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Anne of Avonlea Lucy Maud Montgomery ebook


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Opis treści

Anne’s back! She older and wiser and more beautiful with the additional charm of growing womanhood than that gangly red-headed girl that first came to Avonlea. This book follows Anne Shirley from the age of 16-18 during the two years she teaches at the Avonlea school. Anne discovers all of the joys and struggles of being a teacher and continuing her studies and friendship with Gilbert. To top this off, she must aid Marilla in the caring of two children whom Marilla has chosen to adopt: the naughty but adorable Davy, and the prim and slightly-dull Dora. „Anne of Avonlea” is the second book by Canadian author Lucy Maud Montgomery in the „Anne of Green Gables” series. Written as fiction for readers of all ages, since the mid twentieth century, the literary classic has been considered a children’s novel.

„Anne of Avonlea”, Lucy Maud Montgomery – jak czytać ebook?

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Szczegółowe informacje na temat ebooka Anne of Avonlea

O autorze

Lucy Maud Montgomery

Lucy Maud Montgomery to kanadyjska pisarka, autorka uwielbianej na całym świecie serii „Ania z Zielonego Wzgórza” o perypetiach rudowłosej Ani Shirley...

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Anne of Avonlea

Anne of Avonlea

Lucy Maud Montgomery,

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