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    okładka David Blaize, Ebook | E.F. Benson

    This story is about school life, friendship and growing up at the end of the 19th century. The novel contains a mixture of everything. It is filled with humor, wit and rich details. The novel tells about the experience of our main character, starting with preparatory school and ending with the College of Marchester. The reader is experiencing the trials and victories of the protagonist.This story is about school life, friendship and growing up at the end of the 19th century...

    okładka The Relentless City, Ebook | E.F. Benson

    The Relentless City is a manners novel built around Lord Bertie Keynes, intending to inherit the title and pledged property of a young English widow. These two people decide they want to marry wealth, and that means marrying Americans. Bertie must marry money, and Sybil admires the American spirit. A novel about the American way of life, embodied by the millionaire and workaholic himself, a former railway porter, Lewis Palmer – a man whose whole life is directed, with great...

    okładka Dodo Wonders, Ebook | E.F. Benson

    The book is interesting because it has a much darker and more thoughtful implication than it might seem. On the one hand, the novel reveals the history of the war, and on the other, a pretty love story. Most of the novel is built on dialogues, through which we learn about the feelings that the characters are going through. The plot of the novel is dynamic, readers can read it in one breath.

    okładka Dodo, Ebook | E.F. Benson

    Previously, the situation is slightly different from today. Many ladies in search of a better life did not married out of love, but behind the material part of men. So in our history, the frivolous queen marries due to money and status and ultimately pays for it. The author, as always, makes us empathize with our main character.

    okładka Scarlet and Hyssop, Ebook | E.F. Benson

    The heroes of this story belong to the upper class. About them, in fact, is the story. It begins by introducing us to a couple of girls whose conversations are filled with learned ingenuity, so this may impressed some readers. Men, obviously, mean little, except for the chips in the game. A classic tale in the world of the highest middle class in Edwardian Britain.

    okładka The Babe, B.A., Ebook | E.F. Benson

    The story „Babe, B. A.” contains a large amount of wit, brightness and a sharp charm. All characters have a strong family resemblance to each other. Although the story seems so easy and relaxed, in short frivolous. However, readers will be able to see a really difficult choice for the main character, so young but brave. He faced the criminal world. He has a choice: to betray his friend or not.

    okładka Queen Lucia, Ebook | E.F. Benson

    The village of Rieseholm worships Queen Lucia. She completely commands the village, the ever-benevolent dictator of all things that really matter. However, someone had the pleasure of overthrowing a queen so great. And it was Olga Braisley, an opera singer from London. She is a real celebrity, not at all like that queen. Can she do it?

    okładka More Spook Stories, Ebook | E.F. Benson

    This is one of the latest collections of Benson’s ghost stories. All the villains are gathered here: a lame man, an imperious woman and other petty criminals. One of the stories tells about the elderly, and the ideal of their life is the clergy, for this they may die. Benson is one of those authors who writes masterpiece ghost stories.

    okładka The Angel of Pain, Ebook | E.F. Benson

    This early work is a novel by Edward Frederick Benson. The author focuses on an unusual landscape. Sometimes it refuses to reality and we can see really something fantastic. In this story, only well-provided people will be able to survive in the conditions in which the author put them. And what about those who are just „trying to stand up”? Many questions, but as always few answers.

    okładka Mammon and Co., Ebook | E.F. Benson

    This is a story about redemption, when money is used as a thematic resonance. He combines the wits of the Dodo books with a rather strong ethical message about materialism. This is a high society satire, and then it becomes something much deeper and richer. This book is read in one breath.

    okładka Dodo’s Daughter, Ebook | E.F. Benson

    Dodo is the main and favorite character of Benson. In this part of the novel, the main character experiences emotional experiences. She is trying to calm down and build her family. Readers will always be part of the novel. You can look at the whole story from the inside and empathize the main character.

    okładka The Countess of Lowndes Square and Other Stories, Ebook | E.F. Benson

    A collection of fourteen short stories. These are stories about blackmail and own experiments. Some stories may seem close. Thus, the stories will be read in one breath. Since the reader will perceive them with interest. A hint is attached to each story, but you will have to solve some problems yourself.

    okładka An Act in a Backwater, Ebook | E.F. Benson

    The brother and sister of the poor nobleman settle in a simple town and bring a new element to the quiet life of this place, which gives many opportunities for comedy. Ginny Avesham is an attractive heroine, but the author tries so hard to show her kindness to the reader that she overdoes her and makes her a little theatrical. A simple story, with many good characters, but also with life features. Benson gave us a small but pleasant exploration of life in a small town....

    okładka The Challoners, Ebook | E.F. Benson

    The author tells the story of the twins Martin and Helen Challoner and their relationship against their father priest. Benson has a more serious purpose here and less superficial savvy than in some of his stories. His main theme is the absolute necessity of individual character and independent action. He depicts the sufferings of a holy and spiritual priest in relation to art, literature, and imagination when his son becomes a professional musician and Catholic.

    okładka The Blotting Book, Ebook | E.F. Benson

    The Blotting Book ends with a murder story, but this is not a detective story. There is one amazing feature of this story that sets it apart from the others. The focus of the work is the human character and state, not action and history. This is an older writing style, and the author makes a compassionate analysis of human weakness, without being picky and offering no excuse for bad moral behavior.

    okładka The Trimmed Lamp and Other Stories of the Four Million, Ebook | O. Henry

    „The Trimmed Lamp” follows „The Four Million” and provides another series of twenty-five short stories that take place in New York City in the early years of the 20th century and are representative of the surprise endings that popularized O. Henry’s work. Contents: „A Madison Square Arabian Night”, „The Rubaiyat of a Scotch Highball”, „The Pendulum”, „Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen”, „The Assessor of Success” and others. Stories of the lives of blue collar workers and middl...

