As we continue to follow adventures of „Jan of the Jungle” written by Otis Adelbert Kline, we find him engaged to his fiancée Ramona and reunited with his parents. Together with some friends, they start a cruise on the Indian Ocean. However, the happy days don’t last long for Jan as he gets thrown in the shark infested waters and Ramona gets abducted. Follow the exploits of „Jan of the Jungle” as he strives to save his future wife from a hideous death at the fangs of the Bl...
„The Outlaws of Mars” introduces you to Captain Jerry Morgan and his travel to Mars in the early 20th century. When Jerry, expert swordsman, left the American Army, his scientist uncle, Dr. Richard Morgan, had no difficulty in persuading the adventurous young man to take a trip to Raliad, largest city on Mars in a space ship, directed by mental telepathy. For Jerry’s first moment there involved him in a costly mistake which was to throw him into conflict not only with the f...
Meet the another sci-fi story from the master of adventure and science-fiction novelist of the pulp era Otis Adelbert Kline, best known for his interplanetary adventure novels set on Venus and Mars, which instantly became science-fiction classics. Smaller than a microbe, the Stranger was but how he grew! Ralph Blake’s surprise kidnapping flung him into fierce adventure in the torrid Sahara. Then a strange creature from Mercury stepped in and even Ralph’s death couldn’t prev...
Malcolm Jameson was an American Golden Age science fiction author who began writing only seven years before his death. Drawing from his experiences of navy and warfare he gave a personal touch to all of his stories. He is now chiefly remembered for his Captain Bullard stories which chronicles the journey of a young officer into a fleet admiral of space ship and to most critics seem like a precursor of the modern day space exploration series like Star Trek. „Wreckers of the ...
Therne is a young budding doctor who has experienced many tragedies. He is unfairly accused of abuse of office, he loses all his patients, even if he is acquitted, and later suffers from the loss of his young wife. Being a staunch supporter of vaccination, he is running for parliament on a platform against vaccination, selling his convictions and morality political gain and dirty gain. The author of most of his story attaches vaccination, which should help humanity.
The Raid of „Le Vengeur” is a mind game of scientists, so to speak. This is a story about dueling military scientists in Britain and France. They are trying to figure out how to unite in a race to learn how to improve their military power with the help of submarines. This story promises to be fascinating.
Another masterpiece by George Griffiths that deserves attention. The World Masters is an exciting, story that explores the unintended consequences of uncontrolled scientific innovation. What will the author offer us this time? This novel shows that you need to be careful before new scientific innovations.
In the epicenter of events, the main character and his bright faith, as well as the book he wrote. Many of the books in the collection have not been produced for decades, and therefore the writer’s book was not available to the general public. The goal of the publishing program is to facilitate quick access to this huge reservoir of literature. This is a significant literary work that deserves to return to the press in many decades.
This is a story about the coming terror. George Griffiths tells the story of the Great War that never happened. Airship squadrons and steam fleets clash over the world’s great kingdoms, leaving panic and devastation in their wake. Can the good side win this time? What happens to the planet? Many questions require an answer.
George Griffiths is a lover of classic adventure novels. „The Outlaws of the Air „ tells the story of the future of air battles and the creation of a utopian colony in the Pacific. Here, as always, there are many unusual things: Utopians, Anarchists, War Ships of the Air, ultra fast Sea Vessels and even the hokey-named „Anarchite” super-explosive. This story captures readers from the front pages.
George Griffiths became famous for the first novels about interplanetary travel. Lenox, Earl of Redgrave, made the greatest scientific discovery in the history of the world: a flying ship, capable of escaping from the gravity of the Earth and rising to the stars. Lenox steals his sweetheart, because she is going to marry the one she doesn’t love. He stole her and brought her out of this world – literally. This adventure promises to be interesting.
Georg Ebers is famous for his historical novels. At the heart of the Serapis novel, Christians are going to rally against the god Serapis. „This army of the Saviour whose very essence was gentleness and whose spirit was love, seemed indeed to have deserted from his standard of light and grace to the blood-stained banner of murderous hatred”. However, all this happens very poetic and calm.
