was sentenced many times to imprisonment, has long been free. There were no rumors about him. However, his daughter is married and is going to the honeymoon, which paid for her father. The detective gets a phone call saying Sheldon has taken up the old business. And the detective goes to Sheldon’s daughter, whom he was in love with. The pursuit of Sheldon will never stop. However, maybe this time he is still not guilty?

    okładka The Significance of the High „D”, Ebook | J.U. Giesy, Junius B Smith

    The story begins at the Central Police Department. Where led Sheldon for the fourth time. The prisoner asked to speak with the detective, saying that he has a lead on the case, which the detective is so interested in. But is he not lying? And would a detective believe this? After all, what the prisoner will say will affect many of the detective’s decisions.

    okładka The Occult Detector, Ebook | J.U. Giesy, Junius B Smith

    Abdul Omar was a psychologist, mystic and astrologer who worked as a private detective. He believed that astrology would help predict the exact actions of a person. Based on the time of birth, he can accurately predict what and when a person will do. He was devoted to protecting women and their honor. He fell in love with and married Lotis, a former assassin of the Black Brotherhood who was sent to kill him.

    okładka The Master Mind, Ebook | J.U. Giesy, Junius B Smith

    The story of an undercover detective who works to capture the thief of the Bank. It would seem that he had already caught him. After all, he pressed a button that signaled a patrol garage, and another one that called the inspector and several other officers from the next room. Before the side door of the bank there was a big car in a limousine, which had two entrances, facing two streets. It was clearly a personal car of a rich man, because he was the latest model and luxur...

    okładka The House of Invisible Bondage, Ebook | J.U. Giesy, Junius B Smith

    Two main assistants of our hero help their friend astrologer to solve the mystery. After all, Imer Lamb was locked in a sanatorium for killing his friend. Is he mad or the victim of a devilish conspiracy? Many secrets that readers must solve.

    okładka Rubies of Doom, Ebook | J.U. Giesy, Junius B Smith

    Swartzberg was a cunning and mysterious man. First, he won all the guys in the cards, and then went out into the street, as if nothing had happened. But the detective who saw this picture, did not trust him. There was something about his personality that repelled him. The detective did not like his dark, heavy features, his swollen eyes, his mustache with curled tips, his thick, red lips, his heavy lobed ears or his smug look.

    okładka The Purple Light, Ebook | J.U. Giesy, Junius B Smith

    Semi Dual was an embodied mind rather than a human in the usual sense. He was a man of outstanding mental abilities, who applied his knowledge to straighten out the excesses and confusions of mortal life on earth. Many people would call him a mystic; in fact, he was a representative of the highest universal laws that few recognize. Another impressive story about Semi Dual, which reveals the new features of the main character.

    okładka Collected Short Fiction, Ebook | H. P. Lovecraft

    This is a collection of classic Lovecraft stories. What readers like about him is how he can terribly make everything seem, a feeling of fear and foreboding that his thick prose can create. These early works of H.P. Lovecraft were originally published in the first half of the 20th century. „The Dunwich Horror’ and ’The Call of Cthulhu’”, which subsequently brought him a place as one of the most influential authors of the horrors of the 20th century.

    okładka The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath and Other the Randolph Carter Stories, Ebook | H. P. Lovecraft

    The Dream Quest is one of his most significant stories. This is the bridge and the key to his two greatest periods and his most revealing personal work. This complex fantasy of a dream, which strangely brought the protagonist closer to the solution. Lovecraft stories are full of nightmares ruled by evil gods.

    okładka The Phantom of the Opera, Ebook | Gaston Leroux

    The fascinating story about a young Swede Christine Daaé. Her father, a famous musician, dies, and she is brought up in the Paris Opera House. After a while in the opera house, she begins to hear a voice that, in the end, teaches her how to sing beautifully. The ghost is in love with the main character and is jealous of her friend, but it can only spell disaster.

    okładka Xuthal of the Dusk, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    The desert shimmered in the heat waves. Conan the Cimmerian stared out over the aching desolation and involuntarily drew the back of his powerful hand over his blackened lips. He stood like a bronze image in the sand, apparently impervious to the murderous sun, though his only garment was a silk loin-cloth, girdled by a wide gold-buckled belt from which hung a saber and a broad-bladed poniard. On his clean-cut limbs were evidences of scarcely healed wounds.

    okładka Wings in the Night, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    Wings in the Night collects Robert E. Howard’s fiction and prose published in Weird Tales Magazine from July 1932 to May 1933. These works represent literary stepping-stones to Howard’s infamous Cthulhu mythos stories and his most famous character of all -- Conan the Cimmerian -- and ably demonstrate that each of Howard’s stories improved and added to his formidable skills as a master of fantasy and adventure.

    okładka Worms of the Earth, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    The speaker wrapped his purple cloak closer about his powerful frame and settled back into his official chair, much as he might have settled back in his seat at the Circus Maximus to enjoy the clash of gladiatorial swords. Realization of power colored his every move. Whetted pride was necessary to Roman satisfaction, and Titus Sulla was justly proud; for he was military governor of Eboracum and answerable only to the emperor of Rome.

    okładka The Tower of the Elephant, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    Torches flared murkily on the revels in the Maul, where the thieves of the east held carnival by night. In the Maul they could carouse and roar as they liked, for honest people shunned the quarters, and watchmen, well paid with stained coins, did not interfere with their sport. Along the crooked, unpaved streets with their heaps of refuse and sloppy puddles, drunken roisterers staggered, roaring. Steel glinted in the shadows where wolf preyed on wolf, and from the darkness ...

    okładka The Moon of Skulls, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    A great black shadow lay across the land, cleaving the red flame of the red sunset. To the man who toiled up the jungle trail it loomed like a symbol of death and horror, a menace brooding and terrible, like the shadow of a stealthy assassin flung upon some candle-lit wall.