KtoCzyta.pl Literatura - książki, ebooki i audiobooki

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    okładka ”God Wills It!”, Ebook | William Stearns Davis

    Richard Longsworth is the main character. The book begins to find him young, carefree and autonomous. He is the master of his own destiny and owes nothing to anyone. Soon he meets Maria Kurkuas, the heroine.

    okładka Auriol, Ebook | William Harrison Ainsworth

    The action is completely framed as a fantasy. In this story, the atmosphere of the imprisonment of a madman (and possible recovery) and a villain, the story of his keeper, is completed.

    okładka A Daughter of To-day, Ebook | Sara Jeannette Duncan

    This is a short novel about Elfrida, a young girl who gets her art education before being forced to realize that her talents may lie elsewhere instead. She runs away to Europe hoping to find a career in journalism. She read in many magazines.

    okładka Athalie, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    Robert W. Chambers is known for his science fiction, thrillers. He wrote a classic romance novel. When Mrs. Greensleeve first saw her child, she knew that he was different from other children.

    okładka Trouble for Lucia, Ebook | E.F. Benson

    Lucia is now rich, happily married, and Mayor of Tilling – but the village gossip is in full swing and Lucia’s arch-rival Miss Elizabeth Mapp is out for revenge. Their epic collisions rock their small society and provide the narrative engines for Benson’s gloriously farcical masterpieces. Will Lucia fall at the final hurdle? Delightfully witty and shamelessly entertaining, this is a fitting finale to the series – E.F. Benson’s ‘au reservoir’!

    okładka Zanoni, Ebook | Edward Bulwer-Lytton

    „Zanoni”, first published in 1842, was inspired by a dream. This piece of literature describes a fascinating story of love and occult aspiration. The main character is Zanoni, a timeless Rosicrucian who has lived since the Chaldean civilisation. He falls in love with a young opera singer, Viola Pisani – but to Zanoni, falling in love means losing his power of immortality. The story develops in the days of the French Revolution in 1789.

    okładka The Return of Don Quixote, Ebook | Chesterton G.K.

    Chesterton’s last novel is a reflection of his first novel. Michael Herne, the librarian at Seawood Abbey, is asked to play the part of a medieval king. He not only takes his role seriously by thoroughly researching the Middle Ages, when the play is concluded, he refuses to take off the costume... Set in the early 20th Century, this is the intriguing story of the rise of a new Don Quixote who introduces a medieval government into the world of big business.

    okładka The Reward of Nostradamus, Ebook | Henry Bedford-Jones

    A strange and mysterious gem named the Sphinx Emerald leaves its trail through history: a witness to many historic events and crosses the paths of both simple folk and famous men and, for good or bad, exerts its powerful influence... Catherine de Medici coveted the Sphinx Emerald. And when the King gave it as a reward to his physician, Doctor Nôtredame rode in dire peril of his life.

    okładka The Son of Julius Caesar, Ebook | Henry Bedford-Jones

    These Sphinx Emerald stories are a veritable Outline of History. „The Son of Julius Caesar” is the fifth one from the master story tell H. Bedford-Jones! Many of his works were historical fiction/adventures, about knights, pirates, buccaneers, vikings, musketeers, revolutionaries, legionnaires, soldiers, sailors, and assorted adventurers. Here the tragic young Caesarion dominates the scene.

    okładka The Sphinx Emerald, Ebook | Henry Bedford-Jones

    Imagine a single artifact that has been involved with every era and event from ancient Egypt to post-WWII.That’s the Sphinx Emerald. A strange jewel that wrought mischief and magic as it passed from hand to hand down the ages starts its strange eventful dramatic history here in Ancient Egypt... and crosses the paths of both simple folk and famous men such as Alexander the Great, Saladin, Richard the Lionheart, Leonardo da Vinci, Cardinal Richelieu.

