KtoCzyta.pl Literatura - książki, ebooki i audiobooki

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    okładka Jewels Have a Long Life, Ebook | Henry Bedford-Jones

    Again the strange Sphinx Emerald came to the scene to play its part in the unrolling historic drama. This series about the Sphinx Emerald constitutes, as has been said, a veritable Outline of History – or perhaps „Highlights of History” would be more accurate. For this reason the greatest event in all history could not be left out.

    okładka King of the Dead, Ebook | Frank Aubrey

    Don Lorenzo and Arnold Neville lead separate expeditions to the South American interior whereupon they encounter the exiled king of the underground world. But can Neville help him reclaim his throne when the arch-priestess, Alloyah, raises an army of the dead? The sequel to „The Devil-Tree of El Dorado” and „A Queen of Atlantis”, „King of the Dead” is a novel among the most famous „lost race” novels written by the British author Frank Aubrey.

    okładka Lady in Chain Mail, Ebook | Henry Bedford-Jones

    Written in the cycle of tales by H. Bedford-Jones, „Lady in Chain Mail” continues amazing series about the Sphinx Emerald. From the hand of a dead Mameluke after the battle of the Pyramids, a civilian scientist with Napoleon’s army took the Sphinx Emerald... and though the Mameluke’s militant daughter offered to buy back the gem at a price high indeed, swift tragedy followed.

    okładka Last Post, Ebook | Ford Madox Hueffer

    First published in 1928, „Last Post” is part four of Ford Madox Ford’s hugely successful „Parade’s End” tetralogy. It is about Christopher Tietjens and his life, with World War I as the backdrop. This book is set during a few hours of a day in June, where Tietjens is making a living as a dealer of old furniture. The series has taken the reader from before the war, to during it, and this final novel explores the legacy of it.

    okładka Leopards Are For England, Ebook | Henry Bedford-Jones

    Readers are treated to authentic historical dramas, all centering on the mysterious jewel that seems to contain a miniature image of the sphinx. This image hypnotizes its owners and inspires them to make history-changing decisions. That malign and magic jewel the Sphinx Emerald comes again on the scene to play its part in a stirring drama of the Crusades.

    okładka Dr. Delmore’s Secret, Ebook | Fenton Ash

    „Dr. Delmore’s Secret” is an absorbing tale of mystery by Fenton Ash, author of at least three Lost-World novels. Little is known about Aubrey/Atkins. He was involved in a scandal at the turn of the century and sentenced to nine months imprisonment for obtaining money by deception. After leaving prison he dropped the name Frank Aubrey and – in his early 60s, following a three-year hiatus – began writing as Fenton Ash.

    okładka Ethel Verney, Ebook | Fenton Ash

    Much the best of the Atkins adventures, with an imaginative sweep that causes one to forget momentarily the plot and character cliches. Altogether, „Ethel Verney” (1911) is a fairly good specimen of its class written by Francis Henry Atkins – a British speculative fiction writer, mainly under two pseudonyms in sequence. He wrote under the pseudonyms Frank Aubrey and Fenton Ash.

    okładka Flappers and Philosophers, Ebook | Francis Scott Fitzgerald

    Published soon after Fitzgerald’s debut novel „This Side of Paradise”, the novel that had made him famous at the age of twenty-three, „Flappers and Philosophers” was the author’s first iconic collection of short fiction. In these pages we meet Fitzgerald’s trademark characters: the beautiful, headstrong young women and the dissolute, wandering young men who comprised what came to be called the Lost Generation. This collection evokes 1920s America through the eyes of a writer ...

    okładka D’Artagnan, Ebook | Henry Bedford-Jones

    H. Bedford-Jones’ „D’Artagnan” is a sequel to the first Musketeer book of Alexandre Dumas. It continues the rollicking romantic romp through pre-revolutionary France by following the further pursuits of the famous musketeer D’Artagnan. Bedford-Jones reunites the young Gascon with his old comrades-in-arms Athos, Porthos and Aramis to defend again the honor of the queen in an intrigue of Cardinal Richelieu. Highly recommended for everyone who fell in love with these unforgettab...

