
Szukasz: Max Czornyj

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    okładka Jak wspierać dziecko w szkole, która nie działa., Ebook | Rawecka Joanna, Boguś Janiszewski

    System edukacji zapadł się pod ciężarem własnych, nierealnych założeń i z tej zapaści długo się nie podniesie. A twoje dziecko spędzi dwanaście lat w szkole, która nie stwarza dla niego wystarczających warunków do pełnego, wartościowego rozwoju. Co powinieneś, rodzicu, zrobić w tej sytuacji? Uciekać czy walczyć? Ani jedno, ani drugie. Po prostu udziel swemu dziecku mądrego, adekwatnego wsparcia, które poprawi jego dobrostan, a nie jeszcze bardziej go naruszy. Twoim główny...

    okładka Bad News for Bad Men, Ebook | Max Brand

    Western. „Bad News for Bad Men” is just that for the Burwell clan when Jimmy Jones arrives in town to take over the Jasper Journal. Jones’s uncle has given him the small-town newspaper because Jimmy’s life so far has been divided into two equal halves: In the first twelve years you were a small child and a schoolboy. In the last twelve years you have tried to raise hell continually. Now, instead of being called a gunfighter, Jimmy can be called an editor. His uncle warns Ji...

    okładka Skąd się bierze szczeście, Ebook | Max Lucado

    „Kocham Maxa Lucado, kocham jego rodzinę i bardzo podoba mi się perspektywa, jaką się dzieli w książce Skąd się bierze szczęście. Jeśli szukasz czegoś, co cię przebudzi, albo mądrości, która znajdzie zastosowanie w dzisiejszym świecie – przeczytaj tę książkę. W zasadzie przeczytaj wszystkie jego książki – a będziesz się cieszył, że to zrobiłeś”. – Chip Gaines, współgospodarz programu Domy z potencjałem, współzałożyciel firmy MagnoliaCZY CZUJESZ SIĘ SZCZĘŚLIWY?Ile czasu minęło...

    okładka Napoleon. Tom 2, Ebook | Max Gallo

    Kontynuacja fascynującej biografii Napoleona, po mistrzowsku napisana przez Maxa Gallo. Druga część zbeletryzowanej biografii Napoleona, obejmuje lata 1806–1821. Cesarz pokonuje największych władców: pod Jeną, pod Frydlandem, pod Wagram. Jego podboje nie ograniczają się do bitewnych pół, z nie mniejszą energią zdobywa kobiety: Polkę Marię Walewską i Austriaczkę Marię Ludwikę, wnuczkę Marii Antoniny. W 1812 roku na czele Wielkiej Armii wkracza do Rosji. Odtąd powoli jego g...

    okładka Dr. Kildare Goes Home, Ebook | Max Brand

    After graduating from medical school, Dr. James Kildar returns to his small hometown where his proud parents Stephen and Martha Kildar and childhood friend Alice Raymond expect him to join his father in his medical practice. However, he is more ambitious, although he is not sure what he wants to do. He recruited as an intern at New York Hospital.

    okładka Interns Can’t Take Money, Ebook | Max Brand

    Jimmy Kildare used to get away from the hospital every afternoon and go over to Tom McGuire’s saloon on the avenue. He always drank two beers. An interne in the accident room has to have the brains in his fingertips in good order all day long, but two beers don’t get very far between a man and himself if he has a bit of head on his shoulders, and Jimmy Kildare had.

    okładka Six-Gun Country, Ebook | Max Brand

    «This is the story of the toughest barn in the Wild West, the most reliable of all that has ever lived. Wherever Roniki Dawn goes, trouble is sure to follow. So Dun was not surprised when he went to Twin Springs and ended up in the middle of a deadly war between two rival families».

    okładka Łaska, Ebook | Max Lucado

    Mówimy tak, jakbyśmy rozumieli znaczenie tego słowa. Mówi się o pozostawaniu na czyjejś łasce. Podejrzani politycy z kolei popadają w niełaskę. Możemy nazwać kogoś łaskawcą – zarówno w dobrej, jak i złej wierze. Można wrócić do łask lub wypaść z łask; łaska może także na nas spłynąć. Używamy słowa „łaska” tak, jakbyśmy wiedzieli, co ono oznacza.Ale czy naprawdę rozumiemy, czym jest łaska? Czy zadowoliliśmy się słabiutką łaską, która grzecznie wpasowuje się w wersy hymnu ...

