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    okładka The Bride of the Sphinx, Ebook | Henry Bedford-Jones

    A strange jewel that wrought mischief and magic as it passed from hand to hand down the ages starts its strange eventful dramatic history. Now almost in our own day the Sphinx Emerald turns up in Cairo to work its malign magic in a memorable drama. „The Bride of the Sphinx” is the seventeenth story of the popular series about the Sphinx Emerald.

    okładka The Coming Race, Ebook | Edward Bulwer-Lytton

    „The Coming Race” (1870) by Edward Bulwer-Lytton is an early science fiction novel. It offers a fascinating vision of a shadowy underworld populated by strange and beautiful creatures who closely resemble the angels described in Christian lore. These beings, known as Vril-ya, live underground, but are intending to leave their subterranean existence and conquer the world...

    okładka The Devil-Tree of El Dorado, Ebook | Frank Aubrey

    „The Devil-Tree of El Dorado” concerns the discovery of the legendary city of Manoa in British Guiana, high atop Mt. Roraima, at that date an incredibly remote part of the world. Most desirable, all the expected thrills of an Atlantean thriller plus some: flying damsels; immortals; a satisfying variety of monsters including the „frightful shape, with its maddening leer and its blood-curdling scream” that welcomes us to the book.

    okładka The Eye of the Sun, Ebook | Henry Bedford-Jones

    More thrilling adventures from the master story tell H. Bedford-Jones! This series about the Sphinx Emerald constitutes, as has been said, a veritable Outline of History – or perhaps „Highlights of History” would be more accurate. For this reason the greatest event in all history could not be left out. Here, then, we see the Holy Family during the exile in Egypt.

    okładka The Fifth Queen, Ebook | Ford Madox Hueffer

    The first book in the triology, „The Fifth Queen” recounts Katharine’s arrival at court and the early stages of her relationship with England king Henry VIII. Growning up far from court, she is wholly unused to the corruption and intrigue that now surround her. Soon Katharine is locked in a vicious battle with Thomas Cromwell, the Lord Privy Seal, as she fights for political and religious change. The book details a battle for power between Katharine, Throckmorton, and Cromwel...

    okładka The Fifth Queen Crowned, Ebook | Ford Madox Hueffer

    This is three novels bound as one. The wonderful „Fifth Queen” trilogy by Ford Madox Ford (1873 – 1939) is about Katharine Howard, the 5th wife of Henry VII which present Katharine Howard’s arrival at the Court of Henry VIII, her eventual marriage to the king, and her death. Depicting some of the era’s most notorious figures, including Thomas Cromwell, Throckmorton, Bloody Mary, and the King himself, Ford makes history both entertaining and undeniably human.

    okładka The Flying Inn, Ebook | Chesterton G.K.

    Armed with a donkey cart filled with rum, cheese and a tavern signpost, pub owner Humphrey Hump and Captain Patrick Dalroy, a crimson-haired giant with a tendency to burst into song, take to the road in this rollicking, madcap adventure, encountering revolution, romance, and a cast of memorable characters. In this hilarious, satirical romp, G.K. Chesterton demonstrates his intense distrust of power and „progressives,” railing against Prohibition, vegetarianism, theosophy, and...

    okładka The Gold Idol, Ebook | Fenton Ash

    Welcome to the „The Gold Idol” book, were we present to you one of the best work of remarkable author of „pulp fiction” Francis Henry „Frank” Atkins (1847-1927), who contributed widely to the pre-sf Pulp magazines, writing at least three Lost-World novels along with much else. Despite his commercial success at the time, little is known about Atkins’ personal life. His son was writer Frank Howard Atkins too.

    okładka The Good Soldier, Ebook | Ford Madox Hueffer

    „The Good Soldier” (1915) by Ford Madox Ford is a modernist classic, an intricately worked novel. It tells the stories of two outwardly happy couples who meet at a health spa in Germany just before the start of the First World War, and whose loveless, adultery-ridden relationships are strained and gradually disintegrate, with tragic consequences. The story is narrated by the character John Dowell, half of one of the couples whose dissolving relationships form the subject of t...

    okładka Some Do Not..., Ebook | Ford Madox Hueffer

    „Some Do Not...”, the first volume of Ford Madox Ford’s highly regarded tetralogy „Parade’s End”. Set during the First World War, the novel follows the conflicted relationship between conservative English aristocrat Christopher Tietjens, his beautiful but headstrong wife, Sylvia, and fearless young suffragette Valentine Wannop. An unforgettable exploration of the tensions of a society confronting catastrophe, sexuality, power, madness, and violence, this narrative examines ti...

