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    okładka Odyseja, Ebook | Homer

    Jeden z najstarszych zabytków literatury greckiej i europejskiej. Autorstwo eposu przypisywane jest Homerowi. Po zakończeniu wojny trojańskiej Odyseusz nie wraca do domu. Na miejscu czekają na niego syn Telemach i żona Penelopa. Rodzina trzyma na dystans grupę zalotników liczących na śmierć żołnierza i możliwość przejęcia po nim schedy. Tymczasem Odyseusz w swojej drodze powrotnej napotyka na wiele przeszkód. Trafia na wyspę cyklopa, unika uwodzicielskiej mocy syren, musi wyd...

    okładka The Human Drift, Ebook | Jack London

    “The Human Drift” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction."The Human Drift" is a collection of essays and short sketches by Jack London, also including a number of plays. The collection consists of these titles:The Human Drift, Small-Boat Sailing, Four Horses and a Sailor, Nothing that Ever Came to Anything, That Dead Men Rise up Never, A Classic of the Sea, ...

    okładka Jerry of the Islands, Ebook | Jack London

    “Jerry of the Islands” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction.Jerry of the Islands is a novel by American writer Jack London.The novel is set on the island of Malaita, a part of the Solomon Islands archipelago, which in 1893 became a British protectorate. The hero of the novel is Irish terrier Jerry, who was a brother of a dog named Michael, about whom Londo...

    okładka John Barleycorn, Ebook | Jack London

    “John Barleycorn” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction.John Barleycorn is an autobiographical novel by Jack London dealing with his enjoyment of drinking and struggles with alcoholism. It was published in 1913. The title is taken from the British folksong "John Barleycorn".

    okładka The Game, Ebook | Jack London

    “The Game” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction.The Game is a novel by Jack London about a twenty-year-old boxer Joe, who meets his death in the ring. London was a sports reporter for the Oakland Herald and based the novel on his personal observations.

    okładka The God of His Fathers, Ebook | Jack London

    “The God of His Fathers: Tales of the Klondyke” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction.The God of His Fathers: Tales of the Klondyke is a series of short stories by Jack London. It consists of eleven moving and thrilling stories such as: The God of His Fathers, The Great Interrogation, Grit of Women or Where the Trail Forks.

    okładka The House of Pride, Ebook | Jack London

    “The House of Pride” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction.The House of Pride is a series of short stories by Jack London. It consists of seven moving and thrilling stories such as: The House of Pride, Good-bye, Jack or The Sheriff of Kona.

    okładka As i dama, Ebook | Tomasz Stężała

    Mieczysław Sylwester Garsztka to postać fascynująca, lecz obecnie praktycznie zapomniana. Losy tego dwudziestolatka, który przeżywszy koszmar okopów Wielkiej Wojny, mimo rzucanych pod nogi kłód, stał się w ciągu zaledwie kilku tygodni asem lotnictwa, pełne są spektakularnych sukcesów, życiowych przełomów, tragicznych zdarzeń. Rozdarty między pragnieniem zwykłego przeżycia, walki o niepodległą Polskę i miłością do kobiety Garsztka żył, mając za siostrę śmierć i udowadniając, ż...

    okładka The Faith of Men, Ebook | Jack London

    “The Faith of Men” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction.The Faith of Men is a series of short stories by Jack London. It consists of eight moving and thrilling stories such as: The Faith of Men, Too Much Gold or The Marriage of Lit-lit.

    okładka The Cruise of the Snark, Ebook | Jack London

    “The Cruise of the Snark” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction.The Cruise of the Snark is a non-fictional book by Jack London chronicling his sailing adventure in 1907 across the south Pacific in his ketch the Snark. Accompanying London on this voyage was his wife Charmian London and a small crew. London taught himself celestial navigation and the basics o...

    okładka Dutch Courage & Other Stories, Ebook | Jack London

    “Dutch Courage & Other Stories” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction.Dutch Courage & Other Stories is a series of short stories by Jack London. It consists of eleven moving and thrilling stories such as: Dutch Courage, The Lost Poacher, The Banks of the Sacramento or Bald-face.

    okładka Burning Daylight, Ebook | Jack London

    “Burning Daylight” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction.Burning Daylight is a novel by Jack London, published in 1910, which was one of the best-selling books of that yearand it was London's best-selling book in his lifetime. The novel takes place in the Yukon Territory in 1893. The main character, nicknamed "Burning Daylight" was the most successful entre...

    okładka Before Adam, Ebook | Jack London

    “Before Adam” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction.Before Adam is a novel by Jack London. It is the story of a man who dreams he lives the life of an early hominid. The story offers an early view of human evolution. The majority of the story is told through the eyes of the man's hominid alter ego, one of the Cave People. In addition to the Cave People, the...

    okładka Children of the Frost, Ebook | Jack London

    “Children of the Frost” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction.Children of the Frost is a series of short stories by Jack London about Alaska and the Eskimo people. An underlying theme in some stories is the racism between the western white man and the native Alaskan.

    okładka Adventure, Ebook | Jack London

    “Adventure” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction.The novel explores the themes of domination of one people over the others, the differences between races, emancipation of women, and the strength of the human spirit, strengthened in a struggle with the nature and society.

    okładka Wrócę do ciebie po wojnie, Ebook | Leon Silver

    Mieszkający w okolicy Lwowa Tolek Klings, polski żołnierz żydowskiego pochodzenia, zostaje wcielony do armii we wrześniu 1939 roku. W domu zostają ukochana żona Klara i maleńki syn Juliusz. Po klęsce wrześniowej Tolek decyduje się na brawurową ucieczkę z węgierskiego obozu. Dzięki wyróżniającej go umiejętności bezwzrokowego pisania na maszynie unika śmierci i znajduje pracę w administracji wojskowej. Jest znany w armii pod przydomkiem Cudownie Maszynopiszący.Kiedy trafia do B...