    okładka Clovelly, Ebook | Max Brand

    One of Max Brand’s worth reading as an alternative to his western stories. Michael Clovelly might not have been the greatest swordsman ever to come to London town during the reign of the Merry Monarch, Charles the Second, but if a better man ever wielded a blade, he had not yet stepped forth to claim the distinction. Seeking gold with which to elevate his beggarly fortunes, Clovelly chances to encounter a bully, and his fierce sword work brings him to the attention of Lord Te...

    okładka Happy Jack, Ebook | Max Brand

    If you enjoy a fast moving western dealing with vengeance and well-deserved payback, you’ll like „Happy Jack” (1936) by Max Brand. One bullet was all it took to change Jack Anderson from a carefree boy into a hunted man. The plot is well constructed with well drawn subsidiary characters and provides a number of interesting twists and turns. The journey is the entertaining part. Highly recommended, especially for those who love the Old Western genre. No pulp writer was more pr...

    okładka His Back Against the Wall, Ebook | Max Brand

    „Bad News for Bad Men” is an excellent classic story by the incomparable Max Brand (Frederick Faust). Great read with Max’s leading off to unexpected places with characters you come to know personally. Max leads the reader to characters bigger than life, they come to life as people we wish we knew personally. People who deal with life by taking an active part instead of just observing as it passes by. Brand along with Zane Grey and Louis L’Amour form the holy trinity of weste...

    okładka Murder Me, Ebook | Max Brand

    Max Brand is generally regarded as the author of superior westerns like his „Destry Rides Again”, but Brand also wrote the „Dr. Kildare” series and numerous detective stories as well. Never before published in book form, this 1937 police procedural by veteran Brand introduces New York police detectives Campbell and O’Rourke. The pair investigate the apparent suicide of a philanthropist David Barry who was about to be accused of bribery and corruption prior to his death. Angus...

    okładka The Stranger, Ebook | Max Brand

    Staying alive is worth a thousand dollars a day to Oliver Wilton. That’s what he’s paying Lew Sherry and Pete Long as hired guns to keep him healthy. And after riding the range, the money looks more than just a little inviting. But before Sherry and Long can pocket their first wages, Wilton is murdered. And town men were never so sad to see their boss take a bullet in the brain as Sherry and Long. Soon the pair are riding a vengeance trail – out to catch the low-down killer w...

    okładka Outlaw’s Code, Ebook | Max Brand

    No matter what name Frederick Schiller Faust was writing under, it’s sure to be a tightly written action packed book and „Outlaw’s Code” is no exception. Lawrence Grey is called El Diablo – the devil – though he’s fair-haired and has a boyish grin. But no jail can hold him, and some swear that he is the fastest gun alive. Yet everyone has Grey pegged as a goner when he agrees to ride to Mexico to track down Johnny Ray, a man who has been missing for fifteen years. There’s a r...

    okładka The Bait and the Trap, Ebook | Max Brand

    One of the greatest western authors of all time, superstar pulpsmith Max Brand, the pen name of Frederick Faust, was an incredibly proficient author who wrote many books, stories, and even poetry. His Westerns were always different, with complex plots and characters, and uncertain endings... But his historical adventures rank among the best stories he ever wrote. These seven stories of 16th Century Italian Renaissance swashbuckling swordsman Tizzo are tightly-plotted, action-...

    okładka The Cat and the Perfume, Ebook | Max Brand

    One of the greatest western authors of all time, superstar pulpsmith Max Brand, the pen name of Frederick Faust, was an incredibly proficient author who wrote many books, stories, and even poetry. Also, he wrote somewhere around 12 or 13 historical swashbucklers not including the seven Tizzo stories. Faust spent time in Italy every year and soaked up the atmosphere and history. The Tizzo stories came out of his Italian sojourn. The complete tales of Tizzo contains the followi...

