KtoCzyta.pl Literatura - książki, ebooki i audiobooki

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    okładka A Tale of Three Lions, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    Henry Rider Haggard wrote adventure novels. A Tale of Three Lions is an exciting story about the dangerous adventure of a young girl, Harry. She wants to join her father, who became a celebrity, thanks to the lion hunt. This novel, though not a fantasy, but still strikes a denouement.

    okładka Allan Quatermain, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    Quatermain has lost his only son and is eager to return to the wilderness. He persuaded Captain John Good and the Zulu chief Umbopa to accompany him, they set off from the coast of East Africa, this time in search of a white race that lives north of Mount Kenya. They encounter a fierce battle with the Masai warriors, undergo a terrible underground journey and discover a lost civilization. As a result, a terrible underground journey takes place and reveal a lost civilization...

    okładka Ayesha, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    This is a story about the beautiful and immortal Ayesha. The expedition is sent to an unexplored part of Africa, where the group finds Ayesha, who claims the expedition’s leader is the reincarnation of her long-dead beloved. Ayesha became ageless and absolutely beautiful over 2 thousand years ago, plunging into a magical fire. Her only desire is to reunite with her beloved man. She makes the expedition leader to immerse himself as well.

    okładka Allan’s Wife and Other Tales, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    Allan’s Wife and Other Tales talks about the times of Allan Quatermain in South Africa. After all, there happened the most terrible events in the life of the main character. He lost his father there. Ultimately, we will know the fate of his wife. This will be one of the most challenging travels of Allan Quatermain.

    okładka Serapis, Ebook | Georg Ebers, Clara Bell

    Georg Ebers is famous for his historical novels. At the heart of the Serapis novel, Christians are going to rally against the god Serapis. „This army of the Saviour whose very essence was gentleness and whose spirit was love, seemed indeed to have deserted from his standard of light and grace to the blood-stained banner of murderous hatred”. However, all this happens very poetic and calm.

    okładka Homo Sum, Ebook | Georg Ebers, Clara Bell

    Georg Ebers was one of the first who decided to popularize Egyptian knowledge through historical novels. So, for example, the Historical novel „Homo sum” is dedicated to the birth of the institution of monasticism in the depths of the Christian communities of Egypt and Syria. Unlike other novels of Georg Ebers, in this we find the life and customs of the Egyptian people. This novel is not inferior to others, even surpasses the knowledge of the people of Egypt.

    okładka Dave Dashaway, Air Champion, Ebook | Roy Rockwood

    Never was there a more clever young aviator than Dave Dashaway, and all up-to-date youths will be will surely wish to hear about about him. In this, the last volume of the Dave Dashaway adventure series, Dave, with the assistance of his loyal chum Hiram Dobbs, makes several daring trips, and then enters a contest for a big prize. They are preparing for a new aerial contest, but competition is fierce, and dirty! An old enemy lurks in the shadows, sending spies and saboteurs....

    okładka A Thorny Path, Ebook | Georg Ebers, Clara Bell

    A nineteenth-century novel from a German Egyptologist and novelist who discovered the Egyptian medical papyrus in Luxor. Georg Ebers wanted to familiarize the public with the discoveries of Egyptologists. The novel really describes the hard life of Egypt in the 19th century. An unusual theme for the novel was chosen, but really interesting and exciting.

    okładka Dave Fearless and the Cave of Mystery, Ebook | Roy Rockwood

    No manly boy ever grows tired of sea stories – there is an irresistible fascination about them, and they are a recreation to the mind. A tale of being adrift on the Pacific Ocean, with Dave discovering a mysterious cave. Full of startling incident, clever dialogue, admirable descriptions of sky and water in all their aspects, and plenty of fun. Originally written for young men, this adventure tale is great reading for the whole family. The four-volume „Deep Sea” series was ...

    okładka Dave Dashaway and His Hydroplane, Ebook | Roy Rockwood

    Running an airship took nerve, steadiness of purpose, a definite, concrete way of looking at things. Dave knew in his own mind that the Drifter was each hour speeding farther and farther away from the haunts of men. He recalled the old adage, however, which says „the more haste the less speed,” and he determined to stick to the plan he had mentally outlined at the start. In „Dave Dashaway and His Hydroplane”, Dave is called in to assist in the recovery of a hydro-aeroplane,...

    okładka Cleopatra, Ebook | Georg Ebers, Mary J. Safford

    Two lovers, Antony and Cleopatra want to be together despite everything. But it can not be so simple. The hero may die to be buried next to the woman he loved until the last hour. His desire was fulfilled, and love, as it turned out, never dies.