    okładka A Hidden Enemy, Ebook | Fenton Ash

    ”We are surrounded by hidden enemies – many of them deadly creatures... „ Meet another short science fiction novel from a British writer of „pulp fiction” Francis Henry „Frank” Atkins (1847-1927), who contributed widely to the pre-sf Pulp magazines, writing at least three Lost-World novels along with much else. He wrote under the pseudonyms Frank Aubrey and Fenton Ash.

    okładka A Man Could Stand Up, Ebook | Ford Madox Hueffer

    1926. A Novel. The third in a series that includes „Some Do Not” and „No More Parades”. It chronicles the life of Christopher Tietjens, „the last Tory”, a brilliant government statistician from a wealthy landowning family who is serving in the British Army during World War I. The novel opens on Armistice Day and follows the fortunes of Tietjens and Valentine Wannop, until their paths finally cross again in post-war London.

    okładka A Queen of Atlantis, Ebook | Frank Aubrey

    Frank Aubrey, the author of „The Devil Tree of Eldorado,” has ventured again to write a wild and romantic tale of adventure. „A Queen of Atlantis” is the second of his trilogy of novels. This story relates the discovery of a telepathic race living in the Sargasso Sea. A wonderful tale of the mythical continent, told with outstanding imaginative ingenuity, chronicling the adventures of the near-immortal Monella. The reader’s interest is sustained from the start and the experie...

    okładka A Strange Story, Ebook | Edward Bulwer-Lytton

    A lot of Edward Bulwer-Lytton’s works contributed to the early growth of the science fiction genre. «A Strange Story» is a mystery novel, which is told from the perspective of Dr. Allan Fenwicke, a rational materialist. He publically debunks the spiritualist beliefs of his fellow physician Dr. Lloyd, and thereby hastens his colleague’s demise. It is an interesting novel with beautiful story full of suspense, thrill, love, drama and unexpected twists.

    okładka A Task for Leonardo, Ebook | Henry Bedford-Jones

    The incomparable Leonardo da Vinci had great plans for the magic Sphinx Emerald – but though the King of France was his friend, he had also made a bitter enemy. Written by Henry James O’Brien Bedford-Jones (April 29, 1887 – May 6, 1949) who was a Canadian-American historical, adventure fantasy, science fiction, crime and Western writer and who became a naturalized United States citizen in 1908.

    okładka All for Adventure, Ebook | Fenton Ash

    Fenton Ash is the first and main pseudonym of UK civil engineer and author Francis Henry Atkins (1847-1927) who was a writer of „pulp fiction”, in particular science fiction aimed at younger readers. He wrote under the pseudonyms Frank Aubrey and Fenton Ash. „All for Adventure” fantasy adventure would suit anyone interested in old fantasy novels for children and young people.

    okładka All the Sad Young Men, Ebook | Francis Scott Fitzgerald

    „All the Sad Young Men” is a collection of nine short stories by American writer F. Scott Fitzgerald. It includes two of his most famous – the beautifully elegiac „The Rich Boy” and „Winter Dreams” which feature wealthy protagonists – the old-money Anson Hunter and the self-made man Dexter Green – who struggle to come to terms with lost love. As with his other collections, its release was timed to follow the completion of his most recent novel, which was „The Great Gatsby”....

    okładka Assassination at Christmas, Ebook | Henry Bedford-Jones

    Steel clashed and bugles blared in the Antioch of December 362... and the strange Sphinx Emerald flashed again to potent life. Meet seventh installment of the amazing cycle of tales from a prolific author who is largely forgotten today outside of pulp fandom is Henry James O’Brien Bedford-Jones (1887–1949), better known as just H. Bedford-Jones.

    okładka Cadets of the Dolphin, Ebook | Fenton Ash

    Welcome to the important and meaningful boys’ adventure novel of Francis Henry Atkins which is „The Cadets of the Dolphin”. Aubrey, Frank (pseudonym of Francis Henry Atkins) was a British writer of „pulp fiction”, in particular science fiction aimed at younger readers. Despite his commercial success at the time, little is known about Atkins’ personal life.

