okładka Tells Ten Stories ebook | epub, mobi | Earl Derr Biggers

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Tells Ten Stories Earl Derr Biggers ebook

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Opis treści

Contents of the collection: Moonlight at the crossroads Selling Miss Minerva The heart of the loaf Possessions The dollar chasers Idle hands The girl who paid dividends A letter to Australia Nina and the blemish Broadway Brocade. Earl Biggers was a master of stories that highlighted the madness of human nature, both good and bad. The reader wants to see the roots for disadvantages and feel guilty for the villain. These stories are the last epoch when the romantic flourished. They also show the fact that the system of classes and caste always existed and will always exist, while there are rich and poor, different shades of skin, or scholars and illiterates. Of course, you can compare forever, but the fact that Count Derry Biggers knew different people and wrote a strong statement about humanity with all the history that is in the collection.Earl Biggers was a master in stories that highlighted the madness of human nature, both good and bad. The reader wants to see the roots for disadvantages and feel guilty for the villain. These stories are the last epoch when the romantic flourished. They also show the fact that the system of classes and castes has always existed and will always exist, while there are rich and poor, different shades of skin, or verified and illiterate. Of course, the comparison can last forever, but the fact is that Count Derry Biggers knew different people and wrote a powerful statement about humanity with every history that is in the collection.

„Tells Ten Stories”, Earl Derr Biggers – jak czytać ebook?

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    • Tells Ten Stories


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Tells Ten Stories

Tells Ten Stories

Earl Derr Biggers,

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