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Mansfield Park Jane Austen ebook

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Opis treści

A young girl named Fanny Price comes to live with her wealthy uncle and aunt, Sir Thomas and Lady Bertram. Fanny’s family is quite poor; her mother, unlike her sister Lady Bertram, married beneath her, and Fanny’s father, a sailor, is disabled and drinks heavily. Fanny is abused by her other aunt, Mrs. Norris, a busybody who runs things at Mansfield Park, the Bertrams’ estate. The Bertram daughters, Maria and Julia, are shallow, rather cruel girls, intent on marrying well and being fashionable. The elder son, Tom, is a roustabout and a drunk. Fanny finds solace only in the friendship of the younger son, Edmund, who is planning to be a clergyman. Fanny grows up shy and deferential, caught as she typically is between members of the Bertram family.

„Mansfield Park”, Jane Austen – jak czytać ebook?

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Szczegółowe informacje na temat ebooka Mansfield Park

O autorze

Jane Austen

Jane Austen to angielska pisarka, która w swoich powieściach opisywała przede wszystkim życie klasy wyższej w Anglii z początku XIX wieku. Fabuła książek Austen w przeważającej części dotyczy zamążpójścia i wszystkich problemów społecznych z tym...

    • Mansfield Park


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Mansfield Park

Mansfield Park

Jane Austen,

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