
Szukasz: Herbert George Wells

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    okładka The Deep-Lake Mystery, Ebook | Carolyn Wells

    If you like Golden Age locked room mysteries this is a good one! „Deep Lake Mystery” (1928) by Carolyn Wells, author of „The Clue”, is set in the lake region of Wisconsin. Our narrator Gray Norris is invited to join his old friend, the detective Keeley Moore, and his new wife at their vacation cottage at Deep Lake, Wisconsin for a relaxing month of fishing, swimming, boating, and just getting away from the hustle and bustle of the East Coast. That goes by the wayside when o...

    okładka Betty’s Happy Year, Ebook | Carolyn Wells

    ”What a gorgeous day for a sleigh-ride! Did you ever see such sunny, twinkling snow, and such crisp, crackly air? It fairly snaps off as you breathe it! „ Betty McGuire stood on the steps of the veranda as she spoke. Her mother, in the doorway, was smiling down at her, and her pony, Dixie, was jingling his bells and pawing at the snow and ice in the driveway below. It was the first trial of the pretty new cutter, and the joyous excitement of the occasion made Betty’s cheeks...

    okładka George i Wielki Wybuch, Ebook | Stephen Hawking, Lucy Hawking

    Kosmiczny rollercoaster George’a i Annie to gwarancja niezapomnianej zabawy! Już lada chwila ma się rozpocząć jeden z największych eksperymentów naukowych wszech czasów, a George i Annie mają miejsca w pierwszym rzędzie! Eric, tata Annie, udaje się do Wielkiego Zderzacza Hadronów, by zbadać początki istnienia Wszechświata - Wielki Wybuch. Jest przekonany, że dzięki superkomputerowi Kosmosowi nic nie może pójść źle… do czasu gdy George i Annie nie odkrywają spisku, ...

    okładka Tasowanie w Dżokerowie, Ebook | George R.R. Martin

    W Nowym Jorku szaleje gang obdarzonych przerażającymi mocami mutantów, który zagraża bezpieczeństwu mieszkańców całej metropolii. Opas, młodociany gubernator Rox, pragnął uczynić Ellis Island bezpiecznym azylem dla dżokerów. Dlatego postanowił zwerbować skoczków, nastoletnich wyrzutków władających supermocami, zdolnych w mgnieniu oka ukraść ciało człowieka. Jednakże pod przywództwem szalonego wnuka Tachiona skoczkowie z każdym dniem stają się coraz bardziej okrutni i ...

    okładka Lodowy smok [nowa wersja ilustrowana], Ebook | George R.R. Martin

    Niezapomniana opowieść o odwadze, miłości i poświęceniu, stworzona przez najsławniejszego pisarza fantasy na świecie i ozdobiona pięknymi rysunkami sławnego hiszpańskiego artysty Luisa Royo Lodowy smok był przerażającą, legendarną istotą. Nikomu dotąd nie udało się oswoić takiego smoka. Tam, gdzie przeleciał, zostawiał za sobą zimne pustkowie i zamarzniętą ziemię. Ale Adara nie czuła strachu, była bowiem zimowym dzieckiem, urodzonym podczas mrozów tak srogich, że nawet ...

    okładka Middlemarch, Ebook | George Eliot

    Set in the fictitious Midlands town of Middlemarch during 1829–32, and widely considered the greatest of Victorian novels. It comprises several distinct (though intersecting) stories and a large cast of characters: Dorothea Brooke, the heroine, idealistic but naive; Rosamond Vincy, beautiful and egoistic: Edward Casaubon, the dry-as-dust scholar: Tertius Lydgate, the brilliant but morally-flawed physician: the passionate artist Will Ladislaw: and Fred Vincy and Mary Garth, ...

    okładka Adam Bede, Ebook | George Eliot

    George Eliot’s (the pen name of Mary Ann Evans) first full-length novel, „Adam Bede” paints a powerful portrait of rural life, seduction, faith, self-deception and redemption. First published in 1859, this innovative novel carried its readers back sixty years to a time of impending change for England and the wider world. The story follows the rural lives in the fictional community of Hayslope – a rural, pastoral and close-knit community in 1799. Adam Bede is a carpenter who...

    okładka Silas Marner, Ebook | George Eliot

    Although the shortest of George Eliot’s novels „Silas Marner” is a cherished masterwork and a moving story of redemption by the one of the Victorian era’s most accomplished novelists. Published in 1861, the author charts the life of the cataleptic, miserly weaver Silas Marner. Arriving in insular Raveloe after a wrongful expulsion from his Calvinist community in the north, Silas is a foreign and outcast figure, left alone to accumulate a useless fortune through his loom in ...

    okładka The Romance of Golden Star, Ebook | George Griffiths

    George Griffiths has written many science fiction novels. Each is unique in itself. The Romance of Golden Star is one of those. At the heart of the plot is a story about researchers who go in search of a Lost Inca tribe in Peru.

    okładka The Raid of „Le Vengeur”, Ebook | George Griffiths

    The Raid of „Le Vengeur” is a mind game of scientists, so to speak. This is a story about dueling military scientists in Britain and France. They are trying to figure out how to unite in a race to learn how to improve their military power with the help of submarines. This story promises to be fascinating.

    okładka The World Masters, Ebook | George Griffiths

    Another masterpiece by George Griffiths that deserves attention. The World Masters is an exciting, story that explores the unintended consequences of uncontrolled scientific innovation. What will the author offer us this time? This novel shows that you need to be careful before new scientific innovations.

