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okładka The Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe ebook | epub, mobi | Daniel Defoe

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The Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe Daniel Defoe ebook

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Sprzedaje i dostarcza: Woblink

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Opis treści

Having returned safely home, Robinson Crusoe marries and starts a family. Peace is not for Robinson, he hardly hangs out in England for several years: thoughts about the island are haunted him day and night. He even buys a farm, intends to engage in rural labor, to which he is so accustomed. After the death of his wife, nothing else keeps him in England, Robinson is overcome by the old wanderlust, and sets out with his faithful companion Friday to see his island once again. Thus begins a journey which will last ten years and nine months, in which Crusoe travels over the world, along the way facing dangers and discoveries in Madagascar, China, and Siberia. As he continues to journey, it becomes clear that he is happiest when wandering, and we begin to wonder if he will ever return home again.

„The Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe”, Daniel Defoe – jak czytać ebook?

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