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Szukasz: Wilkie Collins

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    okładka Tajemica pałacu w Wenecji, Ebook | Wilkie Collins

    Kto by się spodziewał, że zaręczyny Agnieszki Lockwood i lorda Monberryego zostaną zerwane? Każdy, kto choć trochę poznał hrabinę Naronę, mógł oczekiwać takiego zakończenia. Tajemnicza, intrygująca, piękna i pewna siebie kobieta, która zarazem zachowuje w kontakcie lekki dystans - to istny wabik na mężczyzn. Kobieta puka do gabinetu lekarskiego lorda Monberryego z jasnym celem: uwieść i poślubić lekarza. Intryga, którą snuje, działa niezawodnie i nie oszczędza ofiar. Z biegie...

    okładka No Name, Ebook | Wilkie Collins

    A tragic incident leaves a girl from an aristocratic family without the right not only to an inheritance, but even to a family name. But the talented and energetic beauty is not going to surrender to the will of fate – she will throw all her ingenuity and desperate audacity into the cause of restoring justice. True, for this you have to give up a lot...

    okładka The Evil Genius, Ebook | Wilkie Collins

    There is literally no such thing as an evil genius, just a lot of depressed people who were not lucky enough to live in the 1800s. This is a historical family drama. A very abrupt end. It’s never quite clear who the evil genius is. But he certainly gave us a clear idea of just how devastating adultery can be.

    okładka The Guilty River, Ebook | Wilkie Collins

    Gerard Roiland, a typical Collins outsider, returns from college in Germany to take over his family estate at Trimley Dean and falls inappropriately in love with Kristel Toller, the daughter of one of his tenants. There is a mysterious deaf tenant who is also after Christelle.

    okładka Mr Wray’s Cash Box, or, the Mask and the Mystery, Ebook | Wilkie Collins

    This is a very hilarious story by Wilkie Collins. This book reads like sensational journalism from the 1800s or an old radio show. The characters are fun and cute, and the story moves quickly and leaves you with a smile on your face.

    okładka Basil, Ebook | Wilkie Collins

    A young aristocrat falls in love with a shopkeeper’s daughter and is forced to hide his marriage to her from his relatives because of the existing class inequality. The hero of the novel is subjected to countless trials, which lead some of the characters to a tragic end.

    okładka Pieniądze mojej pani, Ebook | Wilkie Collins

    Kiedy z domu lady Lydiard znika banknot o wysokim nominale, podejrzenie pada na Isabel – jej przybraną córkę. Jednak ani jaśnie pani ani jej zarządca Moody nie wierzą w winę prostolinijnej i uczciwej dziewczyny. Niezrażony bezsilnością policji i pojawieniem się potężnego rywala do ręki Isabel, beznadziejnie zakochany Moody, postanawia za wszelką cenę udowodnić jej niewinność.

    okładka Antonina, Ebook | Wilkie Collins

    A romance of the fifth century, in which many of the scenes described in the ’Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire’ are reset to suit the purpose of the author. Only two historical personages are introduced into the story,– the Emperor Honorius, and Alaric the Goth; and these attain only a secondary importance. Among the historical incidents used are the arrival of the Goths at the gates of Rome, the Famine, the last efforts of the besieged, the Treaty of Peace, the introdu...

    okładka The Woman in White, Ebook | Wilkie Collins

    Often considered one of the first mystery novels, The Woman In White follows protagonist Walter Hartright, an art teacher, as he has a mysterious late night encounter on a London street with a lost woman, dressed all in white, who he later finds out had escaped from an asylum. The figure of this woman and the words they exchanged during their meeting come to haunt Walter, even as he accepts a job at Limmeridge House outside of London to instruct heiress Laura Farlie in art....

    okładka Heart and Science, Ebook | Wilkie Collins

    Mrs. Galileo is engaged in various studies and spends much more than she can afford. Suddenly, Mrs. Galileo receives custody of her niece Carmina, in her plans to never let the guardianship out of her hands. The doctor’s secret experiments in vivisection lead to the fact that a young girl becomes infected with a terrible virus.

    okładka Man and Wife, Ebook | Wilkie Collins

    The novel is set in England in the mid-nineteenth century. Due to the imperfection of the marriage legislation of England, Ireland and Scotland and the presence of conflicting articles in it, a woman becomes a victim of her scoundrel husband, and then her daughter falls into the same situation many years later. But fate, although cruel, is fair – with the help of friends, the girl manages to overcome all difficulties and obstacles, save her life and find her happiness.

    okładka Little Novels, Ebook | Wilkie Collins

    These are Victorian melodramas set in England with a strong focus on the class system, but in the end that’s what makes the stories so special. There are several common themes of Wilkie Collins, including the general theme of the return of a character presumed dead. Great for readers of Victorian fiction.