Georg Ebers was one of the first who decided to popularize Egyptian knowledge through historical novels. So, for example, the Historical novel „Homo sum” is dedicated to the birth of the institution of monasticism in the depths of the Christian communities of Egypt and Syria. Unlike other novels of Georg Ebers, in this we find the life and customs of the Egyptian people. This novel is not inferior to others, even surpasses the knowledge of the people of Egypt.
A nineteenth-century novel from a German Egyptologist and novelist who discovered the Egyptian medical papyrus in Luxor. Georg Ebers wanted to familiarize the public with the discoveries of Egyptologists. The novel really describes the hard life of Egypt in the 19th century. An unusual theme for the novel was chosen, but really interesting and exciting.
No manly boy ever grows tired of sea stories – there is an irresistible fascination about them, and they are a recreation to the mind. A tale of being adrift on the Pacific Ocean, with Dave discovering a mysterious cave. Full of startling incident, clever dialogue, admirable descriptions of sky and water in all their aspects, and plenty of fun. Originally written for young men, this adventure tale is great reading for the whole family. The four-volume „Deep Sea” series was ...
Powieść zdobyła nagrodę Hugo. Magiczna, niepokojąca z misternym obrazem piekielnego, pogrążonego w oparach lasu i jego fantastycznych mieszkańców. To owoc niezwykle twórczej wyobraźni. - Kingsley Amis Ponura, lecz hipnotyzująca wizja przyszłości naszej planety – jedna z najlepszych w całej fantastyce! Ziemię, tkwiącą nieruchomo pod palącym światłem umierającego powoli Słońca, pokrywa nieprzebyta dżungla rozrośniętego do planetarnych rozmiarów figowca....
Alfred John Church (1829-1912) was an English classical scholar. He was born in London and was educated at King’s College, London and Lincoln College, Oxford. From 1880 until 1888 he was professor of Latin at University College, London. While at University College in partnership with William Jackson Brodribb, he translated Tacitus and edited Pliny’s Letters. Church also wrote a number of stories in English re-telling of classical tales and legends for young people. He was a...
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„Powieści i lektury” to bardzo szeroka kategoria, w której zawierają się zarówno utwory wchodzące w skład ustalonego przez Ministerstwo Edukacji Narodowej kanonu obowiązujących lektur szkolnych, jak i książki należące do niezwykle obszernego gatunku, jakim jest powieść. Lista lektur obowiązkowych i uzupełniających dla szkół ciągle się zmienia. Do kategorii „Powieści i lektury” należą nie tylko najbardziej cenione utwory tworzące świadomość kulturową nowych pokoleń, uczące historii i tradycji, ale także pozycje nowe, odpowiadające potrzebom młodego czytelnika i przez to bardziej dla niego atrakcyjne. Oprócz książek wymaganych przez szkoły znaleźć tu można również bardzo szeroką ofertę powieści przeznaczonych dla dzieci, młodzieży czy też „młodych dorosłych” (Young Adult). W związku z tym w kategorii „Powieści i lektury” w serwisie znajduje się klasyka literatury dziecięcej – magiczna „Alicja w Krainie Czarów” Lewisa Carrolla, uwielbiany również przez dorosłych „Mały Książę” Antoine'a de Saint-Exupéry'ego czy niezwykle zabawna „Akademia pana Kleksa” Jana Brzechwy. Znaleźć tu można także pozycje dla trochę starszych uczniów, czyli dramaty Williama Szekspira, powieści Henryka Sienkiewicza, poezje Adama Mickiewicza. Nie brakuje bestsellerowej serii brytyjskiej pisarki J.K. Rowling o Harrym Potterze, popularnych cykli Ricka Riordana o bogach greckich („Percy Jackson i bogowie olimpijscy”), egipskich („Kroniki rodu Kane”) i nordyckich („Magnus Chase i bogowie Asgardu”) czy głośnej książki „Cudowny chłopak” R.J. Palacio, na podstawie której powstał film pod tym samym tytułem z Julią Roberts i Owenem Wilsonem.