    okładka Swordsmen of Saladin, Ebook | Henry Bedford-Jones

    In the Twelfth Century an intrigue at the court of the great Sultan Saladin brings forth the Sphinx Emerald to play its strange magic role. A miniature image of the sphinx hypnotizes its owners and inspires them to make history-changing decisions. Ninth story in the series about the Sphinx Emerald from the master story tell H. Bedford-Jones!

    okładka Red Sky Over Thebes, Ebook | Henry Bedford-Jones

    The Sphinx Emerald passed into other hands – to reappear centuries later when conquering Cambyses came storming into Egypt with his Persian legions... Readers are treated to authentic historical dramas, all centering on the mysterious jewel that seems to contain a miniature image of the sphinx. A great pulp extravaganza!

    okładka Richelieu Raids a Tomb, Ebook | Henry Bedford-Jones

    „Richelieu Raids a Tomb” is the fourteenth installment about the Sphinx Emerald from a Canadian-American historical, adventure fantasy, science fiction, crime and Western writer H. Bedford-Jones. Here the malign magic of the Sphinx Emerald works its spell anew in one of the famous dramas of history. And again the strange Sphinx Emerald came to the scene to play its part in the unrolling drama.

    okładka Privy Seal, Ebook | Ford Madox Hueffer

    Ford Madox Ford was a prolific English novelist and poet in the early 20th century. Ford wrote the best-selling novel „The Good Soldier”, as well as the „Parade’s End” series. „Privy Seal” is the second novel in the well-known „Fifth Queen” trilogy that recreates Tudor England in a masterful story of court intrigue, romance, and betrayal. Here Ford focuses on the figure of Thomas Cromwell, a powerful advisor to the King who comes to see Katharine as a rival whose good nature ...

    okładka Manalive, Ebook | Chesterton G.K.

    Perhaps the most light-hearted of all Chesterton’s works, „Manalive” follows the fun loving Innocent Smith who, after bringing joy to a boarding house, is charged with a series of crimes. Later accused even of murder and denounced for philandering everywhere he goes, Smith prompts his newfound acquaintances to recognize an important idea in most unexpected ways. In this delightfully strange mystery, Chesterton demonstrates why life is worth living, and that sometimes we need ...

    okładka Master of the World, Ebook | Henry Bedford-Jones

    The fourth part in the series, „Master of the World” continues adventures of strange and mysterious gem named the Sphinx Emerald that leaves its trail through history. Alexander of Macedon had conquered most of the world, and his legions were rolling toward Carthage when a wily little priest strangely presented to him the Sphinx Emerald...

    okładka Mrs. Ames, Ebook | E.F. Benson

    E. F. Benson’s subject is always the petty concerns of petty people, but his talent is to make those concerns nearly as important to us as they are to his characters. For us, what happens to Benson’s people is also much funnier than it is to them. This is another of Benson’s social comedies with women battling it out for social supremacy in the village. „Mrs. Ames”, first published in 1912, has been described as a forerunner to the author’s Mapp and Lucia novels

    okładka No More Parades, Ebook | Ford Madox Hueffer

    Despite his intellectual brilliance, successful career, and sizeable inheritance, Christopher Tietjens is a largely unhappy man. Tortured by his wife’s open infidelity, caught up in his own heated affair, Tietjens attempts to put his past behind him by volunteering to fight for his country. Tragic and emotionally piercing, „No More Parade’s” by Ford Madox Ford, is a story of romance, war and betrayal that proves a brilliant sequel to „Some Do Not”.

    okładka Paul Clifford, Ebook | Edward Bulwer-Lytton

    „Paul Clifford” is a novel published in 1830 by Edward George Earl Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton (1803-1873) who was an English novelist, playwright, and politician. It tells the life of Paul Clifford, a man who leads a dual life as both a criminal and an upscale gentleman. Paul Clifford tells the story of a chivalrous highwayman in the time of the French Revolution. This is the novel that first used the opening line ’’It was a dark and stormy night...’’

    okładka Paying Guests, Ebook | E.F. Benson

    The story is set around the Wentworth mention, a small boarding house in Bolton Spa and its owners and lodgers. They are quite unlikable, mainly upper-middle-class English people who came to the Spa to cure their body illnesses, but also to fill the time and escape boredom despite having no passions, interests and work. A delightful book for anybody familiar with Benson’s work, full of all the usual light, wit and satirical caricatures that Benson does so well.