    okładka Wyandotté, or, the Hutted Knoll, Ebook | James Fenimore Cooper

    The action of the novel refers us to the events that took place on the eve of the struggle for the independence of the North American colonies. The heroes of the novel will have to face the distrust of their compatriots, survive their betrayal, withstand the pressure of a gang of Indians, courageously overcome all hardships.

    okładka Young Lucretia and Other Stories, Ebook | Mary E. Wilkins Freeman

    Young Lucretia Raymond lives with her strict aunts Lucretia and Maria. During Christmas time, Lucretia is invited by other schoolchildren to cut the Christmas tree in the school building in preparation for the Christmas celebration.

    okładka The Iron Trail, Ebook | Rex Beach

    Beach is at his best as an action adventure writer. You can feel the chill of the northwest glaciers and shudder at the threats of nature and unscrupulous people. Along with the „man vs. nature” plot, there’s a tender romance off the beaten path.

    okładka The Monikins, Ebook | James Fenimore Cooper

    ‟Monikins” is a serious and caustic satire on the social mores of England and America at that time. Cooper ridicules both the aristocratic monarchy and the bourgeois republic with equal vigor. The first part of „Monikins” depicts the early years of John Goldencalf. John Goldencalf, by coincidence, is one of the wealthiest people in Europe of the nineteenth century.

    okładka The Ne’er-Do-Well, Ebook | Rex Beach

    Father often asked Kirk Anthony to do a real job. But Anthony, despite almost idolizing his strong, successful father, just can’t stop having a good time with his father’s money. He goes to fancy dinners, drives the latest cars, and treats his friends to sumptuous meals. Then a man steps in trying to get away from the law. At dinner, he persuades one of Anthony’s drunken friends to „play a terrible joke on him.”

    okładka The Oak Openings, Ebook | James Fenimore Cooper

    In this book you will find a description of the life and way of life of the indigenous inhabitants of the country – Indians and white settlers; numerous hunting scenes. The novel will not leave indifferent either those who appreciate the sharp, constantly in suspense plot, or those who are interested in the conditions under which the development of the American continent was carried out at the beginning of the last century.

Co znajdziesz w kategorii: Literatura

„Literatura” jest bardzo obszerną kategorią zawierającą w sobie książki z licznych podkategorii, dlatego możemy tu znaleźć zarówno literaturę piękną, poezję i dramat, jak i powieść obyczajową i historyczną, a także fantastykę, horror, kryminał i romans. Najchętniej czytane pozycje w księgarni internetowej Woblink.com należą do jednego z najpopularniejszych pisarzy młodego pokolenia Remigiusza Mroza, którego powieści od razu zdobywają rzesze wiernych fanów („Hashtag”, „Testament”, „Zerwa”), znanego na całym świecie, niekwestionowanego króla horrorów Stephena Kinga („Outsider”, „To”), a także brytyjskiej pisarki, jednej z najpopularniejszych autorek powieści dla kobiet Jojo Mojes („Moje serce w dwóch światach”, „Kiedy odszedłeś”, „Zanim się pojawiłeś”). W kategorii „Literatura” nie mogło także zabraknąć takich tytułów jak „Opowieść podręcznej” Margaret Atwood, która przedstawia przerażającą antyutopię o piekle kobiet zmuszonych do życia w reżimowym państwie, „Kredziarz” C.J. Tudor, czyli pełnego koszmarów thrillera będącego niezwykle udanym debiutem literackim brytyjskiej pisarki czy opartej na motywach mitologicznych „Kirke” Madeleine Miller – opowieści o samotnej kobiecie walczącej z przeciwnościami losu i zmuszonej wybierać między bogami a śmiertelnikami. W ofercie znajdują się również książki tworzące kanon literatury polskiej i europejskiej, utwory cenione i wartościowe. Należą do nich ponadczasowe pozycje pisarzy polskich, jak np. „Bajki robotów” Stanisława Lema, „Lalka” Bolesława Prusa, „Potop” Henryka Sienkiewicza, a także zagranicznych, czyli m.in. „Mistrz i Małgorzata” Michaiła Bułhakowa, „Wojna i pokój” Lwa Tołstoja, „Nędznicy” Victora Hugo.