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Szukasz: Joseph Mercola

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    okładka The Root of All Evil, Ebook | Joseph Smith Fletcher

    Joseph Smith Fletcher (7 February 1863 – 30 January 1935) was a British journalist and author. He wrote more than 230 books on a wide variety of subjects, both fiction and non-fiction. Jackie Farnish has grown up in a grindingly poor household, and as she reaches adulthood she resolves to do whatever is necessary to claw her way out of poverty. She is loved by her childhood playmate Joe Bartle, but takes him for granted and feels that he lacks the spark or ambition to match...

    okładka The Lone Wolf Returns, Ebook | Louis Joseph Vance

    This book is more a study of character than a mysterious genre by which the character is otherwise known. The book begins with the interaction of the characters with a love story, which leads to an unexpected meeting. In the end, there is a surprise involving several characters, but this should be opened by another reader.

    okładka Kobieta o dwóch nazwiskach, Ebook | Joseph Smith Fletcher

    Marshall Allerdyke w środku nocy dostaje telegram od swego kuzyna Jamesa, który prosi go o pilne spotkanie w hotelu w Hull. Biznesmen wyrusza niezwłocznie. Po drodze spotyka tajemniczą kobietę, która za wszelką cenę usiłuje dogonić ekspres do Londynu. Po przybyciu na miejsce Marshall znajduje zwłoki Jamesa. Dowiaduje się też, że kuzyn przewoził cenną biżuterię, po której nie ma teraz śladu. Postanawia wykryć mordercę. Jedyną poszlaką jest klamerka od damskiego pantofla, znal...

    okładka Cudowny Geniusz. Życie Nikoli Tesli, Ebook | Joseph O'Neill John

    NIKOLA TESLA. CUDOWNY GENIUSZ to biografia z pierwszej ręki napisana przez osobę z bliskiego otoczenia Nikoli Tesli. Jest to książka biograficzna poświęcona jednemu z najwybitniejszych wynalazców w historii ludzkości – pionierowi wielofazowego systemu prądu zmiennego, nowoczesnego systemu dystrybucji energii, silnika indukcyjnego, łączności bezprzewodowej, automatyki i tak wielu innych znakomitych wynalazków i patentów, że nie sposób ich tutaj wymienić. Jej autorem jest John ...

    okładka Mistress Spitfire, Ebook | Joseph Smith Fletcher

    Fletcher’s understanding of human nature is evident in his writing, where his characters embody every facet of human existence in very well-written prose and dialogue. Mistress Spitfire is a simple account of some of the episodes in the history of Richard Coop, Ghent, and his cousin Mistress Alison French during the Revolution of 1642-1644.

    okładka The Herapath Property, Ebook | Joseph Smith Fletcher

    Jacob Herapat, wealthy real estate developer and Member of Parliament. found dead. With a gun at my side. But, it seems, an hour later the coachman brings him home. And what according to his will, what surprises she will open. Several people, including the police, are trying to solve the mystery.

    okładka W ciemnym zwierciadle, Ebook | Joseph Sheridan Le.Fanu

     W ciemnym zwierciadle to wyjątkowa książka w dorobku Josepha Sheridana Le Fanu, jednego z twórców powieści gotyckiej. Motywem przewodnim są najrozmaitsze przykłady zjawisk nadprzyrodzonych, z których każdy stanowi studium przypadku z archiwum doktora Martina Hesseliusa, lekarza i naukowca zajmującego się studiowaniem stanów psychologicznych w kontekście choroby umysłowej. W umysłach pacjentów doktora Hesseliusa naruszona została granica pomiędzy światem realnym i nadprzyrod...

    okładka The Talleyrand Maxim, Ebook | Joseph Smith Fletcher

    „The Talleyrand Maxim" belongs to the pen of an outstanding British journalist and writer Joseph Smith Fletcher. Linford Pratt is a suave and clever law clerk looking for a chance to better himself. Opportunity knocks when he gets possession of a rich man’s will that would mean the ruin of the present heirs. His thoughts turn to blackmail, since he assumes the wrongful heirs would pay a high price to hang onto their wealth. Pratt’s personal hero is the subtle, wily diplomat...