    okładka Sisi. Cesarzowa mimo woli, Ebook | Allison Pataki

    Wiedeń, Austro-Węgry, połowa XIX wieku.Po abdykacji Ferdynanda Habsburga na cesarskim tronie zasiada osiemnastoletni Franciszek Józef. Jest zaręczony z bawarską księżniczką Heleną. Jednak kiedy w 1853 roku narzeczona przybywa na wiedeński dwór, młody cesarz zakochuje się od pierwszego wejrzenia… w jej siostrze Sisi, i to ją prosi o rękę. Młodziutka cesarzowa pławi się w luksusie, lecz jej niekonwencjonalne zachowanie nieustannie zderza się z dworską etykietą. Nie ma przyjació...

    okładka Towarzyski poradnik dla panien bez posagu, Ebook | Sophie Irwin

    Najlepszy debiut wśród powieści historycznych 2022 roku! Kitty Talbot nie jest ani wybitnie wykształcona, ani szczególnie dystyngowana, ma jednak sporo sprytu, pomysłowości i… długów odziedziczonych po ojcu. Potrzebuje pieniędzy, a ściślej mówiąc – męża, który nimi dysponuje. Bądź co bądź jest rok 1818 i jedynie mężczyźni mogą się bogacić… Dziewczyna ma zaledwie trzy miesiące, by uchronić siebie i cztery swoje siostry przed ruiną. Jest tylko jedno wyjście – trzeba zapolować ...

    okładka Wojna. Saga wołyńska. , Ebook | Joanna Jax

    Nadchodzi rok 1939. Ustabilizowane życie Marty, Nadii, Wissariona i Andrzeja nagle legło w gruzach. Tymczasem dla Marcela Lemańskiego wybuch wojny jest szansą na opuszczenie murów więzienia. Okupacja sowiecka a potem niemiecka odciska na bohaterach głębokie piętno, zaś ukraińscy nacjonaliści, kibicujący Trzeciej Rzeszy, liczą na utworzenie niepodległego państwa. Ich zawiedzione nadzieje i gorycz porażki doprowadzają do tragedii, która kosztuje życie tysięcy niewinnych ludzi. ...

    okładka Diabelski posłaniec, Ebook | Maciej Liziniewicz

    Kolejny tom świetnie przyjętego CYKLU O NADOLSKIM. Po "Czasie pomsty" i "Mrocznym zewie" czas na spotkanie z "Diabelskim posłańcem". Kiedy straszliwa klątwa z przeszłości przypomni o sobie, Żegota Nadolski wraz z kompanami spróbują stawić jej czoła, choć w tej rozgrywce przyjdzie im nie tylko rozwikłać mroczną tajemnicę, ale i zmierzyć się z groźnym posłańcem ciemności.

Co znajdziesz w kategorii: Powieść historyczna

Ta kategoria zawiera książki należące do gatunku, który leży na styku historii i literatury. Autorzy takich tekstów łączą materiał historyczny z fikcją, świat przedstawiony umieszczony jest w przeszłości, tłem są ważne wydarzenia historyczne, mogą pojawić się nawet znane postaci historyczne, ale pozostałe elementy są fikcją. Książki znajdujące się w tej kategorii przedstawiają różne epoki i okresy historyczne. Znaleźć tu możemy utwory wchodzące w skład kanonu literatury polskiej i europejskiej, jak „Potop” Henryka Sienkiewicza czy „Trzej muszkieterowie” Aleksandra Dumasa, a także zbeletryzowane biografie takich osób jak genialny malarz postimpresjonistyczny Vincent van Gogh („Pasja życia” Irvinga Stone’a) czy zapomniana przez świat nauki Mileva Marić („Pani Einstein” Marie Benedict). W serwisie Woblink.com znajdują się także opowieści o starożytności, (np. trzytomowy cykl Roberta Harrisa – „Cycero”, „Spisek”, „Dyktator” – o starożytnym Rzymie, którego bohaterem jest wybitny mówca i polityk Marek Tulliusz Cyceron), legendach arturiańskich („Trylogia arturiańska” Bernarda Cornwella) czy II wojnie światowej i obozach zagłady (bestsellerowa powieść „Tatuażysta z Auschwitz” Heather Morris), a także kryminały („W cieniu prawa” Remigiusza Mroza) i romanse historyczne („Nieproszona miłość” Julii Justiss). W kategorii „Powieść historyczna” nie mogło również zabraknąć książek Elżbiety Cherezińskiej, pisarki specjalizującej się w powieściach dotyczących historii Polski w różnych okresach dziejowych. W ofercie znajdują się książki Cherezińskiej o zjeździe gnieźnieńskim („Gra w kości”), rozbiciu dzielnicowym („Korona śniegu i krwi”), II wojnie światowej („Legion”), a nawet o wikingach (saga „Północna droga”).