okładka Road to assertiveness Part 1 ebook | epub, mobi | Dorota Sawicka

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Road to assertiveness Part 1 Dorota Sawicka ebook

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Sprzedaje i dostarcza: Woblink

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Opis treści

Welcome to the world of self-improvement and developing assertiveness skills. Only by gaining self-confidence and the ability to express our own needs can we achieve authentic happiness and healthy relationships with others.

This book is a guide that will help you discover the power of assertiveness and learn how to use it in various areas of life. Discover the path to better meeting your needs and building lasting relationships based on respect and understanding. It's time to start the transformation and embark on this fascinating journey towards assertiveness!

„Road to assertiveness Part 1”, Dorota Sawicka – jak czytać ebook?

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Road to assertiveness Part 1

Road to assertiveness Part 1

Dorota Sawicka,

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