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    okładka Cleopatra, Ebook | Georg Ebers, Mary J. Safford

    Two lovers, Antony and Cleopatra want to be together despite everything. But it can not be so simple. The hero may die to be buried next to the woman he loved until the last hour. His desire was fulfilled, and love, as it turned out, never dies.

    okładka Europa. Najpiękniejsza opowieść, Ebook | Marcin Libicki

    Europa, niewielki obszar w skali świata, stworzyła cywilizację, której kultura, nauka, gospodarka i polityka osiągnęły bogactwo nigdzie indziej niespotykane. Po dziś dzień wraz ze swą córką Ameryką wywiera dominujący wpływ na cały świat. Początek tej wielkiej przyszłości europejskiej to V wiek, spotkanie Germanów i chylącego się ku upadkowi antycznego świata, germańskiego instynktu państwowo- i prawotwórczego ze schrystianizowaną już tradycją Grecji i Rzymu. Także chrześ...

    okładka To the Lions, Ebook | Alfred J. Church

    Alfred John Church (1829-1912) was an English classical scholar. He was born in London and was educated at King’s College, London and Lincoln College, Oxford. From 1880 until 1888 he was professor of Latin at University College, London. While at University College in partnership with William Jackson Brodribb, he translated Tacitus and edited Pliny’s Letters. Church also wrote a number of stories in English re-telling of classical tales and legends for young people. He was a...

    okładka Life in the Days of Cicero, Ebook | Alfred J. Church

    Alfred J. Church was a 19th century historian best known for his comprehensive histories on different periods of the Roman Empire, including this one. „Life in the Days of Cicero” is a fascinating look at the life of one of the most influential men in the ancient world: Marcus Tullius Cicero. It portraits of various characters provide a description of life and manners in first century B.C. Rome. Philosopher, politician, lawyer, Cicero made his name with his famous orations ...

    okładka The Burning of Rome, Ebook | Alfred J. Church

    Alfred J. Church was a 19th century historian best known for his comprehensive histories on different periods of the Roman Empire, including this one. Vivid story of Rome in the days of Nero, beginning with the burning of the city, seemingly ordered by Nero himself. The narrative revolves around a set of characters who suffer acutely in the cruel persecutions of the Christians, set in motion by Nero after the fire to deflect blame for the conflagration from himself and fast...

    okładka Lucius, Ebook | Alfred J. Church

    Alfred John Church (1829-1912) was an English classical scholar. He was born in London and was educated at King’s College London, and Lincoln College, Oxford, he took holy orders and was an assistant-master at Merchant Taylors’ School for many years. Church wrote a number of stories in English re-telling of classical tales and legends for young people. „Lucius Adventures of a Roman Boy”, follows Lucius as he talks with Cicero, meets Spartacus, falls in love, is kidnapped by...

    okładka The Story of the Last Days of Jerusalem, Ebook | Alfred J. Church

    „The Story of the Last Days of Jerusalem” is a history that covers the fall of Jerusalem at the hands of the Roman Empire, the culmination of centuries of conflict in the region between the Romans and Jewish inhabitants. Recounts the events leading up to the opening of the war with the Romans, Josephus’s brave defense of Jotapata, its final capture and his escape from death, and finally the siege of Jerusalem, the burning of the temple, and the razing of the city. Alfred J....

    okładka Stories from Livy, Ebook | Alfred J. Church

    „Stories From Livy” is a great collection of stories about important events and people in Roman history. Tales of early Roman history drawn from the greatest of Roman historians, and admirably retold by Alfred J. Church. Features stories of the founding of Rome, the expulsion of kings, and the early days of the republic. It covers the period from the founding of Rome through the Samnite Wars (about 750 to 300 B.C.). Famous stories of the Roman kings, and such early heroes a...