    okładka The Dead Secret, Ebook | Wilkie Collins

    The mistress of the old estate – the Portgen Tower – dies, leaving a dying letter in which she makes a fatal confession. The discovery of this secret can have truly tragic consequences for all the inhabitants of the estate. But the maid, hoping to keep the peace of her masters, hides the letter in the old abandoned room of the castle – the Dead Room. Many years will pass before the Dead Room will part with its terrible secret.

    okładka The Law and the Lady, Ebook | Wilkie Collins

    A young woman gets married and suddenly finds herself in a situation where her loving and beloved husband turns out to be the bearer of a different surname, and a terrible, dark and discrediting secret is revealed in his past.

    okładka The New Magdalen, Ebook | Wilkie Collins

    The adopted daughter of a wealthy aristocrat is a beauty who is waiting for a profitable marriage. What is her past hiding? Will the Princess have the courage to turn into Cinderella, to sacrifice love and wealth?

    okładka A Rogue’s Life, Ebook | Wilkie Collins

    This is a charming and highly readable novel written in the middle of the 19th century. This novel also combines the adventure and twists of a novel with a moderately upper-class protagonist. Frank sees work life as a problem, and by his 25th birthday, he has failed in medicine, portraiture, caricature, and even forgery. Disillusioned with life, he despaired of finding something to do until he met Alicia Dulcifer.

    okładka The Moonstone, Ebook | Wilkie Collins

    A diamond is stolen from the English country estate of Lady Verinder and the renowned Sergeant Cuff is brought in from London to help solve the case. The diamond, said to bring bad luck to its owner because it was stolen from a temple in India, was given to Lady Verinder’s daughter, Rachel, on her 18th birthday. It was bequeathed to Rachel from her uncle (who stole it when he was a young soldier) on his death. The story unfolds through several narrators, all of whom know a ...

    okładka Prawo i dama, Ebook | Wilkie Collins

    Powieść otwiera scena cichego ślubu w jednym z londyńskich kościołów. Bohaterami są młoda i piękna Valeria Brinton oraz szaleńczo w niej zakochany Eustace Woodville. Przez kilka pierwszych dni nic nie mąci szczęścia nowożeńców. Jednak wkrótce Valeria uświadamia sobie, że Eustace coś przed nią ukrywa. Dzięki przypadkowemu, jak się wydaje, spotkaniu z teściową, która od początku sprzeciwiała się ich małżeństwu, Valeria odkrywa, że jej mąż poślubił ją pod fałszywym nazwiskiem. E...

    okładka A House to Let, Ebook | Elizabeth Gaskell, Charles Dickens, Wilkie Collins, Adelaide Ann Procter

    „A House to Let” is a novella originally published in 1858 by Charles Dickens, Wilkie Collins, Elizabeth Gaskell and Adelaide Anne Procter. Each of the contributors wrote a chapter (stories within a story, and in the case of Adelaide Anne Procter, as a story in verse) and the whole was edited by Dickens, making it fit together seamlessly as a whole. This novella is a composite tale of mystery and intrigue set amid the dark streets of Victorian London. It is about a house th...

    okładka After Dark, Ebook | Wilkie Collins

    „When Night Falls” is a complex novel. Six fascinating stories, full of mystery and tension, are collected by the author into a single picture, worthy of taking its place among the most exquisite works of classic English literature. The stories consist of formal introductions to each story, including character sketches of the alleged narrators, a fictional portrait painter taking a break from sore eyes, and diary entries of the artist’s wife.

    okładka Blind Love, Ebook | Walter Besant, Wilkie Collins

    The loving heart of the protagonist of the novel, Iris, remains faithful to the master of her destiny. The conflict with the father does not prevent the lovers from connecting, but how does this story end?

    okładka Hide and Seek, Ebook | Wilkie Collins

    Hide and Seek is a story about love, betrayal, hardship and forgiveness. Mr. Valentine Blyth is an artist. While working in the countryside, painting portraits of babies and sometimes portraits of horses, he meets a deaf-mute girl named Mary.

    okładka Poor Miss Finch, Ebook | Wilkie Collins

    A novel about the fate of a blind girl who dreams of finding happiness. How many difficulties she has to overcome on the path of life! Deception of a loved one, betrayal of loved ones, sudden blindness – a series of tragic circumstances that haunt the heroine.

    okładka L’abîme, Ebook | Charles Dickens, Wilkie Collins

    L’abîme est une piece de théâtre écrite des deux géants de la littérature: Charles Dickens et Wilkie Collins. L’histoire combine le secret de Collin avec la satire de Dickens, ce qui la rend tres intéressante. L’histoire commence avec le personnage principal, Walter Wilding, pleurant la mort de sa mere et réorganisant son foyer. Cependant, lors de ces tristes événements, il apprend des nouvelles surprenantes de son passé, ce qui entraîne une chaîne d’événements assez comple...

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