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Szukasz: Elizabeth Chadwick

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    okładka London Pride, Ebook | Mary Elizabeth Braddon

    This is a story about a knight who lost his wife during childbirth and his two daughters. The eldest daughter Hyacinth with a family monastery in Paris and Angela in a Flemish monastery with an aunt. The cloisters and surroundings were like night and day. The story of the reunion of the sisters after several years apart. The sisters have different moral values, but their sisterly cares prevail until forbidden love paves the way for despair. The author does not disappoint th...

    okładka Henry Dunbar, Ebook | Mary Elizabeth Braddon

    Dunbar is the heir to a large English banking firm, but makes a serious mistake in his youth. His father and uncle expel him to India for his sins. Of course, everything is not so serious, since its isolation includes the leadership of their Indian branch. Then, after the death of his father, he returns to England. All this happens in the first few chapters!

    okładka Eleanor’s Victory, Ebook | Mary Elizabeth Braddon

    A wonderful life story, with secrets and romance, where the strongest human feelings and impulses win in a difficult moral struggle. The author has beautifully written the image of Elinor, first an impressionable teenager, and after a sensible, kind, loving girl. A lot of interesting, unexpected moments and turns, a secret investigation, secrets associated with the legacy of the old aristocrat and his will, which became an apple of discord between the characters of the book...

    okładka Birds of Prey, Ebook | Mary Elizabeth Braddon

    ”Birds of Prey” is the first part of the story of Charlotte and her family and friends. At first, the birds of prey are a little confusing, since each of the first few chapters is a separate vignette about one of the characters, without any visible links to the others. The main plot theme revolves around the hunt for the legitimate descendant of a wealthy man whose great legacy awaited the gift. And in this context, there are several more or less unscrupulous people who tra...

    okładka The Doctor’s Wife, Ebook | Mary Elizabeth Braddon

    Isabelle Sliford is a young girl who dreams of the books she reads and lives to read them. She sees life through the eyes of Brion, Shelley, Shakespeare and Dickens. George Gilbert, a handsome young doctor, sees that she and she are so different from the girls he knows, falling in love with her. He is pragmatic, and she is a dreamer of all that is beautiful, which causes the gulf between them.

    okładka Run to Earth, Ebook | Mary Elizabeth Braddon

    Two different riddles, three villains, one of which was really the darkest paint, three murders, one suicide, the abduction of a child, three strong Victorian women – one of them is unusually tragic, the other is quite a deceiver, like Becky Sharp, and divine retribution. Suffice it to say that one of the main characters is a young woman who lives with a man who claims to be a father, but exploits and intimidates her, and when this villain, Black Milsom, actually kills the ...

    okładka Vera, Ebook | Elizabeth von Arnim

    Dwudziestodwuletnia Lucy Entwhistle nie zdążyła jeszcze otrząsnąć się po niespodziewanej śmierci ojca, kiedy los stawia na jej drodze uczynnego Everarda Wemyssa. Nowy znajomy staje się dla niej opoką w trudnych chwilach i wkrótce też... jej mężem. Jedyną rysą na małżeńskim szczęściu Lucy jest mroczna postać pierwszej żony Wemyssa, Very, która zmarła w tajemniczych okolicznościach. Jednak dopiero po zamieszkaniu w „The Willows”, wspaniałej rezydencji Wemyssa i w miarę odkrywan...

    okładka Poznać wroga, Ebook | Sophie Elizabeth Johns

    Trójka gimnazjalistów zafascynowanych kryminałami zostaje wplątana w niebezpieczną grę, w której stawką jest życie mieszkańców ich miasta. Tajemniczy nieznajomy dostarcza im skrzyneczkę z dziwnymi przedmiotami, które na pierwszy rzut oka nie mają z niczym związku. Tymczasem są to niezwykle cenne wskazówki...