    okładka Lords of the World, Ebook | Alfred J. Church

    The hero of this book is a Greek enemy of Rome, who vainly tries to resist the all-conquering Romans. During the course of his trials he befriends Hasdrubal, the Carthaginian general, Polybius, the great historian of the Punic Wars, and Scipio the Younger, the general who conquers Carthage. During the course of his struggle, he begins to understand the weaknesses of the Greek and Punic civilizations, and why they are unable to resist the domination of Rome. Originally publi...

    okładka The Count of the Saxon Shore, Ebook | Alfred J. Church

    So little is known from history about the last years of the Roman occupation that the writer of fiction has almost a free hand. In this story a novel, but, it is hoped, not an improbable, view is taken in an important event – the withdrawal of the legions. This is commonly assigned to the year 410, when the Emperor Honorius formally withdrew the Imperial protection from Britain. But the usurper Constantine had actually removed the British army two years before; and, as he w...

    okładka Romulus, Ebook | Jacob Abbott

    Fascinating short history of the life and legends of Romulus and the foundation of Rome and the Roman empire. There is political intrigue, social foundation and mystery/magic in this telling of this long distant time in history. It is a fitting way to encounter the stories of Romulus. This book will not leave indifferent those who love the history of ancient mythology.

    okładka History of King Richard the Second of England, Ebook | Jacob Abbott

    This book covers the whole history of England after the death of Richard 1. Great emphasis is placed on the coming to power of Richard 2. His overthrow and death are also described in detail by the author. Jacob Abbott offers a more complete picture as is possible, within such limits, of the ideas and principles, the manners and customs.

    okładka Nero, Ebook | Jacob Abbott

    This book takes you inside the life and times of one of the most notoriously monstrous emperors of history. This story helps to expand your knowledge of history. Easy-to-read story about an ominous leader. We all hear some of the horror stories about Nero, but this provided a better look in the situations around him at the time.

    okładka Peter the Great, Ebook | Jacob Abbott

    What Jacob Abbott really appreciates is his ability to uncover and animate well-known characters. So, for example, he did with Peter the Great. Most of the story is dedicated to the achievements of the great leader. But at the same moment he can describe the cruelty that lives in Peter the Great. What was particularly interesting in this book was Peter’s conflict with his son Alexis; it was an emotionally powerful narrative.

    okładka History of King Richard the Third of England, Ebook | Jacob Abbott

    Richard 3 went down in history as a great king. He was the last king from the House of York. Jacob Abbott remembers historical events from an impartial point of view. His text not only covers Richard III, but details events of his brother Edward IV’s life, plus various other major individuals involved with the War of the Roses.

    okładka History of Pyrrhus, Ebook | Jacob Abbott

    This book requires you to have a more detailed history.Pyrrhus is a defender of the city of Tarentum, protecting him from the Romans. Only by knowing the origins of the story can you feel this story. And if not, you will be interested in finding out.

    okładka History of Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, Ebook | Jacob Abbott

    This is not just a story, but a biography of Cleopatra, an evil woman who studies the effect of poison on her prisoners, and the lover of the art of seduction.Wars and conflicts are highlighted, making an intriguing story. Cleopatra should be included in the list of the most sinister people in the world. Because of it, two nations could be destroyed. All these events are described in detail in the book.

    okładka History of William the Conqueror, Ebook | Jacob Abbott

    This is a classic historical book about medieval life, in the time of William the Conqueror. This book will appeal to those who are delighted with the legends, knights and kings. As in all the stories of Jacob Abbott, he helps to know really interesting details. Jacob Abbott explain? how the geography and weather patterns of the English Channel influencedt he reign of William the Conqueror.

    okładka History of King Richard the First of England, Ebook | Jacob Abbott

    This is another story about a famous person. Richard the Lionhearted as he is known such a large historical figure in Europe, especially in the period of the crusades. Ideal for those who begin to study the history and biography of Richard 1. For a short period of time you will be able to learn a lot of useful information.