    okładka Dave Dashaway, the Young Aviator, Ebook | Roy Rockwood

    In the tradition of the Bobbsey Twins and the Hardy Boys, Dave Dashaway’s adventures continue with a race around the world! Created by the Stratemeyer Syndicate and issued under their popular house name Roy Rockwood from 1913 to 1915, „Dave Dashaway” is a five volume series of aviation adventure tales for boys. Never was there a more clever young aviator than Dave Dashaway, and all up-to-date lads will surely wish to make his acquaintance. In his very first story we find ou...

    okładka Dave Dashaway around the World, Ebook | Roy Rockwood

    Weldon J. Cobb was a staff writer for the Stratemeyer Syndicate, a book packaging company that specialized in juvenile fiction. Under the pseudonym Roy Rockwood, Cobb authored the Dave Dashaway series of books that appeared between the years 1913 and 1915. In the tradition of the Bobbsey Twins and the Hardy Boys, Dave Dashaway continues to explore new horizons and to stay one step ahead of his nemesis! In this fourth volume of the series, Dave Dashaway and his friends are o...

    okładka Dave Dashaway And His Giant Airship, Ebook | Roy Rockwood

    Roy Rockwood was a house pseudonym used for boy’s adventure books, including „Bomba the Jungle Boy”. The Dave Dashaway series focused on aerial adventures. Dave Dashaway continues to explore new horizons and to stay one step ahead of his nemesis! In „Dave Dashaway and His Giant Airship or A Marvelous Trip Across the Atlantic” Dave Dashaway is back, this time trying to beat Jerry Dawson in an airship race across the Atlantic Ocean, avoiding armed gunmen, fire, sharks, and al...

    okładka Bomba, the Jungle Boy on the Underground River, Ebook | Roy Rockwood

    The ongoing adventures of the courageous Bomba the Jungle Boy! In „Bomba, the Jungle Boy on the Underground River”, Sobrinini, the snake woman that Bomba rescued from Snake Island, is also undergoing treatment. During her more lucid moments, she has told Bomba of a chest that she buried in the banks of an underground river. It contains documents and records related to Bomba’s parents. Sobrinini’s disordered mind prevents her from sharing the document information herself, bu...

    okładka Bomba the Jungle Boy, Ebook | Roy Rockwood

    Separated from his parents since childhood, Bomba lived far back in the jungles of the Amazon with a half-demented naturalist who told the lad nothing of his past. The jungle boy was a lover of birds, and hunted animals with a bow and arrow and his trusty machete. He had a primitive education in some things, and his daring adventures will be followed with breathless interest by thousands. „Bomba the Jungle Boy” is a series of American boy’s adventure books produced by the S...

    okładka Bomba, the Jungle Boy at the Giant Cataract, Ebook | Roy Rockwood

    In this volume the reader is taken into the depth of the jungle where he meets Bomba in a life replete with thrilling situations. You meet Cody Casson, the old naturalist, and the White Hunters, Jake Dorn and Ralph Gillis who gives Bomba a Harmonica, matches, and revolver for saving their lives. The old naturalist gives him a hint of his father and his mother, and Bomba sets off to solve the mystery of his identity. He treks through the Amazon jungle to the Island of Snakes...

    okładka Bomba, the Jungle Boy on Jaguar Island, Ebook | Roy Rockwood

    After escaping from the headhunters’ village, Bomba brings Casson and Sobrinini to stay at his friend Pipina’s after which Sobrinini reveals vital information to Bomba about his family and tells of a man, Japazy, who hated Bomba’s father as well as Cody Casson. She tells Bomba to seek out Japazy on Jaguar Island to learn more. He begins his journey to find Japazy... Lacking the visual element, the book focuses on vivid descriptions of Bomba’s rippling muscles and superior s...

    okładka Bomba, the Jungle Boy in the Swamp of Death, Ebook | Roy Rockwood

    The ongoing adventures of the courageous Bomba the Jungle Boy! In „Swamp of Death,” Bomba wants to return to Gonibobo’s camp to reclaim the pages of Japazy’s notebook that were torn out there. Bomba and Gibo had barely escaped the cannibals but Bomba is determined to retrieve the torn pages. „Swamp of Death” is a fast-moving read, an exciting narrative of Bomba’s many heroic exploits. It moves and reads like a comic book. Lacking the visual element, the book focuses on vivi...

