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Road to Assertiveness 2 Dorota Sawicka ebook

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Sprzedaje i dostarcza: Woblink

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Opis treści

Road to Assertiveness. Part 2 is a continuation of the first part, where I focus on further developing assertiveness skills. This book presents various techniques and strategies that help in communication, as well as expressing one's own needs and emotions confidently, yet with respect for others.
In the second part, I delve into more advanced topics related to assertiveness, such as handling difficult situations, setting boundaries, and defending one's rights. The book includes practical exercises, examples of real-life situations, and tips that can be useful in both personal and professional life.
I approach the topic with great empathy, encouraging readers to reflect on their own communication style and to implement positive changes in their lives. The book is accessible and practical, making it a valuable source of knowledge for those who wish to become more assertive.

„Road to Assertiveness 2”, Dorota Sawicka – jak czytać ebook?

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Road to Assertiveness 2

Road to Assertiveness 2

Dorota Sawicka,

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