    okładka The Openers of the Gate, Ebook | Elizabeth Louisa Moresby

    A collection of ten short stories of supernatural phenomena, psychic events and the occult. „These stories are founded on the deepest and highest range of Asiatic thought though the scenes of some are in the West. That thought is as vital for the West as for the East. The background is fictional but the stories are all true. In this connection I draw attention especially to the two entitled respectively „Hell” and „The Man Who Saw” – L. Adams Beck (E. Barrington). E. Barrin...

    okładka The Garden of Vision, Ebook | Elizabeth Louisa Moresby

    „The Garden of Vision” (1929) is a story of Japanese Zen Buddhism and martial arts situated in Britain and Japan in the 1920’s. The chief character is an English woman who joins the school. „L. Adams Beck” was one of the pen-names of Elizabeth Louisa Moresby, a Canadian writer who wrote most of her 30 books in the last 10 years of her life. She was also known as Eliza Louisa Moresby Beck and Lily Moresby Adams. She was a staunch Buddhist and strict vegetarian, highly critic...

    okładka Dziewczyny są tu takie miłe, Ebook | Laurie Elizabeth Flynn

    Stare grzechy mają długie cienie. Chociaż od ukończenia studiów minęło już sporo czasu, Ambrosia Wellington nie może zapomnieć o tamtym wieczorze. Kiedy więc wraz z zaproszeniem na zjazd absolwentów uczelni otrzymuje anonim o treści "Musimy porozmawiać o tym, co naprawdę się wtedy stało", zdaje sobie sprawę, że przeszłość nadal depcze jej po piętach. Gdy wraz z nieobliczalną Sloane "Sully" Sullivan, dawną przyjaciółką, otrzymują kolejne, coraz to bardziej niepokojące wi...

    okładka Życiodajna śmierć, Ebook | Elizabeth Kübler-Ross

    Życiodajna śmierć to pozycja szczególna, zawiera bowiem zapis zbioru wykładów wygłaszanych przez autorkę w Szwecji i Stanach Zjednoczonych. Podobnie jak inne jej książki Kübler-Ross, takie jak Rozmowy o śmierci i umieraniu czy Lekcje życia porusza czytelnika do głębi. Profesor Jacek Łuczak, pionier opieki hospicyjnej w Polsce, rekomendował tę książkę słowami: „Elisabeth Kübler-Ross uczy nas, jak rozmawiać, kontaktować się z osobami zbliżającymi się do śmierci i z ich bliski...

    okładka The Cloven Foot, Ebook | Mary Elizabeth Braddon

    The novel has two stories that at first glance seem unconnected, but most readers will be able to find out the connection. The first is about the situation of artificial inheritance. John Treverton must marry Laura Malcolm within a year or lose his inheritance. In another story, French ballerina Zaire Chico lives an absent-minded life in Parisian and London theaters. In the end, the mystery of the murder happens, and the rest of the plot focuses on that.

    okładka Mohawks, Ebook | Mary Elizabeth Braddon

    Events unfold in England. Two friends who lived a wild life in their youth meet a rich but innocent heiress. Everyone plans to marry her, but for various reasons – one for her wealth, another for true love. Who will win her hand?

    okładka The House of Fulfilment, Ebook | Elizabeth Louisa Moresby

    The spiritual romance of a soul in the Himalayas. An Englishman in India is so influenced by a group of converts to Buddhism that he travels to a monastic retreat in Tibet in the search for spiritual enlightment. The author, also known as E. Barrington, purports that the supernormal happenings in this romance novel are true and are founded upon the ancient Indian philosophy of Upanishads. Moresby was already sixty years old by the time she started writing her novels, which ...

    okładka Stary zamek, Ebook | Mary Elizabeth Braddon

    Czy można poluzować gorset konwenansów, który boleśnie krępuje całe pokolenia? Rodryk Vaudray ma przed sobą obiecujące perspektywy. W przyszłości zamierza handlem pomnażać rodzinny majątek, a tymczasem jutro wyjeżdża, by pobierać nauki na uniwersytecie w Oxfordzie. Oczko w głowie matki, która przelała na niego całą swoją ambicję. Na wieczór przed wyjazdem młodzieniec ma jednak inne plany niż kolacja z rodzicielką. Jedzie pożegnać figlarną Vixen, która - nie zważając na dobre...