    okładka Whirligigs, Ebook | O. Henry

    Settle in for a whimsical, thoroughly enjoyable whirlwind tour through the prodigious imagination of American short-story master O. Henry. When he wrote the following, he may have discounted his own creativity. „Whirligigs”, comprised of 24 short stories and published in 1910, is evidence of this. O. Henry writes of love and loss, of mystery and drama, of journalism and murders and trials. He creates a tapestry of characters, young and old, wealthy and poor. It offers some ...

    okładka The Gentle Grafter, Ebook | O. Henry

    O. Henry (whose real name is William Sydney Porter) is famous for his many short stories of everyday-life America, full of wit, charm, and inventiveness. This collection of classic tales set on the wrong side of the law showcases a master craftsman at the top of his form. „The Gentle Grafter” is a collection of 14 short stories about grafters who travel, peddle and swindle in the South. Those grafters have different business ethics and moral senses, and their artistic plots...

    okładka The Voice of the City, Ebook | O. Henry

    O. Henry is most widely recognized for his stories’ dry wit, plot twists and surprise ending. But another major element in his fiction is his love of the American urban environment, as well as a keen appreciation of the rapid diversification that occurred in many cities in the early twentieth century. In „The Voice of the City”, O. Henry uses excellently written short stories and high vocabulary to convey a sense on New York. This collection brings together an array of tale...

    okładka Sixes and Sevens, Ebook | O. Henry

    „Sixes and Sevens” is a first collection of humorous short stories from the author of „The Four Million”, his stories deal for the most part with ordinary people: clerks, policemen and waitresses and often use twist endings which turn on an ironic or coincidental circumstance in his stories. O. Henry proves that he is the master of the short story format. This collection has quirky as well as nice little stories, each differing in style from the other. Most of his stories a...

    okładka Roads of Destiny, Ebook | O. Henry

    O. Henry’s unique style of writing will introduce you to story filled of mystery, suspense and of course a decision. A decision which will lead a certain main character to three roads of which he must choose from. A collection of 22 short stories: „Roads of Destiny”, „The Guardian of the Accolade”, „The Discounters of Money”, „The Enchanted Profile”, „Next to Reading Matter”, „Art and the Bronco”, „Phobe”, „A Double-dyed Deceiver”, „The Passing of Black Eagle”, „A Retrieved...

    okładka The Four Million, Ebook | O. Henry

    This anthology contains 25 tales of old New York city at the dawn of the 20th century. A collection of O. Henry’s short stories bearing his trademark irony, comic misunderstandings, and surprise endings. They also capture his use of coincidence or chance to create humor in the story. O. Henry wrote about ordinary people in everyday circumstances. The true hero of „The Four Million” is the city of New York, with its energy, compassion and kaleidoscope of human emotions. O. H...

    okładka Strictly Business, Ebook | O. Henry

    Written by famed author O. Henry (William Sydney Porter) in 1910, these are 25 more short stories of the Four Million, including the titled story „Strictly Business”, „The Thing’s the Play,” „The Call of the Tame,” „Psyche and the Pskyscraper” and others. This collection of short stories brings together a motley cast of characters from all walks of life – stage actors, blackmailers, soldiers, waitresses, and average citizens – and adds in an array of unexpected plot twists ...

    okładka Heart of the West, Ebook | O. Henry

    „Heart of the West” is a collection of O. Henry nineteen short stories, all of which are set in or feature the American West at the turn of the 20th century, back before paved interstates, when cowboy culture was at its peak. This collection of short fiction from master of the form centers on tales of romantic entanglement, adventure, and lost love among the dusty trails and plains of the Wild West. Saddle up for a heaping dose of the clever plot twists that this brilliant ...

Co znajdziesz w kategorii: Romans

Publikacje w kategorii „Romans / Erotyka” oscylują wokół tematyki miłosnej – kładzie się w nich szczególny nacisk na zmysłową, fizyczną miłość, uczucia oraz pasję. Romans jest bardzo popularnym gatunkiem, który skupia się na ukazaniu romantycznej miłości dwojga ludzi i budowanej przez nich relacji. Romans powinien posiadać szczęśliwe zakończenie – na zakochanych, którzy walczą o swój związek, czeka bezwarunkowa miłość. Ten typ literatury odznacza się dużą różnorodnością. Romanse często są powiązane z innymi gatunkami literackimi – doprowadziło to do powstania kilku odmian, takich jak romans współczesny, historyczny, kryminalny, paranormalny, fantastyczny, religijny czy erotyczny. Jako gatunek romans rozwinął się w XIX wieku za sprawą Jane Austen, która uważana jest za mistrzynię tego gatunku. W jej powieściach (m.in. „Duma i uprzedzenie”, „Emma”, „Rozważna i romantyczna”) do dzisiaj zaczytują się rzesze oddanych fanów. W kategorii tej umieszczone zostały również powieści erotyczne, które są bardziej związane ze sferą seksu i seksualności, ale które jednocześnie nie są też pozbawione tematyki miłosnej. To zmysłowa i namiętna literatura pełna nieraz skrajnych emocji i uczuć. Czytelnicy zainteresowani powieścią erotyczną w księgarni internetowej Woblink.com odnajdą zarówno bestsellerową serię brytyjskiej pisarki E.L. James „Pięćdziesiąt twarzy Greya”, jak i popularny cykl o braciach Slater autorstwa L.A. Casey czy „Twardziela” Laurelin Paige – namiętną opowieść rozgrywającą się w dzisiejszym Hollywood. Nie zabrakło tu również takich publikacji jak „Tylko twój” Vi Keeland, „Bez lęku” Mii Sheridan oraz książki „Zły Romeo” Leisy Rayven.