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Szukasz: Zane%20Grey

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    okładka The Spirit of the Border, Ebook | Zane Grey

    This is a historical novel about the American border during the American Revolutionary War. At this time, the United States border began at Fort Pitt, and the Ohio River was the main artery for entry into the dense forest, unresolved and dangerous western countries. The area west of Fort Pitt was inhabited by Indians who were incited by Detroit-based British against rebellious American colonists.

    okładka Składanki sylabowe, Ebook | Żanetta Lemańska

    Składanki sylabowe to materiał edukacyjny adresowany do dzieci uczących się czytać. Ćwiczenia wprowadzają dziecko stopniowo w świat czytania sylab, wyrazów i zdań. Stymulują jego rozwój mowy, doskonalą percepcją wzrokowo-słuchową, sprawność grafomotoryczną i manualną. Naukę czytania dziecko rozpoczyna, gdy poznaje obrazek, podaje jego nazwę, dzieli wyraz na sylaby i układa z sylab wyraz w oparciu o wzór pod obrazkiem. Czytanie sylabami jest łatwiejsze dla ...

    okładka The Desert of Wheat, Ebook | Zane Grey

    Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a German in America and Canada during World War 1? Young farmer Kurt Dorn is torn between going to France to fight the Germans or staying in America to be with the woman he loves and to protect his wheat crop against saboteurs who question his loyalties. He struggles to come to terms with his deepest beliefs and his place in the world. A passionate novel of patriotic and anti-union propaganda, it portrays the anxieties of t...

    okładka Knights of the Range, Ebook | Zane Grey

    A true legend, Zane Grey has thrilled a generation of readers with his great stories of the American West. Holly Ripple, a young, headstrong woman, brought up in the upscale boarding schools of the east, has inherited her family’s cattle ranch in 1870s New Mexico, after the sudden death of her father. With the help of the ranch foreman and Renn Frayne, a newly hired hand; a outlaw seeking redemption, they organize a assorted group of cowboys to protect the herd, and the saf...

    okładka Desert Gold, Ebook | Zane Grey

    Which is the true treasure, love or money? Prospecting in an Arizona border town, Richard Gale sees the possibilities of passion and gold when he finds himself trying to save a beautiful Spanish heiress. Love, adventure, and more wait in the Old West of Zane Grey’s western classic „Desert Gold”. When Richard Gale arrives in the border country of Arizona, he hopes for a brand new start. He soon finds himself embroiled in local trouble, however, when he and an old friend – a ...

    okładka Jak sięgnąć po anielskie wsparcie, Ebook | Żaneta Splett

    Dzięki tej książce dowiesz się, że nadszedł czas na przebudzenie świadomości, która była uśpiona i zmącona przez negatywne wzorce. Jak możesz połączyć się z energią nieba i Duchowych Przewodników, jak uzyskać anielskie w drodze do uzdrawiania duchowego i samoakceptacji? Znajdziesz tu ćwiczenia i terapie oparte na medytacjach, wizualizacjach i modlitwie. Przeprowadzisz oczyszczanie energetyczne ciała i umysłu oraz rozwój duchowy. Uzdrawianie z Aniołami oraz Prawo Przyciągania ...

    okładka The Rustlers of Pecos County, Ebook | Zane Grey

    „The Rustlers of Pecos County” is another fantastic example of Western fiction by the master of the genre, American Author Zane Grey. The town of Linrock, located in Pecos Couty is south Texas has fallen under the control of a gang of rustlers. Two Texas Rangers, one undercover as a reckless cowboy, the other right out in the open, drawing the fire and wrath of outlaws, have been sent to bring law to a rustler gang’s town. In order to do it they risk losing the love of the ...

    okładka The Rainbow Trail, Ebook | Zane Grey

    Originally published in 1915, „The Rainbow Trail” is the sequel to „Riders of the Purple Sage”. At the end of that famous novel, a huge boulder had rolled down to shut off the entrance to Surprise Valley, leaving Lassiter, Jane Withersteen, and little Fay Larkin to a singular fate. Twelve years later a young, disillusioned, ex-preacher in Illinois, hears about the wonderful secret canyon where a couple with their young foster daughter had fled to for safety, knowing they co...