    okładka Wojna koreańska. Wielki konflikt 1950-1953, Ebook | Max Hastings

    Jedna z najlepszych książek o wojnie w Korei, jakie kiedykolwiek napisano „Wyśmienita opowieść pióra mistrza tego gatunku” – „Daily Mail” „Wnikliwa i godna podziwu” – „The New York Times” Inwazja komunistycznej Korei Północnej na Koreę Południową w czerwcu 1950 roku rozpoczęła jedną z najkrwawszych odsłon powojennej historii świata. Konflikt skutkował poważnymi zmianami geopolitycznymi: podziałem na dwa państwa koreańskie, zwiększeniem roli Stanów Zjednoczonych jako lid...

    okładka Dubrownik, czyli zgon do poduszki, Ebook | Max Bilski

    W nadmorskim pensjonacie pod Dubrownikiem zamordowana zostaje modelka. Wszystko wskazuje na to, że ktoś zabił ją nocą, dusząc poduszką, podczas gdy w sąsiedztwie trwała impreza zapoznawcza wczasowiczów. Oficjalne śledztwo prowadzi ekscentryczna para chorwackich policjantów – mały, korpulentny detektyw i jego wysoki, chudy partner. Zagadkę usiłuje też rozwikłać główny bohater powieści – Michał Zawadzki, by przy okazji oczyścić się z podejrzeń. Pomaga mu żona Joanna, która miał...

    okładka Gunman’s Gold, Ebook | Max Brand

    An exciting Western tale of a honorable thief who steals from crooks and ends up saving a family from the ruthless and conniving hands of a cousin who is trying to insert himself into their fortunes. There’s lots of action with good characterizations and even some political and philosophical insights that gives the story a depth of being more than just an action yarn. There’s a hired investigator, who saves him repeatedly, at risk to himself, and there is a lovely girl who ...

    okładka Hawks and Eagles, Ebook | Max Brand

    Hawks and Eagles is the author’s classic. The brand is a great storyteller who shows his enthusiasm for humans and animals, such characters as a professor, a small dog, and Mole. Joe Good, the protagonist, he’s twenty years old. His father was killed by the richest man in the city, because he wants a good ranch not to be. A good, lazy, prickly guy who lacks a sense of respect and respect for everyone in the city. The only thing he can do is to handle a whip with such skill ...

    okładka Range Jester, Ebook | Max Brand

    Frederick Schiller Faust (1892-1944) was an American author best known for his thoughtful Westerns under the pen name Max Brand. Prolific in many genres, he wrote historical novels, detective mysteries, pulp fiction stories and many more. This is one of his work. Three men, each traveling alone, head for the town of Loomis, where they will meet in a violent confrontation that will leave one of them dead by morning. The plot is well constructed with well drawn subsidiary cha...

    okładka King of the Range, Ebook | Max Brand

    Carrick Dunmore seemed to be nothing more than a happy-go-lucky cowboy whose main pastimes were drinking and sleeping. He wasn’t the kind of man who could challenge Jim Tankerton, the outlaw chief whose cruel violence terrorized the countryside. But Dunmore had a few tricks to outwit old Jim... One of many recommended westerns by this prolific author. Frederick Schiller Faust (May 29, 1892 – May 12, 1944) was an American author known primarily for his thoughtful and literar...

    okładka His Name His Fortune, Ebook | Max Brand

    Max Brand (1892-1944) is the best-known pen name of widely acclaimed author Frederick Faust, creator of Destry, Dr. Kildare, and other beloved fictional characters. Orphaned at an early age, Faust studied at the University of California, Berkeley. He became one of the most prolific writers of our time but abandoned writing at age fifty-one to become a war correspondent in World War II, where he was killed while serving in Italy. This is one of his work. The plot is well con...

    okładka Destry Rides Again, Ebook | Max Brand

    This fast-paced story is about a tough rebel named Destry who is sent to prison for years, serving time for a crime he did not commit. Once out, he aims to seek revenge on the 12 jury members who sent him to prison and voted for his incarceration. However, his mission isn’t to kill but to find other unique ways as punishment and to make their lives miserable. Neatly plotted and briskly told, it illustrates Brand’s remarkable gift for storytelling. One of the greatest wester...

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