    okładka Rozmowy o śmierci i umieraniu, Ebook | Elizabeth Kübler-Ross

    Rozmowy o śmierci i umieraniu to nowe wydanie klasycznej pozycji literatury tanatologicznej, zaliczane do najbardziej ważkich dzieł psychologicznych XX wieku. Książka zawiera zapis rozmów przeprowadzonych przez autorkę w jednym ze szpitali w Chicago ze śmiertelnie chorymi, którzy dzielą się swoimi obawami, troskami, nadziejami i oczekiwaniami dotyczącymi zachowania rodziny, duchownych i personelu szpitalnego. Rozmowy o śmierci i umieraniu mogą pomóc nam stawić czoło, pro...

    okładka Wyllard’s Weird, Ebook | Mary Elizabeth Braddon

    Wyllard’s Weird is a little-known sensational novel by Mary Elizabeth Braddon. The story mainly concerns the riddle of a young girl who dies as a result of a fall from a train in motion. Was it a murder? Or was it suicide? Amateur detective makes his mission to solve the mystery at the request of old love. The discoveries he makes lead him to a double murder committed ten years ago. Were they connected? If so, then the same murderous hand struck again.

    okładka The Lovels of Arden, Ebook | Mary Elizabeth Braddon

    Antonia Thornton is raised to be a religious skeptic by her father, but has doubts after meeting with Oxford Methodists, such as Stobard. Lord Killrush is impressed by her beauty and intelligence and suggests making her his mistress. Dying from consumption, as people did in the old days, Killrush agrees to marry her. Provided that she marries no one.

    okładka Mount Royal, Ebook | Mary Elizabeth Braddon

    This book is romance, mystery, murder, Christian and the best part of lost love. The main character listened to the often told story, kneeling in the firelight, at her aunt’s knee, a ruddy glow gently touched her light soft hair and a brighter forehead, her large blue eyes looked with love on Mrs. Tregonell’s face. „And he was a widower, Aunt Diana,” she repeated with an expression of disgust, as if something had clenched her teeth.

    okładka Lady Audley’s Secret, Ebook | Mary Elizabeth Braddon

    The heroes of this novel became victims of intrigue with the tuned arms of a golden-haired beauty who knew how good she wanted only luxury and honors. The reader after the first chapter understands what the heroine is hiding for the secret, although the villain will be more accurate, because throughout the novel she brings the rest only evil, the meaning of which they understand much later. The ball of intrigue that she had been spinning all this time would eventually be un...

    okładka John Marchmont’s Legacy, Ebook | Mary Elizabeth Braddon

    Edward, a handsome young soldier, considers Mary a charming child. John, the widow, is sick and poor, and asks Edward to keep an eye on Mary after his imminent death, whenever that happens. John stands in line, behind several other relatives, to inherit a huge mansion and income, and he warns Edward if he ever happens before his own death, beware of the evil relative who is next in line after himself because this person will do everything to snatch the inheritance from Mary...

    okładka Charlotte’s Inheritance, Ebook | Mary Elizabeth Braddon

    The main theme of the plot revolves around hunting for the legitimate descendant of a rich man whose great legacy was expected to be bestowed. And in this context, there are several more or less unscrupulous people who trace this genealogy, some of which turn into the best people who are deeply immersed in betrayal and continue to remain evil until the very end. He seems so respectable on the surface, but his covert actions and manipulations with others were reprehensible....

    okładka Sonety, Ebook | Elizabeth Barrett Browning

    Zbiór 44 utworów miłosnych pisanych do męża przez wiktoriańską poetkę. Ze względów obyczajowych opublikowane jako tłumaczenie wierszy portugalskiego poety doby odrodzenia Luísa de Camõesa - stąd pierwotny tytuł "Sonety z portugalskiego". Zamieszczone tu liryki spełniają kryteria formalne sonetu włoskiego. Tom uchodzi za jeden z najważniejszych osiągnięć poetyckich w historii literatury angielskiej.

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