okładka The Reef ebook | epub, mobi | Edith Wharton

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The Reef Edith Wharton ebook

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Sprzedaje i dostarcza: Woblink

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Opis treści

This is Wharton’s fifth novel. It is considered, together with the previous „Ethan Frome „and the subsequent „The Custom of the Country”, as partly autobiographical. Young diplomat George Darrow is on his way to meet Anna Leath, an old girlfriend who is now a widow with a young daughter and a grown stepson. When Anna abruptly postpones their rendezvous without explanation, Darrow concludes that she is no longer interested in him. He has a brief liaison with the delicate, generous Sophy Viner, a kind woman of the working class. Unfortunately, the lives of Darrow, Anna, Sophy and Anna’s stepson Owen become linked and the extremely discreet sexual relationship between Darrow and Sophy complicates their lives. Wharton’s talent for balancing emotional turmoil and all the social manners of her time is blended into this philosophical work that explores the metaphorical reefs in the hearts of women.

„The Reef”, Edith Wharton – jak czytać ebook?

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    • The Reef


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The Reef

The Reef

Edith Wharton,

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