
Szukasz: Karen Booth

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    okładka Anna Karenina, Ebook | Lew Tołstoj

    „Anna Karenina” to powieść psychologiczna autorstwa wybitnego mistrza rosyjskiego pióra - Lwa Tołstoja.Powieść ta, to jedno z najwspanialszych dzieł Lwa Tołsotja, jednego z najwybitniejszych przedstawicieli realizmu w literaturze europejskiej.

    okładka Anna Karenina, Ebook | Leo Tolstoy

    The story of all-consuming passion, the story of a married woman who fell in love with a handsome officer and threw her husband against everything: the opinion of the world, generally accepted morality, her conscience. This is a much deeper work than just a story of love and suicide. This is a book about the torment of conscience, about egoism, about hypocrisy, meanness and selfishness, about the search for oneself and one’s place in this world. This is a book about life, a...

    okładka Anna Karenina, Ebook | Lew Tołstoj

    Wspaniała powieść o miłości, wierności, zdradzie, prawie jednostki do szczęścia i cenie, jaką trzeba i wolno za nie zapłacić. Dramat osobisty Anny, która dla namiętnej miłości porzuciła rodzinę, rozwija się równolegle z wątkiem społecznym. Klasyczna konstrukcja, głębia analizy psychologicznej, bogactwo treści ukazują mistrzostwo Lwa Tołstoja - pisarza i myśliciela, jednego z najwybitniejszych przedstawicieli literatury europejskiej XIX wieku.

    okładka The Lust of Hate, Ebook | Guy Boothby

    Each person at some point in his life begins an adventure, after which he is destined to look back with a sensation very close to surprise. Someone said that adventure is for adventure. The vocation of a sailor in these times of giant steamboats is so much different from what it was in the old days of sailing ships and long voyages, that with the most ordinary luck, a person could easily climb along the ridges from the apprentice to the skipper less danger than that with wh...

    okładka A Bid for Fortune, Ebook | Guy Boothby

    Guy Boothby, an Australian writer, became famous thanks to his famous character – the mysterious Dr. Nicolas, who has truly terrible power over people, and a clever con man hiding under the guise of gentlemen. The author deliberately „introduces” us into the story through a generally outsider who accidentally gets involved in the ups and downs of this story. And the riddle here is not who the criminal is, but what he needs from his victim.

    okładka The Kissing Booth 2: Na odległość, Ebook | Beth Reekles

    Wygląda na to, że Elle Evans w końcu udało się poskromić niepokornego przystojniaka Noah Flynna. Jednak to nie koniec wyzwań. Kiedy Noah rozpoczyna naukę na oddalonym o trzy tysiące mil Uniwersytecie Harvarda, ich relacja oficjalnie wkracza w nową fazę – związku na odległość. Nie jest łatwo, w końcu pozostały im tylko SMS-y i wideorozmowy, a gdy w sieci ukazuje się post sugerujący, że w życiu Noah pojawiła się nowa przyjaciółka, Elle jest zdruzgotana.Jakby tego było mało, Ell...

    okładka The Beautiful White Devil, Ebook | Guy Boothby

    This novel, filled with lots of action and romance, talks about the exploits of an attractive criminal mastermind who steals the heart of the main character of a fairy tale. The heroine is a first class woman. She is smart, beautiful, commanding and respected. She is all that a leader should be, demonstrates courage in the face of danger, and has never even been portrayed in any way not ideal.

    okładka The Red Rat’s Daughter, Ebook | Guy Boothby

    The story of the liberation of a Russian prisoner from an island in eastern Siberia. A young English millionaire thinks he is saving the father of his beloved, famous nihilist; but when a person is safe, he discovers that he really shot down the most notorious diamond robber in the world. The story is full of sensations, and people who like such a fantasy will find it vibrant and lively from start to finish.

    okładka The Mystery of the Clasped Hands, Ebook | Guy Boothby

    Australia-born writer Guy Newell Boothby burst onto the literary scene with a series of best-selling adventure action movies, but The Mystery of Clasped Hands discovers that Boothby is trying to try his hand at classic detective fiction. Fans of Sherlock Holmes Arthur Conan Doyle will love this exciting mystery.

    okładka The Kidnapped President, Ebook | Guy Boothby

    Many changes, hesitations, lives at stake... It is not easy to put this story aside. It is unpredictable and full of action. When the presidents are fighting for a share of power, our hero can do everything to keep his honor and not get caught in the crossfire.

    okładka The Childerbridge Mystery, Ebook | Guy Boothby

    This book begins in Australia with a man and two adult children. They decide to return to England, but before leaving, an old enemy of his father appears. Son and daughter are surprised about him. In any case, they all move to England and buy a house, which is supposed to be inhabited by ghosts. All its owners saw them, and some were killed when they saw them. They are located in this village. James’s son meets a young woman whom he falls in love with, but her grandfather w...

    okładka My Strangest Case, Ebook | Guy Boothby

    A novel about a trio that robs some jewels, one of them escapes with them. This is followed by a whirlwind trip in Europe and Asia in pursuit of blood feud. Writing and plot points (despite the fact that they are more than a hundred years old) don’t feel obsolete.

    okładka Pharos, The Egyptian, Ebook | Guy Boothby

    There was a Victorian / Edwardian fascination with evil geniuses. Professor Moriarty, Fu Manchu, Count Fosco, Dracula, Dr. Nicola – they and many others were hiding in the shadows, using their magnetism to persuade others to their will and their significant mental gifts for evil purposes. This is an exciting story for those who like the somewhat predictable traditions of late Victorian history.