    okładka The Abysmal Brute, Ebook | Jack London

    “The Abysmal Brute” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction.The Abysmal Brute is a novel by American writer Jack London. It is a short novel, and could be regarded as a novelette.In the story, a man who was brought up in a log cabin, and who is a newcomer to society, finds success as a boxer and recognizes corrupt practices in professional boxing....

    okładka Człowiek, który kochał psy, Ebook | Padura Leonardo

    Porywająca opowieść o zabójstwie Lwa Trockiego! Przypadkowe spotkanie na kubańskiej plaży daje początek wielowątkowej opowieści o losach trzech pozornie obcych sobie ludzi: początkującego pisarza, ideologa i wyszkolonego zabójcy. Wszyscy trzej kochają psy, lecz łączy ich o wiele więcej: życie naznaczone piętnem komunizmu, niszczącego jak huragan, który zmiata wszystko na swej drodze. Wątki historyczne (tułaczka Trockiego, zakończona jego tragiczną śmiercią w Meksyk...

    okładka The Iron Heel, Ebook | Jack London

    “The Iron Heel” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction.The Iron Heel is a science fiction novel by American writer Jack London. The novel is told via the framing device of a manuscript found centuries after the action takes place and footnotes by a scholar, Anthony Meredith, circa 2600 AD. Jack London writes at two levels, sporadically having Meredith correc...

    okładka The Sea-Wolf, Ebook | Jack London

    “The Sea-Wolf” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction.The Sea-Wolf is a psychological adventure novel by American writer Jack London. It tells the story of a soft, domesticated protagonist — an intellectual man named Humphrey Van Weyden — forced to become tough and self-reliant by exposure to cruelty and brutality. The story starts with him aboard a San Fran...

    okładka White Fang, Ebook | Jack London

    “White Fang” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction.White Fang is the name of the book's eponymous character, a wild wolfdog. The story details White Fang's journey to domestication in Yukon Territory and the Northwest Territories during the 1890s Klondike Gold Rush. It is a companion novel (and a thematic mirror) to London's best-known work, The Call of the...

    okładka The Cruise of the Dazzler, Ebook | Jack London

    “The Cruise of the Dazzler” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction.The Cruise of the Dazzler is an early novel by Jack London, set in his home city of San Francisco. It is considered a boy's adventure novel.In the novel, Joe Bronson, dissatisfied with his dull life at school, runs away and joins the crew of a sloop he sees in San Francisco Bay. He finds the ...

    okładka A Daughter of the Snows, Ebook | Jack London

    “A Daughter of the Snows” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction.A Daughter of the Snows is Jack London's first novel. Set in the Yukon, it tells the story of Frona Welse, "a Stanford graduate and physical Valkyrie" who takes to the trail after upsetting her wealthy father's community by her forthright manner and befriending the town's prostitute. She is als...

    okładka Strażnik piramidy, Ebook | Edigey Jerzy

    Współczesny polski turysta zgłębia historię budowy piramidy faraona Chufu. Jak to możliwe, że mimo prowadzonych w latach 60. przez amerykańskich naukowców prześwietleń budynku, wciąż nie odnaleziono komory grobowej i sarkofagu faraona? Oprócz wątku sensacyjnego, powieść zawiera wiele informacji dotyczących historii starożytnego Egiptu oraz odnośniki do innych publikacji na ten temat.

Co znajdziesz w kategorii: Powieść historyczna

Ta kategoria zawiera książki należące do gatunku, który leży na styku historii i literatury. Autorzy takich tekstów łączą materiał historyczny z fikcją, świat przedstawiony umieszczony jest w przeszłości, tłem są ważne wydarzenia historyczne, mogą pojawić się nawet znane postaci historyczne, ale pozostałe elementy są fikcją. Książki znajdujące się w tej kategorii przedstawiają różne epoki i okresy historyczne. Znaleźć tu możemy utwory wchodzące w skład kanonu literatury polskiej i europejskiej, jak „Potop” Henryka Sienkiewicza czy „Trzej muszkieterowie” Aleksandra Dumasa, a także zbeletryzowane biografie takich osób jak genialny malarz postimpresjonistyczny Vincent van Gogh („Pasja życia” Irvinga Stone’a) czy zapomniana przez świat nauki Mileva Marić („Pani Einstein” Marie Benedict). W serwisie znajdują się także opowieści o starożytności, (np. trzytomowy cykl Roberta Harrisa – „Cycero”, „Spisek”, „Dyktator” – o starożytnym Rzymie, którego bohaterem jest wybitny mówca i polityk Marek Tulliusz Cyceron), legendach arturiańskich („Trylogia arturiańska” Bernarda Cornwella) czy II wojnie światowej i obozach zagłady (bestsellerowa powieść „Tatuażysta z Auschwitz” Heather Morris), a także kryminały („W cieniu prawa” Remigiusza Mroza) i romanse historyczne („Nieproszona miłość” Julii Justiss). W kategorii „Powieść historyczna” nie mogło również zabraknąć książek Elżbiety Cherezińskiej, pisarki specjalizującej się w powieściach dotyczących historii Polski w różnych okresach dziejowych. W ofercie znajdują się książki Cherezińskiej o zjeździe gnieźnieńskim („Gra w kości”), rozbiciu dzielnicowym („Korona śniegu i krwi”), II wojnie światowej („Legion”), a nawet o wikingach (saga „Północna droga”).