    okładka Bomba, the Jungle Boy and the Abandoned City, Ebook | Roy Rockwood

    „Bomba the Jungle Boy in the Abandoned City” is the fifth book in a series of American boy’s adventure books produced by the Stratemeyer Syndicate under the pseudonym Roy Rockwood, published in the first half of the 20th century. Various sources say the author was Howard R. Garis, or John William Duffield. Roy Rockwood is a pen name. Bomba and his native-Indian companion must descend into the bowels of a buried Inca citadel; through pitch-blackness they must negotiate steep...

    okładka Bomba, the Jungle Boy and the Moving Mountain, Ebook | Roy Rockwood

    This is the second book in the Bomba the Jungle Boy series following „Bomba the Jungle Boy”. It is a series of adventure books produced by the Stratemeyer Syndicate between 1926 and 1938 in a youthful imitation of the highly successful Tarzan series by Edgar Rice Burroughs. Bomba is kind of a mixture of Tarzan and Mowgli. He is an orphaned boy who lives in the jungle. A common theme of the Bomba books is that Bomba, because he is white, has a soul that is awake, while his f...

    okładka Bomba, the Jungle Boy Among the Slaves, Ebook | Roy Rockwood

    Years of tough jungle living made Bomba the most powerful hunter around. At 14, he possessed the strength of three men, and could fight the most powerful jungle beasts with little more than a knife. With his extraordinary throwing arm, he could bury a knife up to its hilt in any enemy within fifty yards. His phenomenally strong arms allow him to send an arrow over impossibly long distances while still striking his targets with perfect accuracy. „Bomba the Jungle Boy Among T...

    okładka Bomba, the Jungle Boy on Terror Trail, Ebook | Roy Rockwood

    „Bomba, the Jungle Boy on Terror Trail”? 6 in the Bomba series, by Roy Rockwood, was published in 1928. Bomba is making the treacherous journey back to his home with the Araos tribe. On the way, he encounters poisonous plant life and battles snakes and alligators. Surviving these natural enemies, he is attacked by cannibals but is rescued by Spaniards in a plane. Bomba’s luck doesn’t hold out, though; he is soon recaptured and now faces a terrible death at the hands of cann...

    okładka To the Lions, Ebook | Alfred J. Church

    Alfred John Church (1829-1912) was an English classical scholar. He was born in London and was educated at King’s College, London and Lincoln College, Oxford. From 1880 until 1888 he was professor of Latin at University College, London. While at University College in partnership with William Jackson Brodribb, he translated Tacitus and edited Pliny’s Letters. Church also wrote a number of stories in English re-telling of classical tales and legends for young people. He was a...

Co znajdziesz w kategorii: Literatura

„Literatura” jest bardzo obszerną kategorią zawierającą w sobie książki z licznych podkategorii, dlatego możemy tu znaleźć zarówno literaturę piękną, poezję i dramat, jak i powieść obyczajową i historyczną, a także fantastykę, horror, kryminał i romans. Najchętniej czytane pozycje w księgarni internetowej Woblink.com należą do jednego z najpopularniejszych pisarzy młodego pokolenia Remigiusza Mroza, którego powieści od razu zdobywają rzesze wiernych fanów („Hashtag”, „Testament”, „Zerwa”), znanego na całym świecie, niekwestionowanego króla horrorów Stephena Kinga („Outsider”, „To”), a także brytyjskiej pisarki, jednej z najpopularniejszych autorek powieści dla kobiet Jojo Mojes („Moje serce w dwóch światach”, „Kiedy odszedłeś”, „Zanim się pojawiłeś”). W kategorii „Literatura” nie mogło także zabraknąć takich tytułów jak „Opowieść podręcznej” Margaret Atwood, która przedstawia przerażającą antyutopię o piekle kobiet zmuszonych do życia w reżimowym państwie, „Kredziarz” C.J. Tudor, czyli pełnego koszmarów thrillera będącego niezwykle udanym debiutem literackim brytyjskiej pisarki czy opartej na motywach mitologicznych „Kirke” Madeleine Miller – opowieści o samotnej kobiecie walczącej z przeciwnościami losu i zmuszonej wybierać między bogami a śmiertelnikami. W ofercie znajdują się również książki tworzące kanon literatury polskiej i europejskiej, utwory cenione i wartościowe. Należą do nich ponadczasowe pozycje pisarzy polskich, jak np. „Bajki robotów” Stanisława Lema, „Lalka” Bolesława Prusa, „Potop” Henryka Sienkiewicza, a także zagranicznych, czyli m.in. „Mistrz i Małgorzata” Michaiła Bułhakowa, „Wojna i pokój” Lwa Tołstoja, „Nędznicy” Victora Hugo.