    okładka Tales of the Angler’s Eldorado, New Zealand, Ebook | Zane Grey

    New Zealand is one of the „hottest” industrial sites in the world. Known for the brilliant, crystal clear rivers, New Zealand, Zain Gray has the image of a great and mythical trout. In „The Saga” of Eldorado, the „Seaman” Gray combines the legendary streams, and also haunts a monster off the coast of New Zealand. This is an adventure story and fishing history right away.

    okładka Tales of Lonely Trails, Ebook | Zane Grey

    The next day, having restored our journey, it was a pleasure for me to try to find the track to Betatakin, the most famous and, most certainly, the most beautiful and beautiful destroyed place in the whole of the West. In many places, there was no trace at all, and I was faced with difficulties, but in the end, without much loss of time, I entered a narrow, heavy entrance to the canyon, which I described as a surprise valley. Amazement in the big dark cave worried me. My dr...

    okładka Tales of Fishing Virgin Seas, Ebook | Zane Grey

    Zain Gray, the master of the discovery of America’s old West, was a passionate fisherman. He was fishing for 300 days! This collection, first published in 1925, describes its fishing adventures in exotic locations throughout the Pacific. Illustrated by more than 100 photographs from a private collection of the author. These stories give rise to the passion that Gray felt like the first man to swim so much – from the Galapagos Islands to Cabo San Lucas, and also the first to...

    okładka Selected Short Works, Ebook | Zane Grey

    Amber’s Mirage (1929, For thirty years old, Jim has spent the search for the mythical „Amber’s Mirage” without finding him. Tsu is a sad story about how his young teammate left the house, loved a woman and went to look for a bright rock over a source that is full of gold. But perhaps this is a mirage...)Bernardo’s Revenge (An exciting story of love and the interaction of man with nature in the jungle, namely tigers.) (1912)California Red (1926, For years Ben Ide had chased ...

    okładka The Young Pitcher, Ebook | Zane Grey

    The book tells about a сollege student Ken Ward who dreams of creating a baseball team, but as a freshman, he lacks chances. But he does not drop his hands and makes every effort to realize his dream. It was first published more than eighty years ago, this entertainment story is perfect for readers of all ages.

    okładka The Hash Knife Outfit, Ebook | Zane Grey

    The sequel to „The Drift Fence”, featuring the continuing story of Jim Traft and Molly Dunn and introducing Jim’s sister Glorianna, who finds more than she bargained for in the West. When Gloriana Traft came to Arizona to visit her tenderfoot brother Jim, trouble was rampant in Yellow Jacket. The notorious Hash Knife Outfit of rustlers and gunmen were stealing the ranchers’ cattle and terrorizing the beautiful valley. Guns would blaze and blood would run hot and red before ...

    okładka The Thundering Herd, Ebook | Zane Grey

    In this breathless tale of bravery and battle, of white mans courage and red mans daring, Zane Grey has written one of his finest novels. The great western writer’s story of the buffalo hunters, and the passing of the great herds of buffalo. „The Thundering Herd” is the story of the buffalo and of their near extinction when hide hunters swarmed the plains killing them by the tens of thousands, and at the same time helping to eliminate the Indians by killing their food suppl...

    okładka Krzew róży, Ebook | Róża Chrapek, Sylwia Chrapek

    Krzew róży to opowieść o wiecznej walce dobra ze złem, o wartości rodzinnych więzi i przyjaźni oraz sile współpracy dla wspólnego dobra. Maksymilian musi bronić ogrodu przed chwastami. Czy znajdzie sposób na to rozprzestrzeniające się zło? Czy zawiść i zazdrość zniszczą wszystko, co starał się zbudować? Ta historia inspiruje do podejmowania wyzwań i podtrzymywania płomienia odwagi w naszych sercach. Dowodzi, że warto walczyć o to, co kochamy, bez względu na przeciwności los...