    okładka The Orange-Yellow Diamond, Ebook | Joseph Smith Fletcher

    This novel takes place in the London parish of Paddington. The story opens with the murder of an old Jewish pawnbroker. Our Scottish hero, Andrew Lauriston, a penniless aspiring writer, has the misfortune of finding the body, and is accused of killing and robbing the old man. But then it’s found the pawnbroker had had in his possession an extraordinary South African diamond worth over eighty-thousand pounds – a diamond that’s now missing. It falls to Melky Rubenstein to unr...

    okładka The Middle of Things, Ebook | Joseph Smith Fletcher

    Viner stumbles upon the body of a murdered man whilst just following through his ordinary day routines. Little does he know that this find would make him a key figure in solving a big mystery. Well its soon discovered that the murdered man’s name was Ashton and some important documents were stolen from him, but the true purpose for killing him and his real identity and that of his charge, make for a rather excitingly interesting murder-mystery... Nevertheless, Mr. Fletcher ...

    okładka Scarhaven Keep, Ebook | Joseph Smith Fletcher

    This novel, first published in 1922, is a good example of J. S. Fletcher’s complex plots. The story starts with a famous actor gone missing in suspicious circumstances in northern England. But other dark deeds soon take our attention. Copplestone, the young dramatist, helping to solve the mystery, found himself suddenly in love; and the solution and his happiness were discovered together. In the search for Oliver, we find ourselves on a wild and lonely coast off the North S...

    okładka In The Mayor’s Parlour, Ebook | Joseph Smith Fletcher

    This is a story of graft and corruption set in one of Fletchers favoured Northern towns. The mayor who is on a clean-up campaign is found dead in his parlour and our hero, his younger cousin, is determined to find out who killed him. Was he eliminated for this reason? There are entanglements involving city officials and his proposed reforms plus jealousy related to relationships. Lots of twists with a surprise murderer. The plot is cleverly centered around the inquest, whic...

    okładka Dead Men’s Money, Ebook | Joseph Smith Fletcher

    Another fast-paced murder mystery by J.S. Fletcher told in the first person. He wrote about 200 books on a wide variety of subjects, both fiction and non-fiction. He was one of the leading writers of detective fiction in the „Golden Age”. It was first published in 1920, and has just the right stock of truly good characters, balanced by a couple of nasties. A young apprentice solicitor in a rural English town bordering Scotland, is riding his bike through lonely stretches of...

    okładka The Wyvern Mystery, Ebook | Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu

    There are two vampires in this story: the traditional bloodsucker Carmilla and the information vampire Laura. Ever since reading Pride and prejudice, she has suspected that a delicate „English rose” is a threat to others. A married-up girl living in the wilderness will complicate the life of anyone, whether you are at least a rich bachelor, even an ancient vampire. Information hunger pushes to terrible crimes. Dying from boredom, the girl will turn inside out any guest for ...

    okładka The Tenants of Malory, Ebook | Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu

    ”The Tenants of Malory” is a sensational novel about two warring families, Verney and Fanshaw, and their mixed relationship. Arthur, the nephew of Lord Verney, cannot choose between his feelings for Margaret Fanshaw and in his favor. Through this novel, the author asks the question – How many moral principles are people willing to sacrifice for a brief sense of superiority? It took a few seconds to give Tom the opportunity to explain the scene, the actor and his own resting...

    okładka Madam Crowl’s Ghost and Other Tales of Mystery, Ebook | Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu

    This short story is an excellent representative of the Victorian era Gothic prose. Bright, capacious, in the details and most importantly interesting. An elderly governess decided to share a scary story from her past by the fireplace. When the woman was still young, she went to help her aunt for an ancient old woman who had survived from her mind. It was a little uneasy when Madame Crowley got up from her bed in a crazy outfit, in high heels, with long nails and false eyebr...