    okładka Cyrus the Great, Ebook | Jacob Abbott

    This story provides background information about Cyrus, who is mentioned in the Bible. Cyrus is the king who liberated the Jews from Babylonian captivity. Abbott’s talent lies in the fact that, thanks to some of the details of his story, he simply animates the characters. This book has been noted by everyone, even Abraham Lincoln.

    okładka Xerxes, Ebook | Jacob Abbott

    The story mainly concerns the invasion of Xerxes in Greece and the burning of Athens, which was the main event in his career. The author emphasized how the war destroyed the population and productivity of the lands through which Xerxes had led his army, and also how it affected the prosperity of his own Median country. Most of the book is devoted to the campaign on the war. A brief history that contains many events.

    okładka Queen Elizabeth, Ebook | Jacob Abbott

    What else can impress in the history of Queen Elizabeth? However, Jacob Abbott was able to show us the other secret aspects of the queen’s life. The author is doing a tremendous job describing the area in which she lived, as well as a thorough description of the people who formed her. She was a queen to be admired.

    okładka History of Julius Caesar, Ebook | Jacob Abbott

    This is a story about a historical figure written by Abbott. The author describes in detail the youth of Caesar nd his role in the Sylla and Marius conflict. Readers learn a lot of interesting facts. One of which is revealed at the end of the book, namely the murder of Caesar on the day when he was going to be crowned King of the Roman Empire.

    okładka History of Margaret of Anjou, Queen of Henry VI of England, Ebook | Jacob Abbott

    Jacob Abbott’s biography of Margaret of Anjou is written in simple manner, making it digestible for the reader who dislikes the stuffy story. Margaret of Anjou was remembered as one of the most unfortunate queens that I could not love the people. She was not afraid to do what it took to keep her throne. Surprisingly, the author is still trying to portray Margaret of Anjou as a hero.

Co znajdziesz w kategorii: Powieść historyczna

Ta kategoria zawiera książki należące do gatunku, który leży na styku historii i literatury. Autorzy takich tekstów łączą materiał historyczny z fikcją, świat przedstawiony umieszczony jest w przeszłości, tłem są ważne wydarzenia historyczne, mogą pojawić się nawet znane postaci historyczne, ale pozostałe elementy są fikcją. Książki znajdujące się w tej kategorii przedstawiają różne epoki i okresy historyczne. Znaleźć tu możemy utwory wchodzące w skład kanonu literatury polskiej i europejskiej, jak „Potop” Henryka Sienkiewicza czy „Trzej muszkieterowie” Aleksandra Dumasa, a także zbeletryzowane biografie takich osób jak genialny malarz postimpresjonistyczny Vincent van Gogh („Pasja życia” Irvinga Stone’a) czy zapomniana przez świat nauki Mileva Marić („Pani Einstein” Marie Benedict). W serwisie Woblink.com znajdują się także opowieści o starożytności, (np. trzytomowy cykl Roberta Harrisa – „Cycero”, „Spisek”, „Dyktator” – o starożytnym Rzymie, którego bohaterem jest wybitny mówca i polityk Marek Tulliusz Cyceron), legendach arturiańskich („Trylogia arturiańska” Bernarda Cornwella) czy II wojnie światowej i obozach zagłady (bestsellerowa powieść „Tatuażysta z Auschwitz” Heather Morris), a także kryminały („W cieniu prawa” Remigiusza Mroza) i romanse historyczne („Nieproszona miłość” Julii Justiss). W kategorii „Powieść historyczna” nie mogło również zabraknąć książek Elżbiety Cherezińskiej, pisarki specjalizującej się w powieściach dotyczących historii Polski w różnych okresach dziejowych. W ofercie znajdują się książki Cherezińskiej o zjeździe gnieźnieńskim („Gra w kości”), rozbiciu dzielnicowym („Korona śniegu i krwi”), II wojnie światowej („Legion”), a nawet o wikingach (saga „Północna droga”).