okładka The Murders at Madlands ebook | epub, mobi | Aidan de Brune

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The Murders at Madlands Aidan de Brune ebook

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Opis treści

Meet the famous Australian author Aidan de Brune and his latest mystery „The Murders at Madlands”. Eight persons are assembled in the dining room of the palatial home of Sir Rupert Haffervale, Sydney’s business magnate. Five of them are his associates, prominent men in the life of the city. The sixth is the star reporter of a big daily. The occasion is the formal handing over of control of a huge trust to Sir Rupert’s niece and heiress on her coming of age. At noon, as the knight is about to conduct his niece to the head of the table he falls forward with a bullet through his heart. The fatal shot was undoubtedly fired by someone in the room, yet no report was heard. Who was the murderer?

„The Murders at Madlands”, Aidan de Brune – jak czytać ebook?

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The Murders at Madlands

The Murders at Madlands

Aidan de Brune,

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