    okładka A Crime of the Under-Seas, Ebook | Guy Boothby

    There is an old saying that one half of the world does not know how the other half lives, but as far as this is true, very few of us really understand. In the East, indeed, it is almost amazing. There are people involved in trade, some of whom are very profitable, about whom the world as a whole has never heard of, and which an ordinary Englishman, in all likelihood, would refuse to believe, even if the most reliable evidence had been provided before him.

    okładka Jak przeżyć w starożytnym Egipcie, Ebook | Charlotte Booth

    Teby są wyraźnie przedzielone Nilem – żywi zajmują wschodni brzeg, a martwi zachodni. W małym, czteropokojowym domu o powierzchni 40 metrów kwadratowych żyje nawet 12 osób. Mało tego – większość osób ma w domu jeszcze osobną kaplicę. Wybór różnych rodzajów chleba jest niemal tak bogaty, jak współcześnie. Kobiety, mężczyźni, królowe i bogowie w Egipcie używają na co dzień wielu kosmetyków. Starożytny Egipt fascynuje od wielu lat. Nie tylko za sprawą monumentalnych piramid...

    okładka Skandynawski raj, Ebook | Michael Booth

    Poznaj blaski i cienie życia na dostatniej Północy!W krajach skandynawskich mieszkają najszczęśliwsi ludzie na świecie. Nie zmieniają tego nadzwyczaj wysokie podatki, jakie płacą Norwegowie, problemy z alkoholem Finów ani chłodne stosunki Szwedów z sąsiadami.Co decyduje o zadowoleniu społecznym w państwach Północy? Jaki wpływ ma na nie brak drastycznych różnic między mieszkańcami i jaki jest stosunek ludności do imigrantów? Czym jest i co o Skandynawach mówi „prawo Jante”?Mic...

    okładka Istota ryżu, Ebook | Michael Booth

    Poznajcie oszałamiające bogactwo japońskiej kuchni – jej smaków, zapachów i rytuałów! Autor książki Sushi i cała reszta po dziesięciu latach zapragnął wrócić do Japonii, żeby głębiej wniknąć w kulturę jedzenia tego kraju i lepiej poznać jego mieszkańców. W nieco ponad trzy miesiące Michael Booth wraz z rodziną przejeżdża cały kraj: od podzwrotnikowej Okinawy na południu po Hokkaido na chłodnej północy – dla wielu Japończyków „koniec świata”, za którym znajduj...

    okładka In Strange Company, Ebook | Guy Boothby

    At Guy Booth’s Strange Company, Australian writer Guy Boothby put his passion for travel to work as food for his fiction. Although his first publication was a popular science story about traveling around his home country, he soon turned to fiction as an outlet for his work, focusing mainly on adventure adventures, secrets, and discovery stories. In the Strange Company was Boothby

    okładka Dr Nikola, Ebook | Guy Boothby

    Nicola is a very interesting and creepy character, you are never sure how much he will go and what evil he is really capable of. The main character is actually recruited and works together with Nicola as a partner, which shows Nicolaou a more personal side. He could still do evil supernatural acts, and the threat to the traitors was still faced with the realization that you would become worse if you cross him, but that’s all.

    okładka A Cabinet Secret, Ebook | Guy Boothby

    The city itself, climbing a hillside almost at the water’s edge, was painted pale pink at sunset, and even the old Vesuvius, from the top of which a thin column of black smoke seemed a little less gloomy than usual. Because of heaven, the sky was a mass of golden and raspberry-colored, and this was reflected in the calm waters of the bay until the whole world turned into a real radiance. The evening could hardly be desired. And yet this is not the city, mountain or sunset t...

    okładka Anna Karenina. Tom I, Ebook | Lew Tołstoj

    Klasyczna powieść psychologiczna rosyjskiego pisarza Lwa Tołstoja.Powieść powstała w latach 1873-1877, została wydana w latach 1875-1877, a polskie wydanie ukazało się w latach 1898-1900, w przekładzie anonimowym.Powstało wiele adaptacji filmowych opartych na tej powieści m.in. w 1997 z Sophie Marceau w roli głównej.

    okładka The Marriage of Esther, Ebook | Guy Boothby

    The Marriage of Esther, surrounded by a messy community of settlers on a remote island off the coast of Australia, combines the best qualities of a classic action-adventure film with an ingeniously crafted riddle – and right in the middle of all this is a heartbreaking novel.

    okładka On the Wallaby, Ebook | Guy Boothby

    A prolific Australian novelist, Guy Boothby was noted for sensational fiction in variety magazines around the end of the nineteenth century. In 1894 he published On the Wallaby; or, Through the East and Across Australia, an account of the travels of himself and his brother, including a description of their journey across Australia from Cooktown to Adelaide. He wrote over 50 books over the course of a decade.

    okładka The Race of Life, Ebook | Guy Boothby

    It was almost night when this melancholy little party appeared at the main station. Dick, with great foresight, sent the food cart several miles to meet them, so my mother was relieved of pain when her husband’s body was brought to his horse. Rude and rude, Dick was a thoughtful guy, and I firmly believe that he would go through fire and water to serve my mother, whom he greatly admired.

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