okładka The Little Grey Woman ebook | epub, mobi | Aidan de Brune

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The Little Grey Woman Aidan de Brune ebook

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Sprzedaje i dostarcza: Woblink

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Opis treści

At Sydney’s scandalous Artist’s Ball... a gunshot... a falling body... Call Inspector Knox of the CIB. „The Little Grey Woman” is rather short story and moves along very quickly but there’s plenty of tension and some genuinely creepy moments. Recommended for lovers of the offbeat. The Artists’ Ball was a real, and occasionally scandalous, costume ball held in Sydney for many years. Aidan de Brune walked round Australia in two years, and so he is able to give a thoroughly Australian setting and sentiment to this yarn full of thrills. These problems are raised in the opening chapters of the book. Lovers of a clever detective yarn will need to be certain of the delivery of their papers.

„The Little Grey Woman”, Aidan de Brune – jak czytać ebook?

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The Little Grey Woman

The Little Grey Woman

Aidan de Brune,

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