    okładka The Missionary, Ebook | George Griffiths

    In the epicenter of events, the main character and his bright faith, as well as the book he wrote. Many of the books in the collection have not been produced for decades, and therefore the writer’s book was not available to the general public. The goal of the publishing program is to facilitate quick access to this huge reservoir of literature. This is a significant literary work that deserves to return to the press in many decades.

    okładka The Angel of the Revolution, Ebook | George Griffiths

    This is a story about the coming terror. George Griffiths tells the story of the Great War that never happened. Airship squadrons and steam fleets clash over the world’s great kingdoms, leaving panic and devastation in their wake. Can the good side win this time? What happens to the planet? Many questions require an answer.

    okładka Olga Romanoff, Ebook | George Griffiths

    The daughter of the Romanoff is trying to get on the right path. She wants to restore what her parents destroyed during the Second World War. We manage to learn about the miracles of science and the arts. However, the world is still on the verge of disaster.

    okładka The Mummy and Miss Nitocris, Ebook | George Griffiths

    The Mummy and Miss Nitocris is a science fiction novel. A story about crazy heroes and their wild travels. This is a completely different adventure, unlike the usual. The end will not be predictable for anyone!

    okładka The Outlaws of the Air, Ebook | George Griffiths

    George Griffiths is a lover of classic adventure novels. „The Outlaws of the Air „ tells the story of the future of air battles and the creation of a utopian colony in the Pacific. Here, as always, there are many unusual things: Utopians, Anarchists, War Ships of the Air, ultra fast Sea Vessels and even the hokey-named „Anarchite” super-explosive. This story captures readers from the front pages.

    okładka The World Peril of 1910, Ebook | George Griffiths

    George Griffiths probably touched the most difficult topic – war. Insidious continental powers invaded Britain with the help of the technological genius of the cunning Irishman. The world is engulfed in war. A giant comet is on its way to Earth to destroy it.

    okładka Gambles with Destiny, Ebook | George Griffiths

    George Griffith became famous for his fantastic stories. The main character decided to fight with Destiny. The hero is the symbol of all nations, he combines the interests of all nations. The author conceived an interesting idea and in the end will surprise readers.

    okładka A Mayfair Magician, Ebook | George Griffiths

    George Griffiths is popular with science and science fiction novels. The desire of every person is to have the power to read minds. George Griffiths decided to make it into reality. A Mayfair Magician is a science fiction novel about a device that allows you to read minds.

    okładka A Honeymoon in Space, Ebook | George Griffiths

    George Griffiths became famous for the first novels about interplanetary travel. Lenox, Earl of Redgrave, made the greatest scientific discovery in the history of the world: a flying ship, capable of escaping from the gravity of the Earth and rising to the stars. Lenox steals his sweetheart, because she is going to marry the one she doesn’t love. He stole her and brought her out of this world – literally. This adventure promises to be interesting.

    okładka The Extraordinary Adventures of Arsène Lupin, Gentleman Burglar, Ebook | Maurice Leblanc

    A contemporary of Arthur Conan Doyle, Maurice Leblanc was the creator of the character of gentleman thief Arsene Lupin who, in France, has enjoyed a popularity as long-lasting and considerable as Sherlock Holmes in the English-speaking world. This is the delightful first of twenty volumes in the Arsene Lupin series written by Leblanc himself. The collection includes nine stories dealing with various complicated plots in which Lupin proves himself to be the consummate escape...

    okładka Arsène Lupin Versus Herlock Sholmes, Ebook | Maurice Leblanc

    Leblanc’s creation, gentleman thief Arsene Lupin, is everything you would expect from a French aristocrat – witty, charming, brilliant, sly... and possibly the greatest thief in the world. „Arsene Lupin versus Herlock Sholmes” (Translator: George Morehead) is a collection of adventures which feature a match of wits between Lupin and Herlock Sholmes, a transparent reference to Sherlock Holmes, the hero of Conan Doyle’s detective stories. The novel consists of two closely lin...

    okładka George i poszukiwanie kosmicznego skarbu, Ebook | Stephen Hawking, Lucy Hawking

    Przeżyjmy razem kosmiczną przygodę! Stephen Hawking i jego córka Lucy rozpalą wyobraźnię każdego czytelnika. George bardzo się zasmucił na wieść, że jego przyjaciółka Annie i jej ojciec przeprowadzają się do Stanów Zjednoczonych, gdzie Eric ma rozpocząć nową pracę przy programie lotów kosmicznych – będzie szukać oznak życia we Wszechświecie. Na szczęście rozłąka nie trwa zbyt długo. Kiedy dziewczynka stwierdza, że kontaktują się z nią kosmici, by przekazać j...

    okładka Artyleria, jaka była, jaka jest i jaka powinna być, Ebook | Frédéric-Georges Herr

    Chyba każdy, kto choć trochę interesuje się I wojną światową wie o wielkich bitwach artyleryjskich, które trwały całymi tygodniami zmieniając pola walk w usiany kraterami księżycowy krajobraz. Myliłby się jednak ten, kto by myślał, że ktokolwiek przed wojną tak właśnie wyobrażał sobie przebieg walk. „Artyleria, jaka była, jaka jest i jaka powinna być” generała Frédéderica Herra ukazuje tytaniczny wysiłek jaką musiały wykonać sztaby walczących wojsk i przemysł zaangażowanych w...

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