okładka The Channay Syndicate ebook | epub, mobi | E. Phillips Oppenheim

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The Channay Syndicate E. Phillips Oppenheim ebook

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Opis treści

Welcome to the adventuring, thrilling world of E. Phillips Oppenheim’s modern retelling of „Monte Cristo”. Gilbert Channay is released from prison after three years. He had been framed-up by business partners in the Channay Syndicate, and sets about executing his revenge. The retired policeman, Martin Fogg, mysteriously appears, knowing too much about Channay’s business. He helps Channay escape an attempt on his life, and keeps turning up at crucial times. The plot is the story of Channay’s revenge against each of the former members of the syndicate. In various intriguing and clever ways he manages to humble them all. Fans of fiction where wronged men turn tables on foes and out-maneuver them will enjoy „The Channay Syndicate”.

„The Channay Syndicate”, E. Phillips Oppenheim – jak czytać ebook?

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The Channay Syndicate

The Channay Syndicate

E. Phillips Oppenheim,

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