okładka Seven Keys to Baldpate ebook | epub, mobi | Earl Derr Biggers

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Seven Keys to Baldpate Earl Derr Biggers ebook

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Sprzedaje i dostarcza: Woblink

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Opis treści

One of the most thrilling novel ever, this is a medley of mystery, farce and intrigue an especially fine example of the American mystery play and one of the outstanding dramatic successes of modern times. A hotel closed for the winter, a snowy night, our hero and a key begin this delightful mystery. As we soon learn, our hero looking only for solitude, isn’t the only one with a key. Other colorful characters arrive one by one... men and women with stories of love, loss, and flight... none of them telling the truth. Before the week is out, there will be gunfire, bribery, fights in the snow, and hidden truths unmasked. Biggers’ descriptions and snappy writing style promises a wonderful read.

„Seven Keys to Baldpate”, Earl Derr Biggers – jak czytać ebook?

Ebooka „Seven Keys to Baldpate”, tak jak pozostałe książki w formacie elektronicznym przeczytacie w aplikacji mobilnej Woblink na Android lub iOS lub na innym urządzeniu obsługującym format epub lub mobi - czytnik ebooków (Pocketbook, Kindle, inkBook itd.), tablet, komputer etc. Czytaj tak, jak lubisz!

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    • Seven Keys to Baldpate


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Seven Keys to Baldpate

Seven Keys to Baldpate

Earl Derr Biggers,

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