    okładka The Sunken Island, Ebook | Fenton Ash

    Welcome to the important and meaningful adventure novel of Francis Henry Atkins which is „The Sunken Island: or the Pirates of Atlantis”, appeared in 1904. Frank Atkins (1847-1927), who has written under several names, including Frank Aubrey and here as Fenton Ash. He was a British writer of „pulp fiction”, in particular science fiction aimed at younger readers, writing at least three Lost-World novels along with much else.

    okładka The Temple of Fire, Ebook | Fenton Ash

    „The Temple of Fire, or The Mysterious Island” (1905), the author’s seventh novel out of an eventual 14. It is an absorbing lost-world adventure, characterized by vividly imaginative. Francis Henry Atkins – British speculative fiction writer, working mainly under two pseudonyms (Frank Aubrey and Fenton Ash) in sequence, was extremely successful and influential. He played an important role in the History of Science-Fiction.

    okładka The Haunted and the Haunters, Ebook | Edward Bulwer-Lytton

    Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton (1803-1873), a prolific Victorian novelist, member of Parliament, and Secretary of State for the colonies, wrote in a variety of genres, including historical fiction, mystery, romance, the occult, and science fiction. The protagonist of this book thinks that all stories related to ghosts, could be explained with a reasonable point of view. Now he has to solve the mystery of a haunted house... What adventures did he face? Read the story to know!

    okładka The Justice of Amru, Ebook | Henry Bedford-Jones

    Written in the cycle of tales by H. Bedford-Jones, „The Justice of Amru” tells how fanatic followers of Mohammed stormed out of Arabia in the seventh century to slaughter the Greek troops of the Great Eastern Empire and conquer Egypt... and again the strange Sphinx Emerald came to the scene to play its part in the unrolling historic drama.

    okładka The King’s Jewel, Ebook | Henry Bedford-Jones

    The strange Sphinx Emerald which Richard had brought home to England from the Crusades was the property of Edward III in this year 1349 – a year of triumph because of victory; of terror because of pestilence. And when a beautiful woman coveted the jewel, its tragic power came again to life. This series about the Sphinx Emerald constitutes, as has been said, a veritable Outline of History!

    okładka The Last Pharaoh, Ebook | Henry Bedford-Jones

    Meet another great pulp extravaganza, №3 in the amazing cycle of tales from Henry Bedford-Jones published in the mid-1940s. That strange bewitching jewel, the Sphinx Emerald, plays another part in world drama when a Mata Hari betrays the Egyptians, and Artaxerxes of Persia storms up the Nile to take over the ancient kingdom of the Pharaohs.

    okładka The Mystery of an Artist’s Model, Ebook | Fenton Ash

    Written as Frank Aubrey, „The Mystery of an Artist’s Model” is a weird mystery with rationalized supernaturalism. Little is known about Aubrey/Atkins. He was involved in a scandal at the turn of the century and sentenced to nine months imprisonment for obtaining money by deception. After leaving prison he dropped the name Frank Aubrey and – in his early 60s, following a three-year hiatus – began writing as Fenton Ash.

    okładka The Passing of the Sphinx Emerald, Ebook | Henry Bedford-Jones

    The final series about the strange and mysterious gem „The Passing of the Sphinx Emerald” constitutes a veritable Outline of History – or perhaps „Highlights of History” would be more accurate. For this reason the greatest event in all history could not be left out. Here, then, we see in Santa Fe, the story of this malign and magic jewel, which began in Ancient Egypt, comes to its strange conclusion.

    okładka The Pat Hobby Stories, Ebook | Francis Scott Fitzgerald

    A Hollywood hack who has fallen on hard times since the end of the Silent Era, Pat Hobby spends his time hanging out in the studio lot attempting to devise schemes to get more work and earn on-screen credits. Entertainingly artless and insensitive; by turns lazy and scheming, Hobby keeps his head just above water as the decades leave silent film behind. F. Scott Fitzgerald’s collection of 17 humorous short stories paints a comic portrait of a man unwilling to accept his fate ...