    okładka Listy Heloizy i Abelarda, Ebook | Alexander Pope, Claude-Joseph Dorat

    Abelard był człowiekiem niezwykle próżnym, zamożnym, egocentrycznym. Miał być bardzo kochliwy i rozpustny. Z punktu widzenia Abelarda uwiedzenie Heloizy było postępkiem niegodziwym. Abelard przyznaje, że kierowała nim wyłącznie pycha i lubieżność. Heloiza była dość ładna (co zaspokajało lubieżność filozofa) i przewyższać miała wiedzą wszystkie kobiety swoich czasów (co zaspokajało jego pychę). Swoją ofiarę Abelard wybrał świadomie i rozmyślnie. Postarał się, by przyjaciele po...

    okładka Tajemnica dworu Markenmore, Ebook | Joseph Smith Fletcher

    Tytuł kryminału pochodzi od nazwy miejsca akcji. Markenmore to piękna posiadłość wiejska. Jednak jej właściciel, sir Anthony, leży na łożu śmierci. Czuwają przy nim młodsze dzieci: Harry i Valencia. Niespodziewanie – po siedmiu latach nieobecności i braku jakiegokolwiek kontaktu z rodziną – we dworze pojawia się Guy, pierworodny syn Anthony’ego i dziedzic jego majątku. Nie chce jednak spotkać się z umierającym ojcem ani przyjąć spadku. Ale to nie dlatego Markenmore traci teg...

    okładka Oratorstwo chrześcijańskie w IV wieku, Ebook | Franz Joseph Holzwarth

    Wiek IV jest periodem rozkwitu wymowy chrześcijańskiej na Wschodzie. Wszystko to, co wydali wielkiego od czasów Augusta w zakresie krasomówstwa sofiści i retorowie greccy i rzymscy, pod względem polotu myśli, głębokości uczucia a niekiedy i piękności formy nie może iść w porównanie z dziełami wielkich mówców chrześcijańskich IV wieku. Lecz wymowa chrześcijańska jest zupełnie odmienną od pogańskiej. Dla pogan mowa była widowiskiem a mównica była teatrem; o treść ...

    okładka Odrodzenie ludzkości, Ebook | Franz Joseph Holzwarth

    Społeczeństwo zamierało wskutek utraty pojęcia o Bogu; Apostołowie usiłują powstrzymać coraz głębszy upadek człowieka objawieniem Najwyższego i złotym łańcuchem prawdy niebieskiej znowu ziemię do nieba przywiązują. Nie mówią o prawach, lecz o obowiązkach. Bóg ukazuje się człowiekowi w najwspanialszym przymiocie miłości, Bóg ukrzyżowany i rozciągniętymi ramionami przygarniający do siebie cały rodzaj ludzki. Na tej opoce miała stanąć nowa społeczność. Bóg-Człowiek będzie odtąd ...

    okładka Baden Powell of Mafeking, Ebook | Joseph Smith Fletcher

    Joseph Smith Fletcher is an English journalist and writer. He wrote over 230 books on a wide variety of topics, both fiction and non-fiction, and was one of the most prolific English mystery writers. This book describes English society, their life, their customs.

    okładka Ravensdene Court, Ebook | Joseph Smith Fletcher

    On the same night, two brothers were killed at a distance of 400 miles from each other. Their bodies were apparently searched by the killers, but money and valuables were left on the corpses. What were the killers looking for? The author unravels the complex history associated with these two brothers.

    okładka The Paradise Mystery, Ebook | Joseph Smith Fletcher

    A quaint and idyllic English community is rocked to its very core when a dead body of a man is found and foul play is suspected. Did he fall or was he pushed? The inquest records a verdict of death by misadventure but more than one person is dubious about the death. But with few clues to go on and no likely suspects, it appears that the brutal crime may remain unsolved. There’s another murder, lots of behind the scenes investigation into burial and marriage records, questio...

    okładka The Chestermarke Instinct, Ebook | Joseph Smith Fletcher

    Fans of golden-era mysteries will relish the twists and turns of J. S. Fletcher’s „The Chestermarke Instinct”. This cleverly crafted mystery begins with what seems like a common enough occurrence: a bank manager is late for work one morning. But what first appears to be simply a matter of a missed train soon is revealed to be a much more vexing problem. Has the manager, formerly a pillar of honesty, absconded with the missing bank’s items, or has something more sinister occ...

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