    okładka Za zasłoną milczenia, Ebook | Żaneta Pawlik

    Emocjonująca opowieść o odwadze, pojednaniu i sile, by zacząć od nowa Klara, po dziesięciu latach posługi, poruszona śmiercią swego brata, opuszcza zakon. Dorota, skazana za zabójstwo męża, wnioskuje o zwolnienie warunkowe. Obie kobiety, wyrzucone poza nawias społeczny, po latach w zamknięciu, rozpoczynają nowe życie. Tymczasem świat, jaki pamiętają, przestał istnieć, a trudne przeżycia, których doświadczyły za murami, zostawiły blizny. Losy Klary i Doroty splatają się...

    okładka Arizona Ames, Ebook | Zane Grey

    This late-period Zane Grey is one of the best of his novels. Rich Ames didn’t set out to be a gunslinger – it was forced on him. After the bad guys try to „ruin” his twin sister Nesta, Ames grabs his pistols and the bloody gunfight follows. Unfortunately, his criminal actions forces him to flee from his beloved Nesta and his happy Tonto Rim home, pursued by the law and vengeful family members. Rich soon acquired the name „Arizona Ames” and for years after that fateful day h...

    okładka The Call of the Canyon, Ebook | Zane Grey

    From the master of the western novel comes a tale full of romance and adventure. This is the story of Carley Burch, a young wealthy socialite living in New York City. As the story begins soldiers are coming home from the trenches of WWI, many of them damaged physically and emotionally. Among them is Carley’s fiancé, Glenn Kilbourne. He goes West to find his health and himself, with the idea that he’ll return when all is well. They correspond until she eventually heads West ...

    okładka The Border Legion, Ebook | Zane Grey

    Only the love of the young Miss Joan Randle can melt the cold heart of Jack Kells, ruthless leader of a gang of desperados terrorizing the American borderlands. His cold eyes filled her with fear, but her goodness made something happen deep within him. Kells had a price on his head and on his heels. Now loving this woman could cost him his life...or it could make him a hero in this wild, dangerous land. There are classic Western elements: likable outlaws, the wild frontier,...

    okładka Nevada, Ebook | Zane Grey

    First published in 1926 and 1927, „Nevada”, the suspenseful sequel to „Forlorn River”, continues to be one of Zane Grey’s most beloved novels. Four years after Nevada had killed three men to clear his friend’s name, Ben and Nevada are reunited, but fate again plays a mean trick, and Nevada becomes Jim Lacy again – killer, thief, rustler, and notorious gunman – in order to save Ben from financial ruin. In Nevada, another romantic couple comes along, Marvie Blaine, and the da...

    okładka West of the Pecos, Ebook | Zane Grey

    From one of the bestselling western novelists of all time, comes another classic story. It is the story of Terrill Lambert, a young girl who disguises herself as a boy, at first to please her father’s dream for a son and second to protect herself in wild west Texas when her father is murdered. Young Terrill Lambeth could ride and shoot with the best men of the south. When her widowed father parks a caravan and drives towards Texas, she gets the chance to test her skills and...

    okładka The Vanishing American, Ebook | Zane Grey

    Here is the great romance of the American Indian, revealing in the swift march of its events the tragedy and the glory of a whole race, and the true essence of the West, as only Zane Grey can express it. It tells the story of the love between Nophaie, a young Native American (or American Indian) man and his love for and with a woman by the name of Marian Warner. Also Indian warrior Nophaie strives to maintain ancient and honorable customs among his people in the face of abu...

    okładka The UP Trail, Ebook | Zane Grey

    „The U. P. Trail” takes place in the late 1860’s during the building of the Union Pacific Railroad, the first to connect the east coast to the west. Our protagonist is Warren Neale, a civil engineer on the railroad. His girlfriend, Allie Lee, seems to be always in need of recusing. One of the most interesting characters is Neale’s best friend Larry „"Red"” King, a rough gun toting Texan cowboy. The heroes must battle the human challenges of greed, ruthlessness, and ambition...

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