    okładka The Beautiful and Damned, Ebook | Francis Scott Fitzgerald

    F. Scott Fitzgerald’s second novel, first published in 1922, which brilliantly satirizes a doomed and glamorous marriage of would-be Jazz Age aristocrats Anthony and Gloria Patch: they are beautiful, shallow, pleasure-seeking, and vain. As they await the inheritance of his grandfather’s fortune, their reckless marriage sways under the influence of alcohol and avarice and disintegrates under the weight of their expectations, dissipation, jealousy and aimlessness...

    okładka The Bride of the Sphinx, Ebook | Henry Bedford-Jones

    A strange jewel that wrought mischief and magic as it passed from hand to hand down the ages starts its strange eventful dramatic history. Now almost in our own day the Sphinx Emerald turns up in Cairo to work its malign magic in a memorable drama. „The Bride of the Sphinx” is the seventeenth story of the popular series about the Sphinx Emerald.

    okładka The Coming Race, Ebook | Edward Bulwer-Lytton

    „The Coming Race” (1870) by Edward Bulwer-Lytton is an early science fiction novel. It offers a fascinating vision of a shadowy underworld populated by strange and beautiful creatures who closely resemble the angels described in Christian lore. These beings, known as Vril-ya, live underground, but are intending to leave their subterranean existence and conquer the world...

    okładka The Devil-Tree of El Dorado, Ebook | Frank Aubrey

    „The Devil-Tree of El Dorado” concerns the discovery of the legendary city of Manoa in British Guiana, high atop Mt. Roraima, at that date an incredibly remote part of the world. Most desirable, all the expected thrills of an Atlantean thriller plus some: flying damsels; immortals; a satisfying variety of monsters including the „frightful shape, with its maddening leer and its blood-curdling scream” that welcomes us to the book.

    okładka The Eye of the Sun, Ebook | Henry Bedford-Jones

    More thrilling adventures from the master story tell H. Bedford-Jones! This series about the Sphinx Emerald constitutes, as has been said, a veritable Outline of History – or perhaps „Highlights of History” would be more accurate. For this reason the greatest event in all history could not be left out. Here, then, we see the Holy Family during the exile in Egypt.

Co znajdziesz w kategorii: Literatura

„Literatura” jest bardzo obszerną kategorią zawierającą w sobie książki z licznych podkategorii, dlatego możemy tu znaleźć zarówno literaturę piękną, poezję i dramat, jak i powieść obyczajową i historyczną, a także fantastykę, horror, kryminał i romans. Najchętniej czytane pozycje w księgarni internetowej Woblink.com należą do jednego z najpopularniejszych pisarzy młodego pokolenia Remigiusza Mroza, którego powieści od razu zdobywają rzesze wiernych fanów („Hashtag”, „Testament”, „Zerwa”), znanego na całym świecie, niekwestionowanego króla horrorów Stephena Kinga („Outsider”, „To”), a także brytyjskiej pisarki, jednej z najpopularniejszych autorek powieści dla kobiet Jojo Mojes („Moje serce w dwóch światach”, „Kiedy odszedłeś”, „Zanim się pojawiłeś”). W kategorii „Literatura” nie mogło także zabraknąć takich tytułów jak „Opowieść podręcznej” Margaret Atwood, która przedstawia przerażającą antyutopię o piekle kobiet zmuszonych do życia w reżimowym państwie, „Kredziarz” C.J. Tudor, czyli pełnego koszmarów thrillera będącego niezwykle udanym debiutem literackim brytyjskiej pisarki czy opartej na motywach mitologicznych „Kirke” Madeleine Miller – opowieści o samotnej kobiecie walczącej z przeciwnościami losu i zmuszonej wybierać między bogami a śmiertelnikami. W ofercie znajdują się również książki tworzące kanon literatury polskiej i europejskiej, utwory cenione i wartościowe. Należą do nich ponadczasowe pozycje pisarzy polskich, jak np. „Bajki robotów” Stanisława Lema, „Lalka” Bolesława Prusa, „Potop” Henryka Sienkiewicza, a także zagranicznych, czyli m.in. „Mistrz i Małgorzata” Michaiła Bułhakowa, „Wojna i pokój” Lwa Tołstoja, „Nędznicy” Victora Hugo.